Forbidden Heat

Our Own Problems

Our Own Problems

“…what?” She exclaimed, clearly shocked at my words.

“I said, what makes you think that you can take my place?” I repeated my question again.

“I…” Annie said before she realized that she didn’t have any comeback for that.

“You can’t. The good news is that you don’t need to. You need to find your own place in his heart or

your own role in his life. To be frank, if you can’t even do that, I would prefer if you would just let Zak go

and opt for a divorce,” I said truthfully. I’ve seen so many arranged marriages fail. Just take a look at

Lucien’s for example.

“What?!” Annie exclaimed once again in shock.

“Did I offend you with my directness? I’m sorry. I have somewhere to be so I can’t be here with you

forever. The last thing I want Zak to be involved in is a loveless marriage. Zak is a free spirit. It’s so sad

to see him tied down by something that’s not even close to love,” I said, emotionlessly.

Perhaps, this is for her own good…

I paused as I glanced at Annie to see that she was deep in thought. Perhaps she was seriously

considering my words. Regardless of what she chose to do from here on out, I wanted to say what I

had to say. The rest will be up to her.

“Zak once told me that if he falls in love, it will be at first sight or not at all. It’s been five years now, and

he’s known you before your wedding too, don’t you think that if he’s going to fall in love with you, he

would have a long time ago?” I asked rhetorically.

“I hate to admit it but…I know that. But…I just can’t let him go…” Annie replied softly.

“Just think it over. Letting go and starting over isn’t a bad choice but it can be a hard choice to make. I

guess, I know that from personal experience. I wish you and Zak both the best…” I said, meaning every


“Natalia…how did you manage to forget Zak?” Annie asked, her eyes pleading me for an answer that

would save her.

I just threw my head back and laughed at her presumptuous question. This girl is really funny…either

that or she’s very dense. It took a while until I was able to compose myself adequately to answer her


“Simple. I never managed it,” I replied before I smiled at her.

“Natalia…” Annie said my name as her eyes widened in shock and I could see her lips quiver.

“The tea has gotten cold. I’ll…see you around,” I said before I grabbed my handbag and got up from

my seat.

This time I walked towards the exit and never turned back around.

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When we became parents, many new responsibilities were thrown our way. For some of them Edward

and I were able to figure things out together and they went by easily like a breeze. However, some

were a little bit trickier. I looked down at the letter in my hand and sighed with worry. Edward really

never liked going to any of these.

‘Parent-teacher conference’ was written in bolded text at the top of the letter.

Well, the twins are still quite young so I doubt there would be anything surprising or troublesome. I

laughed a little bit at myself when I thought back on one of Ryder’s parent-teacher conference where

we were told of the many mischievous things that he did to his classmates as school. That boy was too

smart and naughty at best.

“Sorry, I’m late…” Edward said apologetically as he came to stand next to me.

“It’s ok. It’s not our turn yet,” I replied as I smiled at him.

Edward adjusted his tie nervously although I thought that he already looked perfect if not slightly

overdressed for a visit to our children’s school.

“You don’t have to be so nervous, you know?” I said as I smiled amusedly at him.

“I’m not nervous…” Edward muttered as he folded his arm defensively.

“Yeah right…” I muttered back.

We stood silently in front of the teacher’s office side by side as we waited for our turn. I felt like I had

nothing to worry about. The twins were cute, smart and well-behaved children. Much more well-

behaved when compared to their older brother, Ryder.

After a short while, it was finally our turn to meet the teacher. Miss Evergreen was a plump woman in

her mid-forties who had spent her entire career teaching at this school. Edward and I have decided to

send our children to normal private schools instead of the ones reserved for socialites or ones funded

by the Rosenhall family. For obvious reasons, I flat out refused to send my children to the same school

that Zak and I went to.

We greeted the teacher warmly before she invited us to take a seat opposite her at her working desk.

This was the first parent-teacher conference for us regarding the twins and I could clearly tell that

Edward was feeling nervous about the outcome.

“Well, what can I say. Devon and Rosaline are very happy and cheerful children. It is clear that they

care about each other a lot and seem to stick to each other perhaps a little too much during class at

first. However, now they seem to have found their own group of friends. Rosaline is playing with other

girls in the class more and Devon with the boys,” Miss Evergreen said in a kind and caring voice.

“That sounds great,” I commented truthfully. The twins were sort of stuck together since they were

twins; however, I felt that it would be better for them if they developed a sense of individuality and


“The two are getting along very well with their classmates and there is nothing to worry about them on

that front at all. They are friendly and very well-behaved children,” Miss Evergreen said reassuringly.

“What about their studies?” I asked.

“Oh…there is absolutely nothing for you to be concerned about on that front as well. Both Devon and

Rosaline are super smart. They seem to be much ahead in their studies than the rest of the class most

of the time. They’re so smart. They’re geniuses!” Miss Evergreen said excitedly as she smiled a bright

smile at us.

“Please don’t say irresponsible things like my children are geniuses. I’m sure that they are just normal,”

Edward spoke up for the first time since the session started and it was clear that he was unhappy with

what he had just heard.

--To be continued…

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