Alpha Billionaire Series

Love to Hate You Chapter 20


After a sleepless night, I arrive at work early the next morning and every single person I run across congratulates me. It feels good but, at the same time, I can't fully appreciate it without my partner in crime. Every time I look up, I expect to see Charlie.

Without her, I have nothing to celebrate. Standing in front of the window in my dad's old corner office, arms crossed, I think about how much I miss her. When we were arguing last night, I had my head so far up my jealous a*s that it didn't sink in about her being pregnant with my child. Not fully, anyway, until last night when I was lying in bed.

Holy fuck. I'm going to be a dad. Having a child and a family of my own has never been a priority. I didn't even want a seriou relationship until recently. And now I'm going to have a little fraction of a human being that is half me and half Charlie.

It's a terrifying thought but one that leaves me really excited. I never had a good relationship with my father, so I'd like to try this whole fatherhood thing. Hell, who am I kidding? Just like Charlie, when I decide to do something, I'm all in and face the challenge head on, determined to be successful.

And I'm fucking determined as shit to be the Number One Dad on the planet. I'm going to spoil that kid rotten and protect him or her with my life. But first I need to figure out how to make up for all the bullshit. I know I hurt Charlie yesterday with my assumptions and accusations. I let Ivy and Jordan get in my head instead of listening to the woman who I love.

And I love her so damn much. I pinch the bridge of my nose and know that I need to set things right between us immediately. Charlie is the most important thing in my life. Not this stupid job or what anyone else says or thinks.

The other night, while contemplating fatherhood and unable to sleep, I suddenly remembered my dad's letter. I had no desire to ever read it and stuck it in the top drawer of my dresser the day I returned home after the will was read. But, for some inexplicable reason, I had the urge to read it last night.

Maybe because I'm going to be a father or because my father messed up so badly with us and I don't want to do the same. It's my biggest fear and any insight into avoiding the same trap that he fell into is reason enough for me to tear the envelop: open and see what the old man had to say.

So that's exactly what I did. I can still picture his words, written in all capital letters, on that piece of paper:

Dear Nash- my oldest son and the one who followed in my footsteps. Sort of. What can I say? I didn't always make the right decisions when it came to raising you and your brothers and sister. I pushed everyone hard, especially you, Nash. But I don’ regret it. I'm hoping it is part of the reason you've turned into such an amazing and intelligent young man. Maybe I can take little credit of that.

If you're reading this letter, then I've passed on and T8 Tech now belongs to you and your siblings. It's my fervent wish that you take control and keep rising to the top. Charlie Langley will be able to help you do that.

Now I know what you're thinking and, no, my mind isn't addled or fuzzy right now. I'm thinking clearly and I'm going to tell it to you straight- that woman is the best there is and if you're too stupid or too stubborn to see it then I pity you. If you and Charlie can learn to work together, the world is your oyster, and no one will be able to stop you. You'll be a duo to be reckoned with in the corporate world and success will be yours for the taking.

Isaid I'm going to be blunt so I'm also going to tell you something else- you two would make a great team on a personal level, too. I see things in her that would complement you and vice versa. Before you scoff, son, I want you to know how amazing the two of you would be together.

Do me a favor...

For once, trust your old man.

I know I didn't say it often, or maybe not at all, but 'm proud of you, Nash. Don't ever doubt that. Dad.

I read that letter 20 times before carefully re-folding it and tucking it back in my drawer. He was proud of me. I always hoped for that but was never sure. Now that I know, it's bittersweet.

A deep sadness wells up inside of me. Not so much for what was lost but for what was never had. And that was a good relationship with my dad.

I decide then and there that I will never hesitate telling my child how proud I am of their accomplishments. Hell, even if they screw everything up, I'm going to encourage them to keep working hard and support them every step of the way.

“Hey, Nash"

I'turn around and see Tanner walk in. “Just the man I need," I say.

“Really? And why's that?" he asks in a suspicious voice.

I'scrub a hand over my scruffy face. “I ****d up. Big-time and I need your advice"

“What did you do?”

“I'm not even sure where the hell to start,” I admit.

“That bad, huh?"

“About as bad as it can get," I say.

“I kind of figured something was up,” he says.

“You did? Why?"

