Alpha Knight’s Cursed Mate



It was hard enough for me to stay sane with what was going on in their world. I guessed it was part of my world now.

Keeping secrets from my best friend was hard enough and could destroy our friendship, and she wasn’t like Grandpa, who would understand why I kept something from him.

I loved Kailin like my own sister. I couldn’t afford to hurt and lose her.

When we teleported into the office, she gasped and braced on her knees. Then she looked around. I saw the shock in her eyes, and then she turned to Knight.

“Ask her.” He shrugged.

Kailin then stared at me.

“I’m so sorry. I should have told you. I thought protecting you from the truth would protect you from whatever was happening out there.”

“Protecting me? Do you know how absurd that sounds? I’m a werewolf. I’m stronger than you. I can run fast, and I healed fast-”

“I do, too.”

She swallowed hard and kept staring at me.

“I’m still a human, though.”

“Wait a sec. It doesn’t explain what you just did. Let me guess, it has something to do with what you did to Travis’ truck, hasn’t it?”

I stole a glance at Knight, but my dick of a mate just walked towards the liqueur cabinet and helped himself, leaving me alone to deal with Kailin.

“How did you do it?”

“I can jump from place to place. I don’t know yet-”

“Wait. Hold on.” She raised her hand and stared at me again like I was some alien species. “You can teleport?”

“How do you think we escaped from those assholes at the airport?”

She breathed through her nose as she glared at Knight. “And you kept this from me?”

“Not my secret to tell, K.”

“I feel guilty for keeping this from you. McKaye doesn’t know yet. Just Zarah, the alpha king, and Alexander because they tried to help me control the jump.”

“How do you do that?” Dumbfounded, she asked.

“Do what?”

“Stay calm.”

“I’m not calm. I’m losing my shit here.”

Knight laughed and put the glass on his desk. “Did you just say losing your shit? Let me remind you, mate, that you’re a luna and should start acting like one.”

“You, two, stop flirting!” She pointed at us, her nose flaring.

“I just began to control it, K. I’m so sorry.”

“I can’t believe you hide this from me. This is huge.” She blew a breath and began pacing.

“K?” I called her when she went silent.

She turned away, her hands on her hips. The next thing I knew, she pulled me into a hug, squeezed me, lifted me up, and spun me around.

“Easy.” My mate groaned.

After she put me down, she pinched my cheek and began grinning like crazy. “This is awesome!”

“Are you okay?” Knight asked her.

“Do you know what this means?”

We both shook our heads and were confused.

“You guys are dumb. She’s our secret weapon!” she gushed proudly. “That dickhead who killed you won’t anticipate this because he doesn’t know what you can do.”

Knight didn’t usually roll his eyes, but he did for an obvious reason. “We know, but we still have no luck finding the dagger.”

“What dagger?” Again, she looked hurt.

“You have a lot of things to catch up on, K,” Knight said, teasing her.

“You’re a jerk.”

I hid my smile, but Knight saw it.

“Don’t say that again before her, but I’m giving you a pass because you’re still mad.” A knock interrupted Knight.

“It’s Grandpa.” I went to open the door. Grandpa did not come alone. He was with Luka, Kaleb, and McKaye. “How’s your sleep?”

“Better that I know you’re just at the other house.”

“Come in,” Knight said. “Case, may I ask you something?”

“You know we passed that formality a long time ago, son. Just ask away. But, of course, what is it about?”

“Actually, it’s Nirvana who wants to inquire?”

“Um, who gave you that antique sword displayed in your office?”

“That’s the only thing I kept when your mother died.”

Knight and I shared a look. “I think it’s the dagger.”

“But it looks different from the one in the picture.”

“Yes, but Ambrose can create glamour. I was thinking that the dagger was hidden inside that sword. The size is perfect, the sword is longer, and it doesn’t look like swords from the Knights Templar that everyone wouldn’t be interested in.”

“She’s right, Case. It’s worth a try.” Knight backed me up.

“Then we should go and get it.”

