Bound by Betrayal (The Mafia King Captive Bride)

Chapter Eighteen

Ashley’s POV: (Trigger warning: Please mature audience)

The drive back home was absolutely haunting. The air was heavy with an unsettling silence as if it held secrets waiting to be revealed. Not a single word escaped my lips. But the driver, I appreciated the driver’s professionalism as he remained courteous and focused, navigating the road with precision. It was as if we were in our own little bubble, isolated from the outside world.

When we arrived, the guy on my left opened his door and came out before opening mine. What a gentleman! It’s nice to see some chivalry still exists. Despite his rough looks, I think his gentle gesture warms my heart.

“Thanks,” I muttered quietly and headed toward the house.

The moment I stepped inside the house, I felt this dreadful aura and the chills crawling on my skin. It’s like this place will never become familiar to me… never! I find myself muttering in my head, “Never!” Can never get used to this place.

I shook off the strange feeling, my heart pounding in my chest as I strode towards my room. Almost reaching the corridor, I glanced ahead and my eyes widened in alarm. There, in the distance, a crowded group of men stood, their presence sending a shiver down my spine. The atmosphere was thick with an eerie and terrifying energy.

The change in aura was impossible to ignore, and as I walked in further, a sense of unease washed over me. My grip on my purse tightened, my knuckles turning white with fear. The silence was eerie, almost suffocating as if the air itself held its breath. And then, out of nowhere, a deafening explosion shattered the stillness, sending shockwaves through the building. The sound was so powerful, so intense, that it felt like it could pierce through solid walls. *BAM* The noise reverberated in my ears, leaving me momentarily stunned and speechless.

I heard a nervous gasp escape from the men, and it made me freeze in my tracks. It was as if a bag of ice had been dumped on me, paralyzing me with fear. I couldn’t bring myself to move, and in that moment of terror, a bloodcurdling scream escaped from my trembling lips, echoing through the walls.

However, the men, who were once crowded together, suddenly stopped in their tracks upon hearing the scream. They parted ways, creating a small space that allowed me to see the culprit. My face instantly turned pale, and my Debbie Wingham bag, worth a staggering six point seven million dollars, slipped nervously out of my already trembling hand. My eyes immediately noticed the presence of an expended propellant, contrary to the myth, with smokeless powder swirling around the tip of the gun, indicating that it had just been used. It was a chilling realization.

Fear gripped me, causing me to cower and nearly collapse to the ground. Desperately clutching onto the nearby wall for support, I managed to steady myself and avoid a fall. But then, our eyes locked, and I found myself staring into the chilling gaze of that brutal demon. A toxic smile twisted his lips, sending shivers down my spine.

My heart raced as a devilish smirk played across his lips, his gaze twinkling mischievously. “Welcome home, wife,” he said, his voice dripping with a dangerous blend of menace and intrigue. The anticipation of what would come next hung heavy in the air as I locked eyes with him, unsure of what awaited me.

However, just then his gaze shifted away from me, darkening as he noticed the guards standing behind me. “I made a rule,” he said, sending my heart into a flurry of uncertainty.

I felt a shiver run down my spine as his voice carried a heavy wave, rippling through my soul. “They are just three, and yet you all couldn’t avoid any of them. Every day, one seemed to be disobeyed,” he said, his words echoing with a mix of frustration and disappointment. The weight of his words hung in the air, leaving an unsettling silence.

“Bo…….. Boss,” a fearful voice trembled behind me, stunning me. This man, who seemed all rough and tough a while ago, now sounds like a scared chicken. But who wouldn’t chicken out in this menacing atmosphere and in the presence of this devilish creature that quests for blood? The fear in the air is palpable.

“Shhhhh…” he hushed them, his gaze filled with raw anger and disgust. The intensity in his eyes was undeniable.

“Who gave you two the order to drive out?” Realization hit me hard immediately when the question left his lips. The truth sank in, and I knew there was no escaping the consequences.

/Fuck/ I made a huge mistake, and it’s the main reason behind everything that unfolded. As I looked down at the lifeless body on the floor, a wave of realization hit me like a tidal wave. Tears started rolling down my cheeks uncontrollably, as I grappled with the overwhelming guilt and regret. If only I had stayed home, if only I hadn’t ventured out, perhaps none of this tragedy would have occurred. The weight of my actions is unbearable, and I can’t help but blame myself for the loss that has transpired.

Why do I always end up with huge mistakes?

“Please, boss…. ”

“I hate to be begged,” he lashed out. *BAM* Another horrified scream echoed on the wall, snapping me back to my senses. The sound shook me to my core, reminding me of the danger that surrounded us. I quickly gathered my wits and focused on finding a way to escape from this terrifying situation.

“Ahh… Ahh,” the tough guy from earlier cried out, clutching his already wounded leg as blood gushed out. The sight was intense and unsettling, but it also served as a stark reminder of the consequences that I was about to witness.

