Alpha Billionaire Series

Love to Hate You Chapter 12

NASH Charlie runs out of here as though her a*s is on fire and after she disappears into the elevator, I sigh and close my apartmen door. “Fuck,” I swear and run a hand through my hair. I just scared her off. She was already skittish and I'm sure it didn’t help wher Itold her the goddamn condom tore. I don't know what the hell happened. Defective piece of shit. I know I'm being a baby about it, but I wanted her to spend the night. I wanted to wake up in the morning, surrounded by he vanilla scent, and with her warm body curved against mine. “I don't stay the night... Well, I want to change that. I just hope I didn't screw everything up between us. That was hands-down the most spectacular s*x I have ever had in my life. She's so responsive and tastes like a damn sugary confection. I'm going to get her back in my bed and I don't care what it takes. When it comes to Charlie Langley, I am nowhere near don with her. Not even close. Unfortunately, luring Charlie back isn't even the problem. Getting her to talk to me is and the next day at the office, it's like we're right back at square one. It's frustrating as hell. I had a feeling this was going to happen so when I get in at 8:00 a.m., I walk down to her office and find her already behind her desk. “Hey,” I say and wander inside. “I brought coffee and donuts." I place the black coffee beside her elbow and open the box to show her a dozen glazed donuts. “You like glazed right?" Charlie blinks. “Um, yes, but how did you know that?” I shrug a shoulder. “I'm observant” “Thanks, but you should take that in the kitchen. For the employees.” Ignoring her, I pluck one out, set it on a napkin and offer it to her. “It's important to get your daily sugar in," I tease. “Along with all that shitty Diet Coke you drink." “It's certainly better than power bars and Gatorade.” “I stopped drinking Gatorade." I sigh and set the donut beside the coffee when she doesn't take it. “We should talk about las night” Her blue eyes widen. “No, we shouldn't” she hisses. “As far as I'm concerned, last night never happened.” Her words hurt more than I thought they would. “It did happen, though." “Nash, stop,” she says between clenched teeth. “This isn't the time or place.” I suppose she’s right even though I hate to admit it. “Fine. We'll talk later.” Charlie pushes her chair back and stands up. “If it's about last night, there's nothing to discuss and I'd appreciate it if you'd never mention it again. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a meeting" My hand snaps out and I grab her arm, stopping her in her tracks. “I have no regrets,” I tell her, voice low. “You were phenomenal’ Her face flushes and she squeezes her eyes shut. “Please don't do this." “Do what?” I ask, my warm breath near her ear. “Tell you how much I want you again?” “It was a mistake,” she informs me and pulls her arm out of my grip. I watch her walk out and release a frustrated sigh. Getting her to relax and trust me is going to be difficult. And it's going to take a helluva lot more than donuts and coffee, I realize. Every time I try to talk to Charlie, she gives me the cold shoulder. She refuses to make eye contact, turns around and heads in the opposite direction if she sees me coming and basically does her damndest to cut me out and ignore me. Its really pissing me off. This shit has been going on all week and when Friday finally arrives, I want to shake her. Yeah, my feelings are hurt, but it's more than that. She's rejecting me in a way that no one ever has before and, at first, my ego is bruised. Was it not as good for her? Did I do something wrong? A move she didn't like? Fuck. I can't stop thinking about her and our encounter and she seems to have completely blocked me from her mind with minimal effort. I'm in the conference room, pretending to work, and daydreaming about Charlie when I see Tanner and Sierra walk in the main door. When they spot me through the glass, they head inside. “Hey, big bro,” Sierra says and walks around the table to give me a hug. “How's corporate life treating you?” “Same shit, different day,” I grumble. Tanner chuckles. “And you want us to get involved in the day-to-day grind?” I'shrug. “I just want you to feel a part of the company. But do what you want." “Wow. Somebody is in a mood. What's got you so unhappy?” Sierra asks. As if in answer, I see Charlie step off the elevator and I can’t drag my eyes off her. She's in a white, button-down blouse and slim-fitted skirt, jacket hanging over her arm. Her heels come to an abrupt halt when she sees Tanner and Sierra. And, to my utter dismay, Sierra motions for her to come join us. Ilet out a sharp sigh and Sierra looks from me to a reluctant Charlie. “Ohhh,” she says, her mouth edging up. “Is there some tension between the Interim President and the man who wants her job?” “Shut up, Sierra,” I say. “You have no idea what's going on." “Touchy, touchy.” “What's going on?” Tanner asks. “Nothing” I snap as Charlie pauses in the doorway. The tension between us is palpable as she pointedly ignores me and smiles at them. “Hi. It's nice to see you both." “You, too" Sierra says and Tanner nods. They both shift their gaze from Charlie to me and I want to strangle them both for being so damn obvious. “So, Charlie,” Sierra says coyly. “How's everything going between you and my pain in the b**t brother?" Charlie finally looks at me- briefly- then focuses on Sierra. “Fine.” “You don't have to pretend with me. We all know how bossy and controlling he is and I'm sure he's hardly been a joy to work with.” “Sierra-" I say in a low, warning voice. “We're...figuring things out,” Charlie tells Sierra. “We are?” I ask, unable to help myself. “Because you haven't said more than five words to me all week.” Stunned by my outburst, everyone looks at me. Shit. I can't help it and maybe I'm being a baby, but I want to know how she can so easily dismiss what happened between us. “Will you excuse us?” Charlie asks, all cool politeness. Tanner and Sierra exchange smirks as they head out and Charlie closes the door behind them. When she turns to face me, her blue eyes are blazing with anger. “Are you insane?” I march around the table. “Why're you avoiding me?” I demand. “This is not the time or the place-" “Dammit, Charlie, I want to know why you're ignoring the situation." She lets out a sound of disbelief. “You're ridiculous, you know that? Stop acting like a damn baby and making everything about you." “It is about me!” “It's about me, too, and you need to respect the fact that we're at work and now isn't the time.” She punctuates each word with a sharp jab against my chest and I grab her wrist. My gaze locks hold of hers and I can't read what's in those blue-green depths. Her walls are so high, but 'm determined to climb up them. “Tell me that wasn't the best f*****g s* you've ever had, and I'll leave you alone.’ She swallows hard. “You weren't my best, Nash. Sorry." Her words hit me like a bucket of cold water and my heart sinks. Well, alrighty then. I guess I was way more into her than she was into me. I release her wrist and feel like a fool. I'd been making such a big deal out of a one-night stand and apparently, she hasn't given me a second thought because she's had better. Ouch. I'm on the verge of doubling-over from the sickening impact of her words when she turns away. “Excuse me," she says. I'think I hear her voice catch as she walks out but, at this point, I'm probably just imagining it like I imagined we had something special happening between us. God, I am the world's biggest idiot. Suddenly, I need some fresh air. I storm out of the conference room and Sierra and Tanner's smiles fade when they see the look on my face. Why do I feel...crushed? “Are you okay?” Sierra asks. “Peachy, I force out between gritted teeth. Sierra links an arm through mine. “Chin up, big bro. We're taking you to get some ice cream.” “What?” I ask as she tugs me toward the elevator. “Ice cream has healing powers. Didn't you know that?" “C'mon,” Tanner says and slaps a hand against my back. Shit. Am I that transparent? It's like I just asked my high school crush to the Prom, and she said no. Ten minutes later, I'm sitting on a wrought-iron chair, biting into a scoop of peanut butter chocolate ice cream, trying to figure out how and where I lost my balls. Sierra licks at a strawberry topped cone and Tanner works on a dip of mint chocolate chip. When I look up, they're both staring at me. “What?” I ask. “You look like someone just ran over your dog, Nash,” Tanner says. Do I? God, what is wrong with me? Charlie's rejection has me in a downward spiral. “What's going on between you and Charlie?” Sierra asks carefully. “Nothing” I grumble. “But he'd like something to be going on,” Tanner says under his breath. I glare daggers at him. “Is that true?” Sierra studies me with wide, curious eyes and I shrug. “C'mon, Nash. Let us help you." “I don't need your help.” “You're pouting and I've never seen this side of you,” Tanner says. “Part of me is highly amused and the other part of me feels bad because you're clearly upset.” “Look, this really isn't any of your business-" “We can help!” Sierra insists. Isigh and lower my cone. “Okay, if you're so damn smart, tell me how to melt the ice queen?” They both exchange smiles an, it irks me. “Just forget it” “No, this is great,” Sierra says and claps her hands together. “There was so much s**** tension between the two of you just now, I thought my uterus was going to melt” Her words catch me by surprise. “You think she's interested? In me?” “No doubt. Tanner, did you see when she checked out his a*s?" Tanner nods. “Couldn't miss it." Asliver of hope fills me. “I want to help you, Nash, but you need to let me know what's going on." “How do you plan on helping me?” I ask in a dry voice. “I am the matchmaker queen. And I'm telling you right now, you and Charlie would be hot together. Totally combustible.” “Tell me about it," I mumble. “Oh, my God,” she exclaims. “Have you two-" I raise a hand. “I really don't want to talk about my sex life with my little sister” “Holy shit, he already slept with her” Tanner says. I look from one to the other and give in completely. “Okay, fine, yes. Last week after a successful new client presentation, we went out and celebrated. After a few drinks, we ended up back at my place and had s*. There. Everyone happy?” “Combustible sx?” Sierra asks. “Mind-shattering” I say and extend my fingers, mimicking an explosion, on either side of my head. “This is a weird conversation to be having with the two of you but being with Charlie was like nothing I've ever experienced before. I mean, don't get me wrong. $*x is always good, but this was on a whole different level. I don't know if either of you has experienced that kind of connection before, but we were both shaking afterward.” Sierra shakes her head no and Tanner suddenly looks sad and a million miles away. Oh, fuck. I forgot about his old girlfrienc who he never got over. “Sorry, Tan," I say. “Don't be. I get it and if you're lucky enough to find that, don't lose it like I did." “She's pushing me away, though." “Because she’s scared,” Sierra says. “You're also the enemy, Nash. Don't forget that. She was happily in charge one day and the next, we all come storming in, ready to take over. She probably feels threatened and confused. You need to put yourself in her shoes.” That makes sense-"When I worked there while Dad was alive, we hated each other. Charlie and I never saw eye to eye, and everything was a battle. That's why this thing between us is so confusing. We're both different people now and there's this undeniable heat that wasn't there before.” “You're both unsure and why wouldn't you be’ Tanner says. “But I know I want her,” I say. “For how long, Nash?” Sierra asks. “That's what she’s probably wondering. Is this a fling or are you developing genuine feelings for her?” I heave out a sigh and watch my ice cream melt. “I want more,” I admit. “I've never wanted more with a woman before." “You're falling in love," Sierra gushes. “I didn't say anything about love. But, yeah, I really want to see where this can go with her.” “He's falling,’ Tanner says. “Fuck!” I exclaim, a little too loudly and several customers look over. “That's bad, isn't it?” “Why is falling in love bad? You're so lucky,” Sierra says. Tanner grunts and I remember how the woman he fell in love with nearly destroyed him when she left. “I'm not used to feeling this vulnerable” “Of course, not because you're usually the cool, charming bachelor with his pick of bitches.” > bN Belongs to NôvelDrama.Org - All rights reserved.

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