Begging For A Reconciliation

Chapter 227

Chapter 227

Chapter 227

George's face grew increasingly paler as he listened to the other person speaking on the phone. He felt as if he might collapse at any minute then.

After ending the call. George stood silently at the side for quite some time. Then, he walked over to Leah again.

Leah glanced at him and noticed the somber expression on his face. She asked worriedly, "What's wrong?"

George stared at her with a hesitant look, debating inwardly whether he should tell her. Finally, he said in a choked voice. "Ms. White, our boss was involved in an accident."

A deep frown creased Leah's forehead. "What happened?"

"I just got a call from Kennedy saying that some people deliberately plotted against Ron during the race. Those guys drove him off a cliff in his car. The crash was so severe the car was completely deformed. Our guys are with him at the hospital now." George's face was ashen, and he was gripping his fists tightly.

Leah felt completely shell-shocked after hearing the news.

Ron got involved in such a serious accident?!

"Which hospital are they at right now?" Leah asked frantically.

George replied. "Kennedy won't let me tell you. He doesn't want you to worry. Ms. White, you should..."

"Which hospital are they at right now?" Leah repeated expressionlessly this time.

George bit down on his lip. Then, he said. "I'll take you there right away!"

I'm concerned about Boss's condition as well. However, his orders were for me to stay with Leah and protect her. I should stay here and cany out those orders dutifully, regardless of how worried I am.

Still, Ron might not find fault with me if I'm taking Leah with me to see him at the hospital.

George and Leah soon arrived at the hospital.

A group of men was waiting outside the emergency room. George walked toward a tall, beefy man standing amongst those guys and asked with a grim expression. "Kennedy, what happened earlier?"

Kennedy had only told him roughly about the incident over the phone, so George wanted to know more about the details as soon as he arrived.

However. Kennedy's face darkened the instant he spotted Leah. He said bitingly. "Why did you bring her here? That woman is a bad omen! Boss has been struck by one disaster after another after he's gotten involved with this woman!"

"Shut up. Kennedy! Boss chose her. and none of us have the right to question his choice!" George reprimanded him severely.

George had a higher rank than Kennedy in the group, so the latter dared not rebuke his words.

Then. Kennedy began telling them what happened during the race.

"Those men are complete nutjobs! When Boss was nearing a sharp turn, three guys suddenly blocked his way and forced him to make an emergency brake right then. However, that move was bound to

throw Boss's car off the cliff at that point. It was too late for him to do anything, and we could only watch him fall off the cliff in his car..." Kennedy spoke of the incident tlii’ough gritted teeth.

He clenched his fists as he continued. "Boss was completely covered in blood when we pulled him out of the car. I could hardly see the expression on his face since there was too much blood on it..."

Kennedy's eyes were visibly red. and he was choked up remembering the scene.

George knitted his brows. He felt extremely uneasy after hearing all that.

Ron hasn't suffered such severe injuries in quite a long time.

"What about those guys that caused the accident? Why do I only see our men here?" George asked after he glanced up and down the corridor.

Kennedy tightened his clenched fists and said. "Those guys fled the scene right afterward. It was impossible for us to catch up with them. I've sent some of our men to hunt those people down. Once we catch them. I swear I'll tear those bustards to bits!"

George fell silent.

The only thing we could do now is wait and pray that Ron will make it through the operation well.

On the other hand. Leah stood in a comer and waited silently with the group.

Though I always bicker with Ron. he is still one of the very few people who have offered me warmth during the dark times of my life. After everything that he's done for me. how could I not be worried when something like this happens to him?

They waited there for a very long time. As it got darker outside. George noticed that Leah's face was growing pale as well.

He walked over to her and said. "Ms. White, why don't I send you back home first? I'll inform you once Boss regains consciousness."

Kennedy, who was appalled by how George was treating Leah respectfully, snickered and walked away.

Leah shook her head. "I'm fine. Let's wait for a bit longer."

It was well past nine that night when the emergency room door finally opened. A doctor stepped tlii’ough the door, looking completely exhausted.

A group of men quickly circled him. "Doctor, is our boss alright?"

It was his first time being surrounded by so many burly, fierce-looking men. The doctor instinctively took a few steps backward and glanced around. Then, his gaze fell on the frail, gentle-looking Leah.

The doctor pointed at Leah. "You. come with me."

Leah was momentarily stunned. She was standing at the side since she could not squeeze her way through those men. However, they were all moving away and making a path for her at the doctor's request.

Kennedy pursed his lips at the sight of that.

The doctor told Leah. "The patient is in critical condition. He's suffered a huge blood loss and multiple bone fractures. Though we've given him proper treatment now. it'll still take a very long time for his fractured bones to heal and recover. The subsequent treatments and recovery process will cost a lot of money."

"I have money." Leah said in a pleading and earnest tone. "Doctor. I'll pay for all of the necessary treatment. You must help us save him."

"My colleagues and I will do our best to help the patient, of course. However, you and your friends must prepare yourselves for the worst as well." The doctor said with a solemn expression.

As soon as the doctor left. George quickly went up to Leah. When Leah told him about their conversation. George had a downcast look in his eyes.

"Ron would have to stay confined to the hospital bed for a long time. I can't imagine how much that'll hurt his pride..."

"You're being way too pessimistic!" Kennedy patted George on his back. "Ron will forever be our boss! Once he gets better, we'll make those scumbags pay for what they did!"

"Okay!" George nodded vigorously.

A short while later, the doctor and a few medical staff pushed Ron. who was lying on a bed. out of the emergency room. Content provided by NôvelDrama.Org.

Leah could see him lying motionlessly in bed. He was wrapped up in bandages from head to toe. Only the areas near his eyes were not covered, but she could see that those eyes were closed at the moment.

"Boss!" George called out to him. His eyes brimmed with tears.

The staff transferred Ron to a ward, and Leah silently followed them all the way into the room.

When tilings had finally settled down. George walked over to Leah. "Ms. White. I should send you back home now. The boss would shout at me if he knew we were keeping you here for so long."

It was already eleven at night by then.

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