Alpha Billionaire Series

A Fake Fiancée for Christmas Chapter 7


Tend up choosing the gold Gucci dress that I tried on first to wear tonight. They were all amazing and Jace bought six evenin “gowns for me. When I told him it was too excessive and that we probably wouldn't even attend that many events, he said we might and that I should be prepared.

The experience at Gucci was crazy, unlike anything I've ever experienced before, and I truly felt like a pampered princess getting ready for the ball with some help from my fairy godmother. Then I looked at the prices and almost had a heart attacI The dresses were thousands of dollars and I tried pulling Jace aside and declining the gift, but he wouldn't hear of it.

“It's part of our deal,” he said, voice firm and not budging.

I couldn't very well start arguing with him in the middle of the Gucci store, so I bit my tongue and waited until we got back into the Mercedes.

“Seriously, Jace," I say, turning to him. “This was far too generous of you and-"

“Bailey,” he interrupts smoothly, “you're going to be suddenly thrust into a world that I'm guessing you've never stepped foo in before. That means you have to look the part which takes a boatload of cash. Lucky for you, I have a shitload of money and I don't mind spending it”

“still though, they were so expensive. I can keep the tags on them, and you can return them later," I suggest.

Jace sends me an insulted look. “Absolutely not.”


“Stop arguing with me about what I just spent. Because, sweetheart, I don't want to sound arrogant, but that 20K was. probably a fraction of what I made today. In interest alone”

What?! “Oh,” I say simply.

“Stop worrying about money. It's not your concern. Your job is to convince the world that we're in love” His gaze dips, focusing on my mouth, and a tingle runs through my body. “Can you do that?”

I don't mean to, but I lick my lips. “I'll do my best."

His gaze lifts and I can see him swallow hard. “Good.”

The air between us grows heavy and we can't tear our gazes off each other. But then Ronaldo pulls up to my apartment in Brooklyn and when I reach for the door handle, Jace grabs my hand.

“I'l be back at 6."

My heart catches in my throat and his touch sends me reeling. All I can do is nod and then Ronaldo is opening my door. Jace gives my hand a squeeze and let's go. I slide out of the fancy car, and it feels like I'm walking on Cloud Nine.

“Thank you, Ronaldo,” I say. Walking up to my door, I can feel jace’s eyes on me, so I give my hips a little extra swivel.

Once I'm inside, I hear the car pull away and I sag against the door. What am I getting myself into? It's like I'm walking a very thin line between reality and fantasy. All I know is I need some advice and support. And definitely some help getting ready for the gala tonight, so I text Rae and tell her to get over here pronto.

When Rae arrives, I fill her in and her eyes go wide. “He bought you how many Gucci dresses?” she asks.

The dresses were just delivered, and I made some room in my closet. I motion for her to follow me and say, “Six. It was completely unnecessary and far too expensive. But when I tried to tell him that, he didn’t want to hear it. He said I have to look the part and that my job is to convince the world we're in love”

“Doesn't sound too hard,” she says in a dreamy voice. “That man is perfection. The sexiest thing I've ever seen.”

I frown. “What about Jasper?”

“Well, besides Jasper,” she says with a little wink.

“Ugh, that's what makes this whole thing even harder. He's very charming- too charming- and I have to keep my head in the game and not start thinking any of this is real. I feel like Cinderella. It's only an illusion and I'll enjoy myself while it lasts. Bu the moment our month is up, I'm going to be back in rags, alone again.”

“Unless that doesn't happen,” Rae says carefully.

“We have an agreement’

“Eh, 50 what? If you two happen to fall for each other then who cares about the stupid agreement?”

We walk into my room, and I open the closet and pull out the garment bag to show her the gold dress first. “'m wearing this one tonight.”

“Oh, wow,” Rae breathes in awe and slides a hand over the silky material. “It's flipping gorgeous. I bet you look amaze-balls init”

“Jace certainly seemed to approve,” I say, unable to help the little smile that curves my lips.

Rae chuckles. “I bet. Okay, we're going to bronze you all up and do your eyes in browns and shimmery shadows. When I'm done with you, you're going to look like a golden goddess.”

“Thanks for helping me with all this, Rae. You know I'm not great with doing anything more than foundation, a little bit of eyeliner and mascara.’

“You're going to be the Belle of the Ball," she tells me.NôvelDrama.Org owns this text.

