A Divorce After My Rebirth

Chapter 907

Since Bianca entered the scene, Zaneand Milcomarly ced sschoter dc.

I Theyneverimagined they'd nd face- {ofc on oy becseof someting I thet PO ——Y fhe FE —— url hy coin thei ut.

lel and Zane ere species Both men's yes rnd 0 Baca Makmasked, “Yount me o ave case of im?” tune both of you tel Baca roared mange.

Whats is? here was no fcling even hem re re i

‘appearing in her life? ou won'tleave, huh?" Banca grabbed, he phone and disied the police hotline directs! Malcolm had been prison for similar incident before the went in again, be onldt need 10 etuen to Serta. Not, ooking t Bianca, he found her tery desplee Zane looked at Banca, his gaze darkand "unclear. "Fin, cll he policl” Malcolm fell sent. Dangerously eyeing Zane, inthat moment, both he and Blanca understood what hemeant.

Sowhat if Banca called th police? Zane was legally recognized a Bianca's usband. So even if they came, they would only take Malcolm avy Malcolm was completely consumed by ange. He snatched the phone from Bianca's hand and smashed ton the


The scene descended nto chaos.

Seth and Horato, who had ben waltng outside, hear the commotion and rushed in. Sing the intense scene, Horatio felt he shouldn't have come In while Seth's brow furrowed tight: Get ut, allot youl Get url” Seeing Horatio ad Seth coming, Blanca was completely enraged She ever iked crowds She sed olive lane While working, and nov, all he people She didn’ like vere showing up Finally, under he uncontrolble dominance, she managed to deve everyone ou.

Malcolm and Zane werent Under he light, snowflakes kep diting dove. Bianca it had tobe sald, was ruthless woman. On his mountainous ight, with temperatures alieady blow

twenty degrees, she still managed to rive them out I Lets al! Makoim looked at Zanes coneio Lighting a cigaete heed spas nthe “nowy ground seemed tabring a hint of warmth tis low temperatue, ich ‘also comforted im nis heart.

However, Malcolm didn't expect Zaneto.

walk direct to his ar is strong and resolute figure resembling an emperor: Zanecldly sad, “There's nothing o talk.

about between us” Standing behind Malcolm, Horatio el bis heat tighten when he heard those words.

Nothing totalkabout? Atthis moment, he clearly felt hat Malcolm's aura became even more dangerous, butt had tobe sad that what Zane sad was re.

He was Bianca's husband in the eyes of he law so nove he cold refuse any negotiation. = he irendy dangerous aura around I Malcolm erupted even more base of I Zane'swords.

Malcolm did't know how he returned to Snow Peak Henly lef th vilage tee confiming Zane had lel cing! Thelight in his hand crashed onto the.

coffe table ase said, "Keep aneyeon him Hews lucky to have gone tonight. fhe Hadi gone, would tht damn oman have made Zane spend the night over there? Not hinking about twas ne thing, but remembering t made Malcolm furious.

"Yes, sir!" Horatio nodded nervously.

Malcolm ell nt He vanted 0535.

mre, but ight now, hes ust too imitated.

Malcolm ew that ie would be rd or things beeen lancaand Zane ond, and hey couldn't avoid encountering eachother But sing he marisonber Tips, Malcol..compleely lost.

seemed lke he needed o ge he bck tohis side sooner.

With this thought in mind a hint of Jntense danger flashed in the mans eyes. Content is © 2024 NôvelDrama.Org.

He was determined tobeing Biancaback by any means necessary.

How many people struggled to seep his night? Bianca as particularly troubled.

Socary the next moming, Natalie

i received a phoma call. Even though Natalie had faced such stations before, bearing about ast ight's scene stl madeher gasp orbeeath.

“hey. they must be crazy." Wee they crazy? They probably wer, ight? Others, how could they do Something lke ths? I a, it seems lke need to move ut.” Where canyou move 02" Toa plac where nabody knew her? here probably vas anyone around here who knew Bianca, Iniialy, Zane and Malcolm did't know about his place ther.

Bathe end? They had stl found her.

So spar from getting them to let go of her, there was nowhere else.

Bianca really had nowhere to escape.

Upon hearing this Bianca flost nan tant "Yeah, where can 1 move 74” Natale si "Just gore them” In Natalie's view, tis was thecnly solution Because with peopel hat, the more one engaged with hem, th.

more they responded.

They would probably use keep pushing thou! Bianca sad, "I've been fgnoring them, but now i's getting troublesome.” ‘Thinking about what happened with Nancy, sh el a headache coming on.

Although Sandy's words shed some ight for Blanca, she also realized that Nancy's Situation wouldn't just resolv witha avorce But Bianca knew even more cealy that {tide end, Nancy would have nowhere torn

‘The only way for Nancy to escape was to eto completly Joni’ Rovermuch nancial esr, oi.

out ohn SY attr hat happened [—— I tinge deg Nalco tobe ore.

tris mates seed, youshould {ake rakrom work fonew.” PE ———— ie pcos i Banca continue o work Malcolm ond casero rich wold prevent Banc om being letoworc e——— P——— oregon.

his mate wouldnt end asl, and it wored bana the mst now as ne pocsibiltyof unexpected

ERE BA ei on th ther endo the phone, Natale tokawhile o regan he composure afer hanging up the cal. Obviously, she.

had faced similar situations before with Cedric.

Atha tim, she fel ike hese was a ingle sane person around her.

And now, Blanca, who was even more sober than er, was facng.. wasn't ita ‘situation devaid of sane people? Ntnly she fel repulsed, but she also elt He: {his situation was driving her crazy.

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