Alpha Billionaire Series

Coming Home Chapter 23


I didn’t like how I had left things with Holden. I loved what we had together, and the night before had reminded me of what we could be. But it also reminded me that so much had changed between us. I leaned on the counter staring at the phone ir my hands. The shop was empty and quiet. I had nothing to distract me from my thoughts.

He hadn't called or texted me yet this morning. I wasn't planning on sitting around pining away hoping he would text or call, Communication was a two-way street; I just didn't know what to say. I not so secretly hoped he was feeling the same way. Last night was amazing until it wasn't. We needed to work on why it fell apart. We belonged together, but we kept messing up.

“Sorry, I may have overreacted. I typed. My thumb hovered over the send button. Instead, I hit the back button, erasing the confession.

Itried several different messages, typing each one out and then hesitating before erasing the words. None seemed to fit what I was feeling exactly. I couldn't bring myself to text what I was really feeling. I was in love with him again. Not again, still.

“Can we talk?” I hit send. Anything I needed to say to him shouldn't be sent over in a text message. I needed to be able to look into his eyes so that I knew he understood what I was saying.

I wasn't sure if I was satisfied with my message and was still staring at my phone when the chimes over the door jingled. I looked up to see a massive bouquet of flowers coming into the store. The delivery boy was hidden behind them. There were so many.

“These are for Makenzie"

“That's me I felt a zip of excitement as he placed the flowers on the counter.

“Someone is in the doghouse," he said as he handed me a card.

“What do you mean?” I couldn't take my eyes off the elaborate arrangement. It was a mass of white tulips interspersed with lily of the valley and red roses with a ring of blue hyacinths around the base.

I didn't tear into the card but looked up hoping for an explanation.

“Tulips and hyacinths, specifically blue ones, are “forgive me’ flowers. Jenna at the store is really good with fitting flowers to the message!’

I laughed. “Flowers have meaning? I thought they were just pretty and so the gesture was the thing”

“Everyone knows flowers have meaning, like red roses on Valentines for love."

“Sure, but I thought that was just roses.” I reached up and touched one of the delicate red petals. “Then what are roses with tulips?”

He shrugged. “Best guess would be something like 'l Love you, forgive me! I mean that's the kind of arrangement Jenna woul totally do. She's really good at combining flowers for that deeper meaning, you know?”

“Oh wow," I stared at the flowers, and barely mumbled a “thanks, bye’ as the delivery boy left.

I peeled open the back of the envelope. The card had a cute but sad-faced puppy with the biggest eyes and the most pitiful expression on the front. It wasn't a simple card with a few lines of a note and Holden's signature, it was a whole letter.

Mea Culpa Makenzie. The fault for last night falls firmly on my shoulders. I got carried away by your beauty, by excitement.

I haven't been thinking much about my future beyond the next physical therapy appointment, when will I be able to walk? How soon before I run? I realize I haven't thought about the future for a very long time. All I've been doing is waiting for the next mission and never beyond that.

Being with you again has me thinking about what next year will be like, what we will have together in five, ten, twenty years from now. You told me exactly what your boundaries were, and I pushed you to the point of having to defend your beliefs. I commend you for cutting me off, for protecting our beautiful child.

Please give me another chance.

I sniffed and wiped at a tear. Stupid card had me all emotional. Holden figuring out Ainsley was his when no one else had, was a burning arrow in my heart. I was both overwhelmed with joy and filled with pain and fear.

I picked up my phone and dialed his number.

“I got your text, did the flowers arrive?” he asked as he picked up the call.

“They did, and they are beautiful, and Holden..." I held my breath for a long moment. “The delivery guy told me all about the deeper meaning of the flowers. You really went above and beyond.”

“I'm glad you like the flowers.”

“I like you, and I like that you are listening. What are you doing tonight? I can get Ethan to watch Ainsley.”

He let out a disappointed groan. “'m headed out to Connecticut for a few days. Something has come up regarding Dad's estate and Mom wants me there."This is property © of NôvelDrama.Org.

“Oh.” It was my turn to be disappointed. “Can you have your driver swing by the shop so I can at least thank you in person?” “I'm already on the plane. If I had known you were feeling the same, I would have come to see you. Look, as soon as I get back, we'll have dinner again.”

“And this time actually feed me?” I leaned against the counter, my back to the door.

He laughed, and I could feel it in my toes. “Something not so exclusive, maybe De Lucas. If we're out in public, I'll behave.” “50, you'll be gentlemen if there are witnesses? And what happens when you get me home for a nightcap?”

“I'll behave better,” his voice was a low throaty purr that sent shivers over my skin.

If he was going to keep talking to me like that, I would be happy with take-out and the back seat of his car.

“It's a date. I've got customers. Have a safe trip.’

“I'll call you when I'm back"

“Holden,” I paused. “Don't take too long, come home soon. I've missed you enough.” I was a breath away from saying I loved him when the chimes above the door let me know someone had walked in. As much as I wanted to sit on the phone with hin all day, I had a business to run and actual customers for the first time all day. “I've got to go, customers.”

“I understand. Makenzie?"


“I'll miss you too.”

I didn’t stop the smile from spreading across my face when I ended the call. I turned to see who came in. “Let me know if there's anything I can help you with.”

The smile and all the expressions dropped from my face. Travis stood on the opposite side of the counter from me, his arms folded, and a scowl on his face. That expression was permanent on my brother's face, leaving deep grooves in his forehead and around his lips.

“What are you doing here?”

“I think the real question is what are you doing?” He sneered. In an exaggerated motion, he craned his neck to look around the shop. “Where are all your customers?”

“At brunch, drinking mimosas,” I quipped right back at him.

“You aren't making any money.”

Right at that second, no I wasn't. For a shop that had only been open a few weeks, we weren't doing too badly. None of that was his business.

“Mom sent me to look in on you.”

“If Mom is curious about my business, she can ask me herself. She did help with the setup while she was out last month. Wil you be staying at the house?” I really hoped he would say no. The last thing I wanted or needed was Travis in my home. Even if technically it belonged to my parents, and he had a room there.

“I don't suppose you have my room ready.” He sniffed and looked down his nose at me.

He walked around the shop, curling his lip at the fabrics that were on display. Every now and again he would reach out and rub a piece of fabric between his fingers.

“Why would I7 I didn't know you were going to be here. As far as I know, your room is as ready as you left it.

He glanced over at me and continued his tour of the shop. “I expect there to be clean sheets on my bed. I'll be back after dinner”

He turned and started to walk as if he were going to leave.

“You can put your own sheets on the bed when you get there. I'm not your maid, and I don't have help staying at the house. He stopped long enough to listen, and then he stormed out of the shop. I hoped he stormed all the way off the island. It ma have been petty, but I wasn't going to jump just because he said so. And if he tried any of his power games with me, I wasn't above calling in Mom. After all, if he was telling the truth, she's the one who sent him here to begin with.

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