God Of War Dad

Chapter 497: Battle of the Wheels, The Terrifying Power of Great Ape

Sean appeared! However, the way Sean appeared once again refreshed everyone’s perception of him, or rather, once again refreshed the bottom line of arrogance and shamelessness! Damn! Has this bastard lost his mind? Has he been kicked by a donkey? He actually wants to take on six, single-handedly facing six disciples including Chan who were selected through layer after layer of selection in the Plainwater Town branch to participate in the full branch martial arts competition, representing the strongest lineup of Plainwater Town branch disciples in the mid-stage of dark energy, competing with the other seventeen branches of Buddha Academy! And Sean, on the other hand, declared that he would take them on alone! Where did he get the confidence? Is he shameless?

“Kill him!”

“Kill him!”

“Kill him!”

The hundreds of disciples around were truly outraged, waving their fists and cursing loudly. Their anger erupted like a volcano. If they couldn’t hammer “Great Ape” to death today, they would probably be unable to eat or sleep!

“Good kid!!!” On the observation platform, Hastiff, as well as the elders and instructors, were equally shocked by Sean’s words. However, deep down, despite his shock, there was still some expectation for Sean. After all, if it was just boasting and showing off, then as soon as they started fighting, he would be immediately slapped in the face! Sean shouldn’t be that foolish! What if… What if Sean could really do it?

Little did they know, according to the experience of previous full branch martial arts competitions, there was not a single fool in any of the eighteen branches. Almost every branch deliberately suppressed their own realm, like Chan, intentionally not advancing, in order to maintain their peak state and shine in the full branch martial arts competition. It was precisely because of this that Plainwater Town branch had only one outstanding talent like Chan, which was why Hastiff was worried and why he had to find “Great Ape” by all means necessary, why he had to have a backup plan!

“Humph!” “Arrogant boasting!” Chan’s reaction was not as dramatic as the other disciples. Staring at Sean, his icy face showed only a strong look of disdain. He snorted, “Take on six? You’re not even worthy!”

At this point, Ken and the others had already aggressively walked onto the fighting platform. With fierce eyes, Ken glared at Sean and through gritted teeth said, “You little bastard, I’ve tolerated you for a long time! Dare to say my strength is too weak, my explosive power is too feeble, like I haven’t eaten in three days like a woman? I’ll hit you! I alone, one punch is enough!”

Swoosh! The moment his words dropped, Ken didn’t give Sean the time or opportunity to retort. He didn’t want to wait a single second longer. Like a fierce beast, he leaped up, turning into a blur, and with a punch, he surged towards Sean who was ten meters away. In an instant, he unleashed the surging dark energy within him to the extreme. His massive fist seemed like a meteor breaking through the air, directly attacking Sean’s face!

From his stance, Ken clearly had no intention of slowly sparring with Sean. He wanted to end the fight with one punch, to crush Sean with overwhelming force. The surrounding disciples immediately cheered, shouting in support of Ken!

Meanwhile, Chan and the five others, including the senior sister, stood quietly, watching the fight. They did not join Ken in attacking Sean. The reason was simple: they were all elite disciples of the branch, each with their own pride; they disdained ganging up on someone weaker.

“Since you’re in such a hurry, let me give you some guidance first.” Under the watchful eyes of everyone, facing Ken’s full-force strike, Sean shook his head helplessly, then stepped forward and raised his right fist, directly meeting Ken’s massive fist hurtling towards him!

The next moment, as fist met fist, the two collided fiercely! A thunderous explosion of dark energy, rupturing the air, caused everyone’s pupils to contract, their hearts involuntarily trembling. Then, they witnessed an unbelievable sight! Almost at the same instant as the explosion, a figure swooshed backwards at an astonishing speed, catching everyone off guard. By the time they reacted, with a loud thud, the figure had flown beyond the fighting platform, landing among the crowd at the edge of the platform, knocking down a large group of disciples!

In contrast, another figure stood motionless on the fighting platform, still in a punching position, like an unyielding rock, not having taken a single step back! It was Sean! In one punch, Sean had directly sent Ken flying!

The cheers abruptly ceased! “This!” “This!” “This, this, this…”

This scene was simply tooshocking and unprecedented. The outcome was beyond everyone’s expectations. Who could have imagined that when facing a branch disciple, ranked in the top three within the mid-stage of dark energy, known for his innate divine power like Ken, Sean actually managed to stand his ground, face the punch head-on, and defeat him in one strike?

Damn! Wasn’t Ken the one with the innate divine power? Until now, it had always been Ken sending others flying with one punch, right? Even Chan, who ranked first and was no ordinary mid-stage dark energy disciple, didn’t dare to easily confront Ken head-on. Yet, Sean did just that! And, Sean succeeded!

“Dean! This…” The elders and instructors on the observation platform also widened their eyes, completely incredulous. They looked unanimously at Hastiff, seated among them, and exclaimed, “Could it be that this Great Ape, like Ken, also possesses innate divine power?”

