Doted by My Seven Brothers

Chapter 171 Neil is back

Chapter 171 Neil is back

Chapter 171 Neil is back

Since he came back to buy a lot of things with Nancy last time, he seemed to have turned on some strange switch, and he bought more things this time.

"Oh, by the way, I also took a fancy to a plane..."

Everyone, "Shut up!"

Neil, "...Oh."

What was wrong for him to spend his own money!

The birthday party was almost turned into a funny show because of Neil. But in the end it was back on track.

"Come on, you two blow out the candles."

After blowing out the candles, they began to divide the cake. Although Neil didn't like to eat such sweet and greasy food, he still ate it for his sister and mother's sake.

After eating the cake, Nancy ran over holding two gift boxes and gave them to her eldest brother and second brother.

"Brothers, they're your gifts."

The two opened the gift box, and two scarves of different colors but in line with their preferences were neatly stacked in the box.

After Nancy sent it out, she stared at them eagerly, poking her fingers nervously.

"Brothers, do you like my gifts?"

The little girl was obviously nervous. Neither of them were stupid, they had a guess in their hearts at the same time.

Marcus and Neil squatted down at the same time and hugged the nervous little girl.

"I like it." They said at the same time gently.

Nancy was hugged by two brothers at the same time, a sweet and well-behaved smile bloomed on her face. Her beautiful apricot eyes curved into beautiful little crescents, which were very bright and beautiful.

"They are knitted by Nancy."

Louis said enviously on the side with his eyes fixed at the two scarves.

The other brothers were shocked.

Nancy knitted it!

They looked at the two scarves eagerly.

The two brothers, Marcus and Neil, hugged their gifts more tightly.

The two thought, "Dare you come to rob my scarf?"

Adam said, "I don't care, I want my sister to knit a scarf as my birthday gift."

Windy punched him, "Your birthday is in summer, my silly son."

Adam looked at Nancy stubbornly.

Nancy blinked her eyes, "I'll give you a gift then."

Adam was satisfied and stopped making trouble.

This birthday party was indeed a big surprise for the two brothers, Marcus and Neil.

Windy looked at the lively home, and she didn't know why she felt sad and wanted to cry.

As the sons grew up, they gradually spread their wings and flew away from the nest. They were so busy that sometimes they couldn't come back once a year.

Now that Nancy came back, she could often see these two sons, and the house was getting more and more lively, which was great.

James took her by the shoulders with a smile.

In this lively atmosphere, Marcus's phone vibrated.

He didn't care at first, but then it viberated several times.

He frowned and took out his phone to see that it was a message from Yale.

Yale: Where are you?

Yale: Did you drive to Mars? Têxt © NôvelDrama.Org.

Yale: So you stood me up!

Marcus was speechless.

He finally thought of the appointment. No wonder he always felt that he had forgot something.

Marcus: I forgot that.

Marcus: I'm home.

Marcus: This's from Nancy.

Maybe he thought it was not enough, he added an emoji.

Marcus: ^^

It was a gift from sister, the tone should be more happier.

Yale was speechless.

He found language couldn't describe his feelings now. He once thought that only Louis was not reliable. But now he found that his friend was less reliable than Louis!

He had been waiting for a long time. It turned out that Marcus should forgot him!

Not only he forgot the appointment, he also showed off his gift. Didn't he remember that he stood them up? Yale thought angrily.

How could people did such things!

With such low EQ, the reason why Marcus could be a boss was that his outstanding abilities and cold face!

Yale was so angry that he left these people who were there to celebrate Marcus birthday, paid the bill and drove to the Brook's villa.

Windy and others warmly welcomed his coming.

"Hey, Yale. Only you remember Marcus's birthday and ask him to eat out. He doesn't have many friends. He's still young, but he is living a life like elder man."

Yale smiled and looked at Marcus, who pretended not seeing him and fed his sister.

Yale smiled but cursed inner world. The reason why he didn't break the friendship was that he was generous!

