Alpha Triplets Claim

Chapter 71

Chapter 71.

Nate nodded in agreement.

“Phera’s right. We need to be strategic. Let’s increase patrols and tighten security. We should also try to gather more intel on these rogues, find out who they are and what they want.”

Adam, who had been quietly observing, spoke up.

“I’ll coordinate with the scouts and patrol leaders. We’ll cover every inch of our territory.”

The command center buzzed into action as everyone began to execute the plan. Damon, Axel, and Zane stayed close, their presence a constant reminder of the bond we shared and the strength it brought us.

As we discussed further, it was evident that the situation was more than just a territorial dispute. The fact that the rogues had

posfically mentioned me was a tactic to destabilize us, a psyological game designed to bit where it hurt the most.

Damon turned to me, his expression softening slightly.

“Phera, we won’t let anything happen to you. You’re not just our mate, you’re the heart of this pack. Their attempts to use you against us will only make us stronger”

at each of them, feeling the weight of the responsibility rried.

“Together, we’ll get through this. Our unity is our strength.”

The meeting ended with a clear plan of action. As we left the command center, I felt a renewed sense of purpose. The threat at our borders was more than just a physical challenge – it was a test of our resilience as a pack and the strength of our bond.

Together, with the triplets by my side, we were ready to face

whatever challenges lay ahead, united in our resolve to protect our park and each other.

As we departed from the command center, the triplets enveloped me in their protective embrace, their presence more. pronounced and comforting than ever. The evening air was crisp, carrying the collective scents of pine, cedar, grass, and musk that uniquely belonged to Damon, Axel, and Zane. The tension from the day’s events melted away, replaced by an intimate warmth that only their closeness could provide.

Damon walked by my side, his arm gently encircling my waist.

“Love, we need to have guards with you at all times now. It’s a precaution, one we can’t afford to overlook.”

The idea of constant surveillance bristled against my desire for freedom, but I understood the necessity.


“I know why it’s important, Damon, but it feels like I’m losing a part of myself.”

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Axe with a reassuring squeeze of my hand, said softly,

“Sunflower, we hate to impose this on you, but your safety is paramount. We’ll make it as unobtrusive as possible.”

Zane, always attuned to my feelings, added in a tender voice,

“We’ll figure this out soon, my heart. It’s

measure to keep you safe.”

just a temporary

erability, so openly displayed in their words and

struck a deep chord within me. It was hard to resist the e concern in their eyes.

“Alright, I understand. I’ll accept the guards, for now,” I conceded, albeit with a hint of reluctance.

The walk to my home was filled with an intimate silence, punctuated by their occasional soft assurances and gentle touches. The night sky above was a tapestry of stars, each



tvikling like a promise of hope amidst the darkness.

Upon reaching my doorstep, the reality of the situation hit home. The presence of quards, though necessary, was a stark reminder of the lurking dangers. Damon, Axel, and Zane each took a moment to express their love and reassurance, their actions speaking volumes.

“You’re not alone in this, my love,” Damon whispered tenderly, his lips brushing against my temple.

Axel gazed into my eyes, his hands cradling my face.This belongs to NôvelDrama.Org: ©.

“You’re the heart of us, sunflower We face this together, always.”

Zane, with a gentle smile, kissed my hand softly.

“Stay strong, my heart. Our bond is unbreakable, and we’ll overcome this challenge.”

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These intimate moments, filled with deep affection and care, enveloped me in a sense of belonging and strength. Despite the uncertainty of our situation, the connection we shared was. unwavering, a testament to the bond forged by fate and strengthened through our shared trials.

As they promised to return at dawn and reluctantly left, watched them go, feeling an overwhelming sense of love and determination. The challenges ahead were formidable, but with the support and love of Damon, Axel, and Zane, I felt ready to face them head-on.

Closing the door behind me, I leaned back against it, feeling a profound sense of peace amidst the turmoil. Our journey was complex and fraught with obstacles, but our unity and love were our greatest assets.

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