100 Days With Mr Romero


I woke up in a place I didn’t expect to, not in my childhood bedroom, rather I found myself back in Gideon’s penthouse. I sat up quickly, alarmed and confused. I was sure I had gone to visit my mother yesterday, I remember the taste of her meatballs on my buds, I remember cuddling my teddy last night in bed, so what exactly was I doing here, or was that all a dream?

“I brought you home last night,” I heard the familiar voice of Gideon say as if reading my thoughts. “Your mother let me into your room, she allowed me bring you back home.”

“Gideon?” I called his name wondering if I was seeing or hearing right.

“I read your note,” he said. “Why did you leave?”

I got up slowly, sitting down on the bed. Why did I leave? What answer does he want me to give to that, I couldn’t stay so I left. “I don’t know the answer you want to that Gideon, if you’re just going to scold me like a little child again, I might just leave again.”

“You had no right to leave!” He thundered, then his eyes widened, regret showing in them. “I didn’t mean it like that Emily-”

“No excuse me?” He was starting to get on my nerves. “Who are you to make rights over my head? I said I was sorry ok, the kiss with Stephan was a stupid mistake, but if you’re not ready to move past that, then we might as well forget this stupid wedding.”

“Emily you don’t know what you’re-”

“Oh please, weren’t you at Ciara’s place? Your ex-girlfriend, why did you guys do, fuck? Was the sex good?”

“Now you’re being ridiculous, I told you I was done with Ciara, that’s why I broke up with her. She has a boyfriend, why the hell would I sleep with her, when I have you?”

My heart weakened at that, when he had me? Does he mean that he has true feelings for me, feelings more than lust, or is it just about the good sex. “Well, you are wise man Gideon. You know she still has feelings for you, it isn’t fair bringing her here to plan things wedding, not to me or to her.”

He rubbed his forehead, shaking his head. “How many times do you want to hear this? I said she offered.”

“I don’t care!” The room went in silence as we both stared at each other breathing heavily. I twisted my palms into the duvet, trying to calm myself down.

“I want to kiss you Emily,” he whispered, his voice heavy, the low baritone sent shivers running down my spine. He took a step forward.

“Don’t come close to me Gideon.” I was quick to say, l rolling out of bed. “If you’ll excuse me, I need to shower.” I went into the bathroom, deciding to brush my teeth first. Gideon said he wanted to kiss me, nothing I don’t want, but I wouldn’t want to chase him with my morning breathe.

I brushed my teeth quickly, and went to the little fridge in the bathroom. I don’t know what Gideon was thinking placing a fridge in a bathroom, but the fact that I could easily reach a bottle of juice or fruits easily was satisfying. I always take a bottle of orange juice whenever I was done brushing, I don’t like the taste of toothpaste mint on my tongue, it was far from pleasing.

I took a long bath in the tub instead of the quick shower I had planned, it wouldn’t kill to be a little late to work today, I will blame it on the baby. I got out of the tub feeling fresh as I breathed in the sweet vanilla fragrance of the body wash. I wrapped myself in soft towels stepping out of the bathroom finally only to find Gideon sitting on my bed.Têxt belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.


He raised his head up the moment he heard my voice. “Finally, I thought you had slipped and broken your neck.” He stood up taking fast strides towards me.


“I’m sorry, I’ve held back too long, I want you.”

“Gideon, I have t-to go to w-work.” My voice trembled as he laid feathery kisses on my neck.

He raised his head up slowly, “Work can wait.” With that, his lips slammed against mine. The kiss was hard, demanding, wet and sweet, he had always known how to make me go weak, but I didn’t want it like this, this was just sex, all he wanted with me was this. As if reading my mind, Gideon pulled back, resting his forehead against mine.

“You mean so much to me Emily, I know it’s crazy, I know you think your body is the only reason I pursue you, but that’s not true, I’ve grown to really like you, which may sound crazy since we have barely had any proper conversation, but please, you need to believe me.”

How could I not, this was all I ever wanted to hear, this, and everything would have gone smoothly. “I believe you,” I whispered. “I’m sorry.” I added.

Gideon looked confused by what I just said. “What for?” He asked.

“For kissing Stephan, for pushing you away for so long and being stubborn.

“You don’t need to be, I’m the stubborn one. You didn’t push me away, I was the one who came on too strong. Let’s move past everything and just focus on our future, our child, the mistakes of the past don’t matter.” He leaned down and placed a peck on my forehead, then another on my nose, I smiled when one landed on my lips.

The next thing I knew he was carrying me over to the bed, I wrapped my hands around his neck, our eyes intact as he slowly laid me on the covers. He was about to pull back but I didn’t let go, pulling him down with me, I missed his touch.

This time, the love making wasn’t rough, no dirty words and when he was done, I didn’t feel used, I felt loved.

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