Despite it all being fake between Jace and I, I'm excited because I've never gotten so dressed up or been to a fancy event. Alittle later, I'm sitting on a stool and Rae is doing my makeup. “I'm surprised you've never met Jace before since you have 2 mutual friend,” I say.

“Ben Webber. I mean, we're not super close or anything. He's older than me and was more friends with my brother. So that's when I'd see him usually”

“Yeah, Jace is 40. I've never dated- fake dated- anyone so much older than me. Eleven years is kind of a lot."

“It's not bad at all,” Rae assures me. “You've hooked up couples that have a healthy age gap.”

“I guess so," I say.

“Does it feel like he's too mature or you're not in the same place?”

“Not at all. Conversation is easy and the chemistry.” My voice drifts off as I think about the heat I feel when Jace is near me, It's completely off the charts insane.

“Do you get the tingle?” she asks and lifts her eyebrows suggestively.

“The most explosive freaking tingle I've ever had in my life!” I exclaim and Rae squeals.

“Oh, my God, Bai, can you imagine if this actually turns into something real? I am so happy for you.”

“Well, hold that thought," I say, not wanting to get too excited over nothing. “Right now, it's nothing but an arrangement. I kind of feel like a hypocrite, you know?”


“Because I'm all about genuine love and helping people find that. And this isn't real. It's a farce.”

Rae pauses sweeping eyeshadow across my lid, and I open my eyes. “Just because you're not doing this the traditional way doesn't mean it can't work. I saw the way he looks at you, Bai. Pretty steamy.”

“What? No," I instantly say.

“Yes,” she insists. “Like he’s picturing you naked.”

“Oh, my God, stop it!" I can feel my cheeks heat up.

“Wait'l he sees you tonight,” she predicts. “When I'm through with getting you all glammed up, Jace Montgomery isn't going to know what hit him."

“I'm nervous,” I admit quietly. “I keep telling myself that the only reason I'm doing this is to save Head Over Heels. My logical side says getting involved with a player like Jace would be idiotic. He has a different woman on his arm every week and I don't like that"

Vm trying to talk myself out of liking him; I'm trying to squash the spark before it turns into a full-blown wildfire, and I get m heart broken.

“Just be careful. If you think he's just playing a game with you then play right back. You're way too good for that and you know what we say. There are plenty of fish in the sea. You don't need some asshole who's going to treat you like crap.”

Yes, she's right. I'm going to tread carefully and not believe every line out of his suave mouth.

A few hours later, I do one final spin in front of the mirror and feel like Cinderella right before she left for the ball. Only this time it's a museum gala opening, and my carriage is a Maybach which pulls up outside my apartment five minutes before 6pm.

“He's definitely punctual,’ Rae comments. She's peering out the front window. “Oh, and he’s coming up here right now!”

“To the door?”

Rae jumps away from the window and lets the curtain fall back in place. “Yep, and he looks dreamy.” She gives me a quick once-over. “And you look stunning. You got this. Stay cool and guard your heart. Right now, it's strictly an arrangement. But i things start to change, if you both feel something is there, then don't be afraid to explore it."

A knock sounds at the door.

“Thanks, Rae. You're the best!" I give her a quick hug, grab my evening bag and open the front door. Jace looks beyond handsome in a black tuxedo and my stomach does a flip flop as his appreciative gaze slides down me.

“You look beautiful,” he murmurs, indigo eyes darkening.

Behind me, Rae clears her throat. “Hello.”

“Rae. How are you?” Jace politely asks.

“Oh, I'm fine, thanks. Have fun tonight!”

I give Rae a little wave. Then Jace offers his arm and, as he escorts me down to the car, he lowers his lips to my ear. “I'm glad you wore the gold dress tonight. It's my favorite,” he says in a low voice.

My nerves flare to life and a series of shivers run through my body. “It's lovely. Thank you,” I finally say.

“But not half as lovely as you,” he swiftly responds.

Red flag alert. If this is only fake, then why bother putting on a show when it's only the two of us? Suddenly I'm more confused than ever. I need to guard my heart just like Rae advised. As charming and handsome as Jace is, falling for him wouldn't end well.

After we get in the car and I say hello to Ronaldo, Jace eyes me. “You seem nervous,” he says. “Relax.”

“Sorry. I'm not used to wearing three-thousand dollar evening gowns and attending fancy galas on a billionaire’s arm. Even though it's all fake, it's still nerve-wracking!”

“What can I do to help calm you down?” he asks.

That velvet voice of his sounds way more sensual than he probably intends and I shift in my seat. Or is he playing games? Oh, what the hell? I'm just going to ask him.