“I will ask Zarah to portal us, Grandpa.”

“Why don’t you-” Kailin shut her mouth when Knight looked at her. He probably told her to stop.

“Let’s go then.” Grandpa gave it a go.

“I’m not coming with you. You have to take it with the glass casing.”


“I have a feeling it’s protected, K. Just like something I found in Portland.”

“Why are you not coming with us, Nirvana?”

“I need to train with McKaye. We have to divide the tasks if we wanna get it done.”

“Now you sound like a true luna, Vana.” Luka nodded with pride.

“Knight, I suppose you will protect my grandfather with your life?”

Knight came to me and kissed my forehead. “You don’t have to ask. Your family is my family.”

“Aw,” Kailin reacted, giggling.

“All right then. Case, Luka, and I will take the sword while Kaleb handles the pack business. Tell everyone to stay vigilant and away from the crowd, but don’t panic. Report any violent and unnatural incidents to me. That’s also your priority.”

“Got it, alpha.”

“Mac, you train my mate. Don’t go easy on her. I want her to learn the hard way.”

“Oh, that’s the plan.” McKaye grinned.

“What about me? What should I do?” Kailin asked.

“Stay close to your phone. Check some emails, especially from our friends, Alaskan pack, and allies.”

“On it.”

“Take care, okay? You all be very careful. Someone is working against us. I can feel it. I just don’t know who.” My mind went reeling, but I couldn’t think of anyone who wanted us dead. “I’m missing something here.”

“Maybe Cadogan knows our secrets,” Luka suspected. “Alpha, if you don’t mind, I want to ask Tucker to survey Cadogan’s club.”

“Tucker was a good tracker and scout, and he could blend in very well. Do it.”

“We should go. No time to waste,” said Grandpa.

I hugged Grandpa first before I went to Knight to kiss him. “Call me as soon as you get there.”

“I will. Have fun with Mac.”


After I changed into a workout outfit, MacKaye and I did not waste any time. We went to the mini gym to start my training.

“Have you tried boxing before?”

“No. I only run on a treadmill, but I prefer Pilates.”NôvelDrama.Org holds © this.

“Pilates, huh?” he scoffed.

“Yeah.” I stood before the punching bag.

“You don’t need gloves. Punch it.”

I looked at him before I punched the bag. It didn’t even move.

“Look. If you want to learn fast, you should not hesitate to punch. Get your mind out of Alpha or anything that worries you. Focus on our training.”

“I’m not thinking of Knight.”

He snorted. “Think of this punching bag as the warlock who hurt you badly. Whatever is coming can hurt us all, and I can’t protect everyone if I am wasting time protecting you.”

I glared at him. “Is that your way of getting out my rage into my strength?”

McKaye glared back. “You talk a lot. I don’t want a weak little girl student. I want a strong woman who can handle a punch and hit like a man. Now punch it!”

I gasped at his voice, yelling at me. My jaw locked as I tried hard not to let him get on my nerves.

“Get into your position. One foot forward.” He kicked my foot so I could get a balanced stance and pushed my head down. “Always protect your head and neck. Then breathe out and punch. Move your hips, little girl. Put that strength to your fist. You don’t want to disappoint Alpha.”

I kept all his words in my mind. I was starting, and I already felt the adrenaline kicking in my system. While he kept talking and bullying me, I continued jabbing and jabbing for minutes.

My heart pumped harder. My muscles worked fast, and sweat broke out my skin.

“Is that all you can do? Well, we will all fail and die, and we barely started, Luna!” The way he said Luna sounded so disgusted, and it hurt me. Somehow, he got into my head.

My eyes narrowed at him. Something inside me woke up like a ball of nuclear energy trapped there for so long.

My neck tingled.

I could feel goosebumps all over my skin when my senses heightened further. I could hear his heartbeat racing without trying harder. I could smell his aftershave and taste the hunger in my mouth as energy surged through me.

Then his words slowed down, or I was working out fast, and everything around me moved in slow motion.

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