“Because I've never seen you at the office unshaven. You're religious about a clean, close shave every morning” Tanner drops down in the chair in front of the desk, leans back and clasps his hands over his stomach. “Spill it

My nerves are too worked up to sit so I start pacing back and forth. “So, you know how Charlie and I both presented separately to Square, right?” He nods. “Well, we both did good jobs, but she was on another level. Outstanding. The board over there loved her, and the partners here were on the verge of offering her permanent position as President”

Tanner lifts a dark brow. “You don't sound upset.”

“I'm not. Hell, Tan, I'm so damn proud of her. She's earned it and I had to set my ego aside and recognize she's the better person for the job."

“So, what happened?”

“She resigned.”

“What? Why?"

“That's what I couldn't understand. Then Ivy came in and told me Charlie was pregnant- with Jordan Lowe's baby."

“What? No way."

“I wish I would've had the same response.”

“Oh, come on, Nash. You really believed Ivy? We all know she’s been trying to get in your pants for years. She'd lie about anything”

Istop pacing and massage my temples.

“Oh, no. What did you do?” he asks.

“What do you think? Believed Ivy's lies and stormed over to confront Charlie.” Tanner cringes. “It was bad. I said some pretty terrible things and she kicked me out.”

“Jesus, Nash."

“That's not even the worst part, though.” I hesitate and clench my jaw. “You know how they say there's always a kernel of truth to every rumor. Well, Charlie is pregnant. And the baby is mine."

“Oh, shit,” Tanner says and sits up straighter. “Congratulations?”

“Is that a question?”

“I don't know. I never thought you wanted a family.”

“I didn't. At least not until Charlie.” I sit on the edge of the desk and release a long, unsteady breath. “I love her. And I'm scared I fucked it all up.”

For a moment, Tanner can’t seem to find the words. I'm not sure if my confession made him speechless or my utter stupidity for screwing things up so badly.

“Please say something, Tan. I need advice.”

“Yeah, um, I'm not sure how helpful I'm going to sound here when I ask what the hell are you doing here talking to me when you should be hashing this all out right now with Charlie?”

“You think I can fix this?"

He nods. “I saw the way she looks at you, Nash. That night I cooked you two dinner, she had stars in her eyes. It was clear to me that you guys have something special. Don't lose that,” he says.

There's a sadness in his voice and I can tell that he's thinking about Addison. I want to know what happened but now isn't the time. Now, I have to save my own relationship. Because Tanner is living proof that once you lose the love of your life, yo turn into a very lost and melancholy soul.

“I need to apologize; I say. “But I want to do it right and I'm going to need your help picking out a ring”

“Oh, shit, seriously?” He hops up. “You're going to propose?”

“Yeah. I want all of her, all of the time."

Tanner slaps me on the back. “Let's get your girl”

Hope flares inside me as my brother and I walk out of the office and head up the hall. Halfway to the elevator bank, jordan Lowe steps out of the conference room and I abruptly stop short.

“Jordan, I didn’t know you were coming by today,” I say.

“I had mentioned it to Peter Briggs. Did you know we play golf together?”

“No, I didn’t,” I say through gritted teeth. Even though I know Jordan and Charlie never slept together, it doesn’t mean that I have to like him. The man may be a client, but he's always going to be on my list.

“I had some technical questions, so he set me up with Samuel for an hour or so today.”

“Great,” I force out. “If there's nothing I can do, then I really need to go."

As I start to walk away, Jordan calls out, “So, Nash, have you and Charlie made it official yet?"

I'turn around on my heel, confused. “What?”

“It's pretty obvious that the two of you have a thing for each other. I didn't mean to step on your toes, Nash. She's a wonderful woman and I think you two would make quite the power couple.”

let out a slow breath and nod. “Thanks.”

Tanner steps up beside me and throws an arm over my shoulders. “We're going to get his woman right now.” I can't help but chuckle as Tanner pushes me over to the elevators. “Let's go, bro."

I haven't the slightest clue where to buy a nice engagement ring and Tanner takes me straight to Cartier over on Sth Avenue. swear he's done this before but, as far as I know, he never proposed to Addison.

The store is one big, glittering mass of confusion and I don't know where to begin. Tanner points out the case with a shiny selection of stunning rings but I have no idea what to choose.

“What jumps out at you?” Tanner asks.

“You should choose a ring that reminds you of her" the sales associate says.

I scratch my head and frown. “That's the problem. They all look the same to me. None of them scream Charlie. She's not like anyone else. Charlie possesses this unique fire like no one I've ever met. She's more than just a diamond.”