"Marcus Brook!"

Marcus fed Nancy a grape and then they looked at him at the same time.

Nancy waved her hand and called,"Brother Yale."

Marcus asked, "Why are you there?"

Yale sat beside him and started to eat a piece of cake melancholy.

"You know the reason. You stood me up! Why couldn't I come to find you? How dare you ask me this question!"

He was so angry.

Marcus hummed, "When did you arrive?"

Yale turned his back to him and was not willing to speak any more. Or he would die because of angry.

Marcus glanced at him and wondered that why he didn't continue talking.

But that was not important. He showed off the scarf Nancy gave him in front of Yale.

"Does this look good? Nancy gave me this!"


Marcus didn't found that Yale was angry!

Marcus snored, then he what he said next made Yale more angry.

"Borrow it to you. Return it back 2 seconds later."

Then Marcus put it on Yale's hands and counted in his heart and then fetched it back himself. By the way, he folded it and put it into the box.

Yale thought, can I beat him?

Although he was angry, it was impossible to beat him to death. They had been friends for many years, it was impossible for them to break up.

After the party, they had a meal together. During the meal, someone drunk alcohol. Neil sniffed the glass like a dog.

His work was important, and he was not allowed to make any mistakes, so the members of the institute were basically not allowed to drink alcohol.

But going home from vacation was an exception. He had never drunk before, but today he was happy.

So Neil, who had never drank before, also wanted to taste it.

Holding the glass, he took a small sip and frowned. It smelled delicious, but it tasted...

Hum? It seemed good.

Neil's brows loosened, he raised his head with the wine glass, and under the terrified eyes of the two guards and assistants... he drunk it all.

"Mr. Brook!"

Everyone suddenly looked over, and then they saw his hand that he hadn't had time to retract and the wine glass that was already empty.

The air suddenly became quiet...

Neil asked, "Why are you looking at..." me.

Before he finished the sentence, Neil felt dizzy, and then his head slammed on the table and he fainted.

Everyone was speechless.

James pinched the bridge of his nose and said, "Don't worry, he doesn't have to work tomorrow."

The two guards and assistants were relieved when they heard that.

That's right, they didn't have to work tomorrow, but... tomorrow he might got a headache.

After sending Neil to bed, everyone almost finished the meal.

Shawn pinched the back of his brother's neck and said goodbye.

"Aunt and uncle, my brother and I are going back first."

Shawn also lived in the Fairview Garden that Ivan bought.

James replied, "I'll ask the driver to send you off."

Nancy also followed him out like his small tail.

When leaving, Shawn rubbed the little girl's head, "Go back, little girl."

The little girl nodded obediently, "Good bye."

After the two brothers left, Yale also said goodbye and left.

Nancy was hugged by her eldest brother, and they were wearing the scarf she gave him together.


Yale was comforted and forgave Marcus. Yes, he was so easy to be satisfied. It was not easy for this guy to come out and send him. could his future girlfriend bear him.

The lively atmosphere gradually cooled down. The servants of the Brook family cleaned up the leftovers on the table. Marcus and the others were also ready to sleep.

Soon the next day, Marcus took his scarf to work early in the morning.

And even when he stayed indoors, he didn't take off the scarf.

He hang in the company with his scarf but didn't speak.

All the employee were terrified and thought they must have done something wrong.

Philip, who knew the reason was speechless.

His boss was really introverted.

Seeing that everyone was scared by his hang out but on one stood out to praise his scarf, Philip felt that he was in a clod sweat.

"Boss, I'm going to the bathroom."

If things continued, his bonus of this month would be lost.

So he quickly went to the bathroom and took out his phone quickly. Then he sent a message in the Wechat group, which his boss was not in.

- Hey, everyone. The scarf on boss's neck was from Nancy. It's the birthday gift he received yesterday. I can only tell you this.

Two seconds later...

- Copy that, thanks Philip to save my life!

- Copy that! I finally figure it out!

- Copy that, thanks for saving my life!

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