Alpha Triplets Claim

Chapter 84

Chapter 84.

Chapter Fifty-Eight: Shadows and Codes

Zane POV:

I was pacing my office like a caged animal, frustration boiling within me like a tempest. The screens on my wall, usually a source of pride with their streams of financial data and pack communications, were now taunting me, displaying incomprehensible numbers and transactions that made no


“D*mmit!” I slammed my fist onto the desk, the impact sending a shiver through the wood, mirroring the storm inside me. “Who the f8ck is behind this?”

Axel and Damon were on the speakerphone, their voices blending into the chaotic symphony of my fury. I could barely distinguish between their reports, each word another drop in the flood of bad news washing over me.

then there’s the shipment that never arrived,” Axel was ng, his voice strained with the same frustration I felt.

“And the energy grid disruptions are no coincidence,” Damon added, his tone grim but laced so much f*cking fury the person


on the other end of the phone would drop dead. “Someone’s targeting us, Zane. But who? And why?”

I growled, my wolf close to the surface, itching to break free and hunt down whoever dared to threaten our pack.

“We’ll find them,” I vowed, more to myself than to them. “We’ll rip them apart, piece by bloody piece.”

Just then, the door flew open with such force that it banged against the wall. Adam stormed in, his usually calm demeanor replaced by an urgency that immediately drew my full attention.

“Zane, you need to see this,” he panted, barely out of breath from his sprint.

In his hands, he held sheets of paper, but it was what was on his laptop screen that he pointed to with a shaky finger. I leaned over the desk, my eyes scanning the lines of code displayed on the screen. To anyone else, it might have looked like random sequences, but to Adam, our tech genius, and to me, who had spent years learning the ins and outs of cyber security, it was a message, a clue maybe not intentional but it was clear as f*cking day.

This… this is a virus, but not just any virus,” Adam explained, his voice a mix of awe and horror. “It’s sophisticated, beyond anything we’ve seen. It’s been syphoning our funds, rerouting them to untraceable accounts, and it’s been doing so under our noses.”

1-studied the code, the patterns becoming clearer the more 1 dooked it was a masterpiece of deception and malice, a wolf in sheep’s clothing within our systems.

Ccan you trace it back?” I asked, my voice low, a deadly calm settling over me as I shifted from frustration to focus.

Addam shook his head, his expression grim.

I’mssoryBBrother. It’s been bouncing through so many servers, it’s sikkechasing a ghost. But I found something, a signature, scorettinggdeft behind, maybe on purpose, maybe not.”

Hezzooo cedrinoma section of the code, highlighting a series of chamcterss has stood out from the rest. It wasn’t much, just a smalilancomatypbutrimourworld, it could be the thread that unravelssheenritizesscheme.

Axel’s and DanTools’svoices faded into the background as they yelled their tungsspotiaabour employees back in the human realm as merand Adaamhoogedrimonour new lead. This wasn’t just an alattacks on our financcestitisis was personal, a direct challenge to blour pack, to ounfamily.

wwe’ll find them, I repeatedditiis ihree with a cold certainty.

Start with this cood. Breakkiddown, track every possible lead Nolo stone goes unturnedd.”

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As he seita vworked back to the phone, when Azobodd opmon went witing donat.ppdate

We have a deada toistheon my voice the steet of a bladele being drawn “It’s timedadatinht”

taid the code in frontofmypothes and explained everythingg and what it meant. Their wolvesesweeeecoming closer to the e surface with every wordd saidiamine wasn’t that far behind hisis. brothers either. The raginggunywas boiling over.

Finally, when it finished Damon was the oneto speak up, his s

ice cutting through the dension tilikakknife.

This isn’t just an attack it’s a messsaceWhoever is behind thisis wants us to know we’re dargeted thawetre viinerable Butt there’s more, he paused, a drown mayving iss brow as he delved deeper into the abyss of his tougalss.

elserstructure of this code, it’s fam apreecly’s collit’s not just a*n holm ofthe past; it’s a replica, a conuitiuaatio pobalthreatwe hought we had buried with our pareerssThiss,hee cestured to hauaungng ses of code, “is not the work looaa new enemy. shis personal, a vendetta that has been sisimmering in the

shadows, waiting for the right moment to strike.”

The room felt colder, or maybe that was just the chill running down my spine as Damon’s words sank in. Axel and I exchanged a confused look, both of us trying to piece together the connection between our current crisis and the darkest day of our lives.

“Damon, what are you talking about?” I demanded, my patience wearing thin. “What does their death have to do with this mess?”

There was a heavy pause, the kind that weighs down the air, thick with unspoken fears and buried secrets. Finally, Damon spoke, his voice low and heavy with memories we all tried to forget.

“When Mom and Dad were killed, it wasn’t just a random attack, – Zane. There were signs, patterns that Dad was tracking. He was onto something big, something dangerous. But he kept us out of it, said we were too young, not ready.”

I felt a knot form in my stomach, the past and present colliding in a way I hadn’t anticipated.

ou’re saying this has happened before? That what we’re cing now is connected to their deaths?”

Axel, who had been silent, finally spoke up, his voice a mixture of anger and disbelief.

“Are you suggesting that whatever took them out is back? That it’s been waiting, watching us all this time?”

Damon’s sigh crackled through the speaker, a sound of weariness and deep-seated pain.

“I don’t know for sure, but I can’t shake the feeling that there’s a link here we’re missing. Dad had files, information he was compiling. It’s all back at the old house, in his study. I think it’s time we take a look, see if there’s anything that can help us


The idea of dredging up the past, of opening old wounds we’d all worked so hard to heal, sent a shiver through me. But Damon was right; if there was even ‘a slim chance that the answers to our current nightmare lay buried with the ghosts of our past, we owed it to ourselves, to our pack, to face them.

“Axel,” I said, my voice firm with newfound resolve, “go to the old house. Dig up everything you can find in Dad’s study. We need to know what he was on to.

Axel’s response was immediate, a testament to the bond between us, unbreakable even in the face of our family’s darkest secrets.

“I’m on it, Zane. If there’s anything there, I’ll find it.”

Turning back to Damon, I found my voice steadier, my resolve hardened like forged steel.

“Damon, go over everything we know about the attacks, the financial leaks, every detail. We’re missing something, and I bet it’s hidden in plain sight.”NôvelDrama.Org holds © this.

“And Adam,” I continued, glancing at our tech wizard who had been quietly following along, “keep working on that code. Anything, even the smallest detail could be the key we’re looking for.”

The room was filled with a new energy, a determined, grim resolve that bound us together. We were not just leaders; we were brothers, united by blood and tragedy, standing against the shadows that threatened our family, our pack.

As the meeting ended, and the screen went blank, the silence that followed was not one of defeat but of a quiet, steely determination. The past might hold our demons, but it also held our salvation. And I was ready to face whatever we found, for the sake of our future. But just as we were all about to go and find the f*cker who had dared and mess with us not once but twice and had probably taken our parents from us Nate bragged in saying the three words that had ice freezing in our veins.

“Phera is gone”

“How did she slip past our defenses?” I roared at the bewildered guards.

My voice echoing off the stone walls, a testament to our collective failure. The guilt was a tangible thing, suffocating and relentless, pressing down on us with the full weight of our responsibilities.

Axel, his usual calm demeanor shattered by the urgency of the moment, coordinated with the border patrols, his words clipped, his frustration palpable.

“Every sector, every inch, she couldn’t have just vanished!” His commands were a lifeline thrown into the turbulent sea of uncertainty.


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