The associate's eyes light up. “I think I may have the perfect ring for you. Hold on one minute," he says and disappears into the backroom.

“More than just a diamond, huh?" Tanner asks. “Bro, do you have any idea how much “just a diamond’ at Cartier is going to cost you?”

“I don't care. If it's the right ring, I'll pay anything."

When the sales associate returns with a small velvet box, I lean over the glass counter and watch as he lifts the lid to reveal diamond with rubies set on either side of it.

“Fiery rubies for the woman with the fire you love,” he says.

My heart speeds up a beat as I reach for the ring and pull it out of the box. It's stunning and I turn it beneath the lights which cause the gems to sparkle brilliantly. “It's perfect,” I say in a low voice. When I glance up at Tanner, he's grinning from earto ear.

“It really is," he agrees.

“I'll take it," I tell the associate.

“Do you know her ring size? We can have it sized for her and then you can pick it up-"

“No time,” I say. “I need it now."

After paying and putting a huge dent on my credit card, we leave the store. It's worth it, though. As long as Charlie agrees to be my wife, every cent and then some was well-spent.

“You're going to do it now?” Tanner asks.

“Yeah. Wish me luck,” I say, suddenly sweating.

“You're gonna be fine, Nash. She's going to say yes and the two of you will live happily ever after”

“Let's hope so," I say.

Tanner and I slap hands on each other's back and before I think too hard about it, I grab my brother and hug him. “Thank you, Tanner. I missed your dumb ass.” My voice chokes up.

My younger brother returns the embrace, and we pat each other on the back some more. “Any time, bro” he says in a gruff tone. “And right back at “ya. It's been lonely without all your bitching”

I burst out laughing.

“Now go get your girl” he tells me. “I'll catch a taxi.”

“You sure?”NôvelD(ram)a.ôrg owns this content.


“Okay!” I wave and jog over to my car. On the ride over to Charlie's apartment, my nerves kick in hardcore. I never thought I'c be in this position any time soon- hell, ever- and I feel a little sick. What if she says no? After everything I said the other night, I deserve to be kicked to the curb.

Even though doubt plagues me, I hurry up to her apartment and knock. When she doesn't answer, I knock harder. Shit. Mayb she isn't home? I wanted to catch her by surprise but, at this point, I need to see her as soon as possible. I pull my phone o and call her. No answer.

“Dammit,” I swear and hang up. Where the hell is she?

Behind me, I hear a door open and glance over my shoulder to see her older neighbor coming out with a small dog.

“She's not home,” the woman says.

I'turn around, slipping my phone back in my pocket. “Do you know where she is?” I ask.

“She said something about spending the day away from the city."

As the woman walks away, I drop my head back and wonder where the hell Charlie went. She could've gone anywhere and there's no way to ever know. I suppose I could sit here and wait. Keep calling her cell and maybe she'll finally pick up.

Out of the blue, our previous conversation floats through my head.

“After bringing on a really big client last summer, your dad forced me to take a day off. I ended up leaving the city and rode the ferry around. I stumbled across this little island called East Bay and spent the day there. 'm not sure what it was, but th place was magical. Especially the lighthouse. I could sit there on the beach all day and look at it with the waves rolling in an out!”

“You haven't been back since?”

I'shake my head. “No, but Id like to return. There was something really peaceful and calm about it. I don't know how to describe it. It just felt soothing”

That's where she is. My gut tells me to go, and I glance down at my watch. It's getting to be late afternoon and by the time I catch the ferry and get out there, itll be almost evening. Shit. It's a chance I have to take.

I haul ass to the ferry and hope to God, I make it out there before she leaves. When we finally cruise up to the dock on East Bay Island, I hurry off the boat and realize the only thing I know is she liked the lighthouse here. Without any other clue to go on, I stop the first person I see and ask for directions to the lighthouse.

Almost I5 minutes later, my feet hit the sand and I start walking toward the distant lighthouse. About halfway there, I see he My anxiety skyrockets and I reach into my pocket and wrap my hand around the small velvet box. Charlie faces the ocean, wind blowing through her loose, honey-blonde hair and her arms are crossed, pulling her jacket tighter to keep her warm. She's never looked more free or beautiful. Utterly wild and untouchable.

My heart thuds as I make my way closer, and I can feel the weight of the ring growing heavier. As I walk up behind her, she turns her head slightly, not at all concerned or surprised. It's as though she knows it's me.

“I was hoping you'd be here," I say.

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