My head almost went deaf from all the muzzle sounds, and my whole body shook in fear. I watched in horror as he raised the gun and pointed it at the next guy beside the tough guy. This was the exact guy who had apologized to me earlier for scaring away our security man. The fear in his eyes was palpable as he cried and pleaded for mercy. It was a truly terrifying moment that I’ll never forget in a hurry.

My heart raced with adrenaline as I dashed in front of them, my every instinct screaming at me to protect them from the imminent danger, especially that guy. Damien’s hand inched closer to the trigger, but my swift intervention caused it to pause, retreating slightly. But that momentary shock expression on his face quickly shifted from surprise to a wicked grin, as if relishing the challenge I presented.

A shadow fell across one side of his face, and to my surprise, he released his hand, pushing the trigger back. The sudden change in his demeanor was unexpected and my body froze with fear. And I felt completely paralyzed as I watched the bullet hurtling toward me at an alarming speed. The shock and helplessness overwhelmed me in that terrifying moment.

“Ahh……. Ah!” My scream echoed through the air as the other guy forcefully shoved me aside, taking the bullet meant for me in his left elbow instead of my face. I let out a groan of pain as my head collided with the wall, my hand instinctively cradling my throbbing head. I glanced down at the injured man writhing in agony on the ground, clutching his wounded elbow. It was a surreal moment that felt like something out of a movie.

My heart pounded in my chest as I forced myself to look up, and I was shocked to see him still gripping the pistol tightly. The realization hit me hard – just how deadly could he be? It made me wonder if he had any regard for my life at all. If it weren’t for the guard stepping in and pushing me to safety, I shuddered to think what my fate could have been.

“Break the rules and face the consequences,” he glared at them, his lips filled with anger.

“No one dares to challenge me,” his gaze shifted to me. It was unsettling how he seemed to be relishing the scene. He moved his attention back to them and attempted to pull the trigger once more, but without hesitation, I stepped forward, catching him off guard once again.

But just like earlier, his face turned venomous and filled with irritation. I couldn’t hold back my emotions anymore, and through tears, I yelled at him, ‘What will you gain from this?’ My outburst caught him off guard, causing him to pause.”Têxt belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

His dark gaze locked with mine, brimming with anger. “Yes… What will you gain?” I echoed, catching everyone in the room off guard, even the two guards lying helplessly on the ground behind me.

“How dare you!!” he barked out, his voice filled with contempt.

Tears streamed down my face, a torrent of fear, nervousness, pain, and anguish. Each drop carried the weight of my emotions as if they were trying to escape the turmoil within me. I felt overwhelmed, lost in a sea of uncertainty and hurt.

“A rule broken deserved a punishment,” he coldly stated, his voice filled with menace as he raised the gun yet again. The barrel pointed straight ahead, completely disregarding my presence, as if I were nothing more than an insignificant bystander. The air grew heavy with tension, and fear gripped my heart, knowing that I was still in harm’s way.

“Please…,” I cried out, my voice trembling with desperation, as I watched his hand inch closer to the trigger, ready to unleash another bullet. The weight of guilt bore down on me, consuming my every thought. I couldn’t bear the thought of more harm caused by my actions.

“It was all my fault,” I quickly spoke up, my words desperate and filled with regret. But he paid no heed, determined to continue his course of action. “I lied, claiming that you had asked me to leave,” I continued, hoping that my confession would make him reconsider. Yet, his resolve remained unshaken, leaving me in a state of helplessness.

“They called your phone several times but no one picked it up, so they had… Please, they had no other choice than to permit me,” I sobbed, my voice choked with tears. The weight of the situation and the consequences of my actions overwhelmed me, leaving me in a state of deep sorrow.

“Please, if there is anyone to punish for defying your rules, I think it is me and not them,” I pleaded, the words tumbling out of my mouth in a desperate plea. But as soon as the words left my lips, he pressed the trigger. My heart skipped a beat as I screamed out in fear, but to my immense relief, no bullet emerged from the mouth of the muzzle.

He tried again, frustration evident in his groan as he threw the gun to the ground. Swiftly, he snatched another gun from the guard standing by his right and fired a shot, hitting the guard on his left. “I warned you all to always check your bullets and ensure each gun is loaded properly,” he exclaimed, emphasizing the importance of proper ammunition management.

I could feel my heart pounding in my chest as the guard let out a bone-chilling scream, his left injured hand gripped in agony. With a swift motion, he turned towards me, his eyes filled with a dangerous determination, and aimed the gun directly at my face. At that moment, fear consumed me, and I closed my eyes tightly, my hands trembling as they were raised in surrender. Every second felt like an eternity as I braced myself for the worst, the weight of the situation pressing heavily upon my shoulders.

I waited anxiously, every passing second feeling like an eternity. Minutes turned into hours, but still, nothing happened. I didn’t dare to hope that there was no bullet in the gun this time. Lost in my heart-wrenching thoughts, I was suddenly snapped back to reality by his cold and dreadful voice piercing the air once again. “Bring her to my room……..” his words sent a shiver down my spine. The situation grew even more intense, and I couldn’t help but feel a sense of dread.

To be continued.

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