Begging For A Reconciliation

Chapter 202

Chapter 202

Chapter 202

Han and Jackson stared at each other for roughly three seconds. It was Molly who hurriedly broke what was becoming an awkward silence. "Han, let me introduce you again, since you can't remember now. This is my father, Jackson: he's the head of Linkville's tax department."

Han's brow furrowed imperceptibly. The head of Linkville's tax department...

He distinctly recalled that he had a private document on liis computer, and the contents of it were entirely about...

" What's wrong, Han? Why are you looking like that?" Jackson noticed that something was off about Han's gaze but kept liis composure. He was too much of an old hand to betray anything on his expression, but he watched Han's reactions like a hawk, and liis entire body language radiated a sense of forbidding dominance.

Han's face betrayed no emotion whatsoever as he replied, "It's nothing. I was just thinking about something in the past, that's all." NôvelDrama.Org © 2024.

When Molly heard this, she beamed and cooed, "What have you remembered, hmm?"

Han shook his head. A trace of disappointment flickered in Molly's gaze, but she merely smiled and said, "Oh, that's alright then. Take your time."

"Please do come inside and chat, don't stand here at the door." Mrs. Lamere hastily ushered everyone inside. The dining room had already been set with Han's favorite dishes. Everyone earned on chatting as they ate.

"Han," Jackson said abruptly as he savored liis soup, "Have you been able to find a suitable donor for Charlotte's myeloma?"

Han pursed his lips and answered expressionlessly, "Not yet." Molly had already brought the matter up when she took him back to Linkville. At the time, he had been startled to discover that he had a child: what was more, the child was liis and Molly's. After meeting Charlotte, he had experienced an odd sense of familiarity, which was what had put his suspicions to rest.

Charlotte was most certainly his child. There could be no doubt about that. If that was the case, then Molly was definitely his fiancee. However, who was Sarah Wliite then? Was she truly the scheming, money-grubbing gold-digger Molly had made her out to be?

"I have an idea if you'd like to hear it?" Jackson put down liis soup spoon and gave Han a meaningful look.

Han experienced an unpleasant sense of unease. Without changing liis expression, he asked. "What do you have in mind?"

A faint half-smile played about Jackson's mouth. "Since we can't find a suitable donor yet and we can't use just any bone marrow, why don't you look for a woman you could have another child with and use their bone marrow for Charlotte's transplant?"

Han's head jerked up involuntarily at this, and a flicker of astonishment flashed through liis eyes. How could Jackson even suggest such an insidious, unscrupulous thing?

"What? Do you think that's heartless and cruel?" Jackson shrugged and chuckled lightly. "Well, think about it this way. A child can still survive if their bone marrow' is extracted: at most they might have congenital defects. If you're able to find a mercenary woman and pay her well, she might be willing to do it."

Han's hands clenched slightly, and he shot a glance tow'ard Molly with a very forbidding expression. She averted her eyes aw'kwardly. Her reaction told him all he needed to know.

He put down liis eating utensils, then wiped liis mouth with one of the paper napkins. "I don't agree with that. I'll find some wray to deal with Charlotte's myeloma, but I'm not about to sacrifice anyone to do it." His voice betrayed liis irritation. Standing up. he turned and left the dining room.

"Han!" Molly ran after him.

Jackson watched Han's tall, forbidding figure departing. His smiling expression had not altered throughout the entire exchange. Slowly, he leaned back against the chair and gave a slow, meaningful smile. He had already anticipated that Han would decline his suggestion.

"Jackson. wrhat happens now? Won't tliis make Han turn against us?" Mis. Lamere fretted, her brow’ creased in anxiety.

"There's nothing to w'orry about. We've set out the bait, that's all," Jackson replied coolly.

"Han!" Molly caught up with Han at the gate. He was opening the car door, but she caught hold of liis hand, stopping him. His browr creased slightly, and he glanced at her, irritation evident in liis expression. "What is it?"

Molly shot him a quick look filled with anxiety, her heart beating fast. Delicately, she enquired, " Are you not in favor of Daddy's suggestion, or is it because of that gold-digging woman, Sarah?"

Han's frown relaxed slightly. Coldly he turned his eyes awray, answering, "Why wrould a pretentious woman like that concern me?" After a slight pause, he added. "Sarah Wliite is nothing to me: she wont influence whatever decision I make."

Molly heaved a silent sigh of relief when she saw his look of disdain. At long last, he was finally disgusted by that woman! She let go of Han's hand, and her smile reappeared as she answered,

"Since you're not in favor of it, I w'on't bring the matter up again. That's right. Han. Mi s. Sanders will be having her birthday celebration this week. Will you come with me?"

The Wliite family was very close to the Sanders. Leah was sure to be at the dinner since Mi s. Sanders was so fond of her.

Han got into the car and put liis hands on the steering wheel, nodding absentmindedly. "I have wrork to do at the office still. I'll take my leave now." He drove off after that. He might have lost liis memory, but his mind was still sharp as ever. It was impossible not to mistake Molly's underlying meaning.

It was around 8 pm by this time. Han drove aimlessly around the Linkville city center. He stared at the teeming nightlife on the streets, his gaze preoccupied. Gradually, however, a trace of perplexity appeared in liis eyes.

He was in the midst of a prosperous, bustling city and he had everything he could possibly want, yet he felt an odd emptiness within him. Had he felt like tliis in the past, or was this a result of losing liis memory?

Without being aware of it, he had driven to the Wliite residence and wras now7 at the gate. He did not know7 why he had come here, only that he felt an odd sense of peace and cahn whenever he looked at the lights shining brightly in the house.

Han stopped the car and let his mind drift, quietly observing the Wliite residence. As he watched, a skulking figure suddenly drew7 his attention.

This was a very quiet residential area. The residents primarily drove their cars to and fro: very few7 people walked around.

Furthermore, the figure was constantly pacing in front of the Wliite residence's gate but made no move to go in. This in itself wras sufficient to arouse anyone's suspicions.

Han's brows lifted slightly. After a moment of consideration, he got out of the car. Very stealthily, he made his w7ay over to the skulking figure until he was right behind it, then asked abruptly, "What are you doing here?"

"Eep!" The figure gave a startled shriek and spun around, flailing wildly. "Don't take me back! I w'on't go back!"

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