A Dish Best Served Cold (The Man In Rage)

Chapter 2002

Chapter 2002

Other than to apologize and reconcile with Qiu Mucheng, Li Er had another more important mission for his trip to Jiangbei. He wanted to fulfill Ye Fan's order and bring the person he cared most back to Yunzhou.

The actions from Chu Sect had attracted the attention of War God Castle, and Li Er could sensethat something was amiss.

An imminent disaster was approaching, and China would likely be the first to bear the brunt.

“Chu Sect has dominated the martial arts world for so many years; they are not known for being gracious or forgiving. Mr. Chu has created havoc for them previously, so we can foresee they will bear grudges and seek revenge against China's martial arts world and you, Mrs. Chu.

“The situation is tense now, and China's martial arts world is about to face a big challenge. I beg you to go back with us to Yunzhou, Mrs. Chu. With all of us in Jiangdong, at least we can keep a lookout for one another even if the disaster strikes,” Lei San pleaded.

The three old men tried their best to persuade Qiu

Mucheng to go with them, but she rejected their request outright. It was something the trio did not expect.

“You have to come with us, Mrs. Chu. Please reconsider your decision, not only for yourself but also for Mr. Chu. You are the one he missed most in this world. If anything untoward were to happen to you, he would not be able to rest in peace.” Li Er implored her to change her mind.

Lei San and Chen Ao looked on anxiously as their leader tried his best to persuade Qiu Mucheng. Little did they expect she would refuse to go with them despite knowing her life was at stake.

They wondered if she was still mad at Ye Fan and had not forgiven him.

“Why don't you come with us, Ms. Qiu? Do it for Ye Fan. You are his wife, and this kid is his only flesh and blood. Can you really bear to see his only son perish here?” Tearfully, Chen Nan stepped in to help persuade her as well.

Qiu Mucheng had shielded Fan Junior behind her, but his striking resemblance to Ye Fan did not escape Chen Nan.

The little boy had his father's nose and eyes.

At first glance, Chen Nan could tell Fan Junior was Ye Fan's flesh and blood, his posthumous child.

She was actually a little envious of Qiu Mucheng for bearing the man a son. It was something she had dreamt of doing herself. Alas, she knew it would remain a pipe dream for her.

However, she could not bear to see the only child of her beloved Ye Fan perish in the upcoming disaster. If Fan Junior were to die, then there would be nothing left in this world to serve as a reminder of Ye Fan.

“ I -1 s this really Mr. Chu's son?” After hearing what Chen Nan said, Li Er and Lei San were elated and started to take note of the little boy.

Never in their wildest dreams had the three men expected there would be a living heir for their master. They took a closer look at the boy, and judging by his looks and age, they were convinced Chen Nan was right.

Qiu Mucheng's silence meant they were right.

Li Er, Lei San, and Chen Ao broke into tears of joy as they gathered around Fan Junior.

“Hahaha, Mr. Chu has a descendent!” “Mr. Chu has a son and Jiangdong has an heir!”

They were overjoyed that Ye Fan had someone to continue his lineage. This is from NôvelDrama.Org.

The trio thought he had not fathered any sons, so after his death, they felt a deep sense of loss. They gloomily thought that was the end of his legacy.

When they discovered the existence of Fan Junior, they could look to the future with hope again.

The little kid would be the Prince of Jiangdong and its future king! Jiangdong finally had someone to lead them into the future.

The three men had always felt they had let their master down. From then on, they pinned their hope on Fan Junior and were determined to make up for their regrets toward Ye Fan by helping to raise his son.

With that, they were even more committed to bringing the mother and son back to Jiangdong.

Unfortunately, Qiu Mucheng had already made up her mind.

“Mr. Li, I know you want to do what is best for me, but I really have no wish to return to that place. I am too ashamed to face the elders in Jiangdong.” She shook her head despondently in confession. She appeared dejected and down.


The elderly men were not about to give up, but before they could reason further with her, Qiu Mucheng gave them a sad smile and cut them off, “Speak no more. I have already decided. However, I will let you bring Fan Junior back to Jiangdong. You are right that he is Ye Fan's only heir, and I cannot allow him to be harmed because of my willful and selfish decision.”

Her demeanor was calm and casual, but she was obviously putting up a brave front.

In the three years after Ye Fan left, the kid was the only reason she was able to stay alive. He was her everything!

No one could imagine how much it would take for a mother to give up her child, who meant the world to her, to someone else. It was an excruciatingly painful decision for Qiu Mucheng.

“I am not leaving. I am not going anywhere without you, Mommy! Boohoohoo...” Fan Junior seemed to understand he was about to part from his mother, and he started wailing, holding on tightly to her hand, afraid to let go.

Qiu Mucheng pulled him into her embrace and consoled him. “Don't cry, Fan Junior. You are his son and you cannot be a disgrace to him. When your dad was your age, he was already a strong boy, so you must be strong like him too! Grow up to be a star, just like your dad! Remember not to marry a selfish woman like me when you grow up though.”

Qiu Mucheng might smile as she spoke to her son, but there was no hiding her sorrow as tears flowed uncontrollably down her cheeks.

Despite her strong desire to keep her beloved son with her, she made the difficult decision to do what was best for him instead.

“Boohoohoo... I don't want to part from you, Mommy!” Fan Junior was still wailing as Qiu Mucheng pushed him away from her arms.

Then she made him kneel in front of Li Er, Lei San and Chen Ao.

“No, no! This won't do, Mrs. Chu!” They did not think it was appropriate for Ye Fan's son, the Prince of Jiangdong, to pay them such great respect, and quickly went on their knees while urging her to stop it.

Qiu Mucheng ignored their pleas as she turned solemnly to Fan Junior.

“From this moment, these three men will be your godfathers as well as your teachers. They will mentor you until you reach adulthood. Until then, you have to consult them for advice before making any decision. Do not do anything without their consent! You are to show them respect and absolute obedience. Do you hear me?” she instructed her son seriously.

Fan Junior had never seen that stern and solemn side of his mother, so even though he was still sobbing sadly, he compliantly nodded his head.

After that, Qiu Mucheng entrusted the child to the three men and said, “Mr. Li, Mr. Lei, and Mr. Chen, you are the ones Ye Fan trusted most when he was alive. I am inexperienced and incapable of giving Fan Junior the necessary guidance and training to become a great man like his father. I can only put him in your care. Please do not over-indulge him. Guide him as if he is your own son, and discipline him accordingly.

Spare the rod and spoil the child. If he does anything wrong, give him his due punishment.”

The trio were in tears, touched by the confidence she had in them.

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