“Can I be upfront with you?” I ask.

“Always,” he murmurs.

“When it's just the two of us, you can knock off the fake charm and sexy voice, okay? Save it for your conquests.”

His mouth edges up.

“Because we have a deal, so I think it's best if we keep things professional. Don't you?”

“Well then you're going to have to take your own advice,” he says.

“What do you mean?”

“Stop giving me those bedroom eyes.”

My mouth drops and I quickly shut it. “I am not!”

He chuckles. “If you say so."

¥'m so shocked by his comment that I don’t say much more on the drive over to the museum. Ronaldo pulls right up to the front and as I step out of the car, Jace helps me then tucks my hand in the crook of his arm.

“Ready?” he asks.

Iforce a nod and feel like I'm going to hurl. Instead, I take a deep breath and we start climbing the steps up to the wide fron doors. I'm in sky-high heels, so I appreciate that I can lean on Jace's steady body. All the while, though, I try not to breathe the citrusy scent of his cologne in too deeply or admire the muscles hiding beneath his jacket that I'm feeling.

As we walk through the main entrance, I hesitate when I see the sea of other guests. They all look so elegant and regal. I feel like an imposter. Jace must feel me tense up because he dips his head and whispers, “You're the prettiest one in the room, sweetheart. Own it.”

That helps boost my confidence a little, but what really makes me feel good is when Jace starts introducing me to everyone. He acts proud to have me at his side and makes sure to tell everyone that I own my own company. If they ask questions, he brags that it's the best matchmaking service in the country.

“And I should know,” he says. “I went there to find my perfect person and fell for the owner. How's that for a love story?” Everyone laughs and asks me all sorts of questions. They genuinely seem to find my job fascinating. Some people even want my card and I dig through my bag and find a few to hand out. After an hour of mingling, Jace has helped me snag five new clients and I'm thrilled.

“Thank you so much," I say as he leads me over to the dance floor.

“You're very good at what you do. You should have clients knocking your door down,” he says and sweeps me onto the danc floor. We spin and turn, and I giggle when he dips me. I've had a couple of glasses of champagne, and it feels like I'm on top of the world.

Nothing about tonight feels fake and I don't know if that's a good thing or a very bad thing.

Vm having such a wonderful time, though, and so excited to have some more business coming my way that I decide not to think too hard about it right now. Instead, I'm just going to have fun and enjoy the evening with this very attractive man whe is paying me all sorts of attention.

Being in Jace's arms feels 50 good. So right. His warm, hard body makes me feel safer than I've ever felt before. When the song ends, he leads me down to the gallery where the showing is happening. We view the amazing artwork, mingle with some new guests and then Jace leads me to the dessert table. He plucks a petit four off a plate and feeds it to me.

Of course, I have to play along, and when I take a bite into the little cake, my lips brush his fingers. His blue eyes lock on mine and darken. Electricity sparks between us and I have to take a few deep breaths and a cooling sip of champagne. Later, as the evening winds down, I realize that I just had the most perfect first date ever. And that scares me.

It's not real, I repeat in my head. None of it.

When Ronaldo pulls up to the curb in front of my little apartment, Jace hops out and I wait as he walks around, opens my door and helps me out.

“You don't have to walk me up," tell him.

“It's my job to make sure you get in safely,” he says and guides me to the front door.

IIook up at him and I've never wanted to kiss anyone so badly. Why couldn't he just be a rude, selfish bastard? Why did he have to act like a gentleman? “I had a nice time tonight.”

“I'm glad. See, there was no need to be nervous,” he says, gaze dropping to my lips.

We aren't going to kiss. We absolutely cannot.

“Well, thank you,” I force out and take an unsteady step back. You have to remain professional, Bai.

“There's a dinner Friday night,” he says, dark blue eyes lifting back up to meet mine. “Ym going to need you to accompany me”

I nod, trying to ignore the rapid thumping of my heart against my ribs. “Okay.”

Sexual tension thrums between us and he seems to be debating whether to leave or not. Finally, he says, “Goodnight, Bailey, “Goodnight,” I whisper, then turn and unlock my door. Slipping inside, I watch through the window as Jace heads back down the walkway and slips in the car.

God.That man is everything a woman could ever want. And tonight, it almost felt like he was mine.


One of the quotes hanging in my office floats through my head: “It's so easy to fall in love but hard to find someone who will catch you."

Isn't it, though?

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