God Of War Dad

Chapter 488 the Terrifying Power of Blood Wave


A bunch of fools!

Sean proved with his actions that whether it was Single Eye or Dasch, he had them all in the palm of his hand, spinning them around, deceiving everyone, and outsmarting them. Do you believe it?

Faced with the undeniable truth, even Dasch couldn’t help but believe it!




The three surviving members of the Hall of Jade were thoroughly frightened by the words “Bright Realm Practitioner,” their heavily injured bodies trembling almost uncontrollably. The glimmer of hope that had just arisen in their hearts was directly snuffed out!




Just as their trembling had finally subsided, their bodies, which had almost gone crazy with the intense fear, couldn’t hold back the overwhelming urge to urinate. Unintentionally, they all wet themselves, creating grotesque “maps” on their pants!

Even Single Eye was scared into wetting himself!

He peed vigorously!

Like a river bursting its banks, it was unstoppable!

“Bright Realm!”

“My goodness! He… He’s actually a Bright Realm Practitioner!”

“This is great!!!”

On the other hand, those imprisoned in the cold iron cells were the opposite. Just as Single Eye and the three members of the Hall of Jade were exhilarated after the first punch, they were on the verge of jumping up in excitement!

The battle between Sean and Dasch not only determined their own victory or defeat but also the life or death of both parties!

Victory means life!

Defeat means death!

“Bright Realm! Is it really that amazing?”

“You think!”

“Just because you’re a Bright Realm Practitioner, I can’t do anything to you? I should just surrender and wait for death?”

“You’re dreaming!!!”

Hearing the excited chatter of those around him, Dasch stood in the center of the pavilion, scanning the cold iron cells in the stone wall. At this moment, his body was completely covered in densely packed scales, completing the process of transformation into a beast!

His fierce beast-like eyes were as red as blood!

As he spoke, Dasch’s injured arms suddenly rose, and the vigorous dark energy within him, along with the limited Bright Energy in his core, simultaneously erupted, forming a terrifying energy surge around his body!

At the same time!

The huge blood pool beneath the pavilion seemed to be drawn and summoned by some mysterious force. The roaring of the blood became even more intense, and the blood vortex spun even more wildly. It seemed to conjure up a blood dragon, rising into the sky along with the energy surge around Dasch’s body, enveloping his transformed figure within the blood dragon!


After complete transformation, Dasch’s strength had greatly increased, and he was more adept at controlling the Blood Wave, able to unleash its stronger power!

The power of that last punch was already very close to that of a Bright Realm Practitioner!

Now, with the double boost of complete transformation and the Blood Wave, how strong could Dasch be??

“Truly worthy of the Hall of Jade!”

Faced with this situation, even Sean couldn’t help but feel a significant surge of emotions. A practitioner who was only close to the Bright Realm hadn’t even been on Sean’s radar!

Now it seemed!

Sean had underestimated Dasch’s abilities!

Or rather!

He had underestimated the depth of the Hall of Jade!

Just a branch of the Hall of Jade, just a leader close to the Bright Realm, could actually force Sean to reveal his true level and engage in a full-on battle. This was truly beyond Sean’s expectations!

If Dasch was like this!

Then, how formidable were the Twelve Demons of Confluence?

What about the master of the Hall of Jade in Harmonization?Belongs to NôvelDrama.Org - All rights reserved.

An invisible pressure loomed over Sean’s mind like a dark cloud. The path ahead was treacherous and perilous. It seemed that getting the Phoenix Gall from the Hall of Jade and finding his father, Porter Mason, was even more challenging than climbing to the sky!!!


Just as Sean’s mood grew somewhat heavy, suddenly, accompanied by a sharp roar, Dasch, enveloped in the blood dragon, launched an attack towards him!

“Arrogant old dog!”

“Even if you are a Bright Realm Practitioner, you will not leave the Hall of Jade alive!!”

A punch!

A bloody huge fist emerged, not a mere illusion of a fist, but a real bloody one. The huge fist, resembling the head of the blood dragon, directly charged towards Sean, intimidating and terrifying!

“Is that so?”

Sean said in a deep voice, “The last monster that transformed in front of me is now lying there scared, wetting himself!”


“You are no exception!”

In the instant his words fell, the momentum on Sean’s body once again soared, from an ordinary Bright Realm Practitioner to the extremewithout holding anything back!


They exchanged punches!

Sean could clearly feel that Dasch’s combat power at this moment was not inferior to that of an average Bright Realm Practitioner. Without going all out, it was likely that he wouldn’t be able to defeat him for a while!

Hearing Sean’s words, Single Eye’s old face instantly turned as dark as charcoal!


You guys do your thing, why involve me?

I give up!

Can’t I just give up?

It’s like getting hit while lying down!


The moment Sean’s Bright Realm fist clashed with the roaring blood dragon’s fist, in the rapt attention of everyone present, the fist of the blood dragon held for about two or three seconds. Then, a loud explosion echoed, the massive fist shattered, blood splattering everywhere!


This was not the end!

The fist of the blood dragon was just the head of the blood dragon. After the huge fist shattered, the rest of the blood dragon quickly took its place, continuing to collide madly with Sean’s Bright Realm fist!

The Bright Realm fist surged forward, unstoppable, tearing the blood dragon apart bit by bit!


When the Bright Realm fist hit a spot less than five meters away from Dasch, its force diminished, gradually fading away, exploding and dispersing into a cloud of blood mist!

This scene!

Left everyone dumbfounded!




Once again, Sean’s power exceeded their imagination, overturning their understanding!

Especially Dasch!

For him, the result was hard to accept. The shock in his heart was indescribable. He couldn’t believe his own eyes. How was this possible?

How was this possible!!!

More than anyone, Dasch understood just how powerful that punch was. Even an average Bright Realm Practitioner would find it difficult to contend with!

And Sean!

Not only did he withstand it, but he also gained the upper hand, almost landing a punch on Dasch’s body!

What did this signify?

It meant that Sean was not only a genuine Bright Realm Practitioner but also an exceptional one among the Consolidation’s Bright Realm Practitioners!

My goodness!

Where did this old bastard come from, with such monstrous abilities??

“Kill him!”

“Kill him!”

“Kill him!”

In the midst of their shock, those imprisoned in the cold iron cells erupted in fervent shouts, cheering Sean on!


Despite the outcome of this punch, Sean was not satisfied!

His full-powered punch actually failed to reach Dasch’s body. This demonstrated the formidable power of the Blood Wave. If he hadn’t already reached the pinnacle of Consolidation, wouldn’t it have been possible for him to fall here today?


Sean noticed that the pool of blood formed a vortex, conjuring a blood dragon to protect Dasch, and after his punch shattered the charging blood dragon’s fist, the splattered blood fell back into the pool, still capable of conjuring new blood dragons to guard Dasch!


Sean sneered, “To push me to this extent is already your good fortune. Even in the underworld, you can be proud!”

Whoosh! In the moment the words fell, Sean became a fleeting shadow, leaping over the arch bridge and charging towards the pavilion on the opposite side, towards Dasch, choosing to engage in close combat rather than continuing to exchange long-range attacks!

The reason was simple!

Under the enveloping Blood Wave, in order to swiftly kill Dasch, they had to act quickly, to prevent the formation of new blood dragons for Dasch to exploit!

“Want to kill me?”


Although Dasch was alarmed, they were not intimidated. Even realizing the danger, they were unafraid to fight. Their icy, bone-chilling voice seemed to emanate from the depths of hell, gritting their teeth they said, “If I die, none of you will live!”

“We’ll die together!!!”

As the words fell, Dasch’s body soared into the air, pushing the powerful dark energy within and the Bright Energy from their core to the extreme. Their control over the Blood Wave had reached an unprecedented level, to the extent that… blood began to flow from their crimson eyes!

Then from their mouth!



Blood gushed from every orifice!!!

Unaware of Dasch’s intentions, Sean, with no time to spare, rushed onto the pavilion and engaged in a fierce face-to-face battle with Dasch!




The thunderous sounds reverberated like thunder, continuously echoing throughout the grand hall, as the two fiercely determined figures clashed above the blood pool!

Soon after, a panicked and chaotic clamor emanated from the surrounding cold iron prison cells!

“What’s happening?”

“My body feels like…”


After a moment, from one of the cold iron prison cells, a sudden explosion erupted, without any warning, as if a thunderbolt on a clear day!

It exploded!

The person confined within that cold iron prison cell inexplicably burst into pieces!

Flesh and blood flew!

Bones vanished!




Immediately following, the second cold iron prison cell, the third, the fourth, the fifth…

The people inside, one after another, exploded in place!

The blood mist generated by the explosions, under the influence and control of a mysterious force, spontaneously converged towards the massive blood pool, entirely entering it and becoming a part of the immense blood pool!

Not only the people confined within the cold iron prison cells, but even the three surviving members of the Hall of Jade, due to their weak strength and poor resistance, successively burst into thick clouds of blood mist, merging into the massive blood pool, becoming nourishment for the Blood Wave!

Only Single Eye remained, struggling desperately!

Only he understood the reason behind it all!

Little did they know!

The Blood Wave referred not only to the gigantic blood pool below, but encompassed the entire grand hall, even the entire stone mountain. The winding passage within the stone mountain was also a part of the Blood Wave. Once activated, all the cold iron prison cells on the stone walls fell under Dasch’s control. Risking massive bleeding from all seven orifices, Dasch unleashed the Blood Wave to its extreme, to the extent that everyone within the grand hall had to endure the force of the Blood Wave’s annihilation!

Unable to withstand it, they could only die!

Exploding in place!

Becoming nourishment for the Blood Wave!


This was what Dasch meant by “dying together”!

To die!

Then let’s die together!

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