Yes! Innate divine power! So far, Sean had only acted twice as “Great Ape”. The first time, he had punched back two mid-stage dark energy guards from the Steer family. This time, he had punched Ken and sent him flying. Both times, he had used sheer force. Therefore, the impression he gave was that his punch strength far exceeded that of an ordinary person. In this regard, he seemed to have a huge advantage, as if he had been uniquely blessed in this aspect!

Hastiff’s expression became incredibly solemn, his pupils slightly contracting. He didn’t answer the questions of the elders and instructors. However, inside, a significant wave was stirred up!

“The pinnacle of the mid-stage of dark energy.”

Hastiff stared at Sean, pondering to himself, “No wonder he’s so arrogant. It turns out that he and Chan are at the same mid-stage level, both on the cusp of advancing to the late stage of dark energy at any time!”

“This punch!”

“Ken lost without a doubt!”

“It seems!”

“Except for Chan, the rest of them are indeed far behind him, far from being his opponents!!!”

As a practitioner close to the Bright Realm, Hastiff’s perception and insight were extremely sharp. At the moment Sean made his move, he instantly saw that Sean was very close to the late stage of dark energy, so close that it was within reach, he simply chose not to advance!

However, Hastiff had not seen through the effect of the “Moon Pellet” and had not seen through Sean’s true level!

Otherwise, if Hastiff knew that Sean had long surpassed the late stage of dark energy, even reaching the perfection of dark energy and approaching the Bright Realm, truly a genuine Bright Realm practitioner, even if the dean himself took the stage, he couldn’t withstand a single punch from Sean. One wonders what his expression would be and what his thoughts would be!

“I told you your power is too weak, your explosive force is too feeble, like someone who hasn’t eaten for three days!”

“Did I misspeak?”

Amidst the horrified gazes of everyone, Sean slowly retracted his fist, looked at Ken, who had fallen among the crowd, and said in a deep voice, “Actually, you’re right. For you, one punch is enough!”


“You simply don’t have the ability or opportunity to throw a second punch!”

A slap in the face!

An undisguised slap in the face!

Originally, after putting on a show for so long, Sean had finally made it to the combat platform with great difficulty, and Ken was the first to challenge him. He intended to strike Sean’s face, but now, it turned out that instead of slapping Sean, he became his own clown!

This punch!

Not only did it send Ken flying and hit his face, but it also struck the faces of all the disciples present at the academy. Sean used his own strength to prove to them: I, Great Ape, am not pretending. I am damn awesome, you know?


Ken had been holding back from spitting blood, but upon hearing Sean’s words of humiliation, he couldn’t hold back any longer. He really couldn’t. He opened his mouth and a gush of thick blood sprayed out, splattering three feet away!


Sean ignored Ken, turned around, and looked at Chan and the others still standing on the combat platform, asking, “Now, are you all ready to come at me together?”


With Ken as a cautionary tale, who would dare to say for certain that they could defeat Sean in a one-on-one fight?

“I’ll give it a try!”

To Sean’s surprise, the person who stepped forward was not Chan or the other male disciples, but the exceptional swordswoman, the only woman among the six!

The swordswoman took a few steps forward and stood face to face with Sean. Her gaze held no more anger or disgust, only a solemn readiness. She softly said, “You said my swordsmanship is too slow, lacking in strength, all show and no substance. Now, would you be willing to give me a few pointers in swordsmanship?”

Engaging in a direct fist-to-fist confrontation, not even Ken was a match for Sean with his swordsmanship. The swordswoman had self-awareness and naturally wouldn’t be foolish enough to clash head-on with Sean. Thus, being skilled in swordsmanship, she intended to purely compete with Sean in that aspect!

Speaking of which, such a duel was not fair for Sean!

So, “Swordsmanship?” Sean raised an eyebrow and said, “I used a knife before, now I use my fists. I can’t claim to be proficient in swordsmanship, just have some knowledge…”


Was the first time Sean had been so humble!

Was he admitting defeat?

Upon hearing this, the surrounding academy disciples, who had just been thoroughly embarrassed, seemed to see a glimmer of hope, the sky cleared, the rain stopped, and they felt a bit restless again!

“Then you…”

The swordswoman was taken aback. She wanted to ask, if you’re not proficient in swordsmanship, then what qualifies you to criticize mine? However, before she could voice these words, Sean cleared his throat, shifted the topic, and continued, “But… well, even though I only have some knowledge, all arts share a common principle. It should be enough to give you a few pointers, Miss!”


The swordswoman swallowed hard, wanting to say that if he was not proficient in swordsmanship, what right didhe have to criticize her swordsmanship? However, before she could speak, Sean coughed lightly, and then continued, “However… well, even though I only have some knowledge, all arts share a common principle. It should be enough to give you a few pointers, Miss!”


The swordswoman was taken aback, wanting to ask, if you’re not proficient in swordsmanship, then what qualifies you to criticize mine? However, before she could voice these words, Sean cleared his throat, shifted the topic, and continued, “But… well, even though I only have some knowledge, all arts share a common principle. It should be enough to give you a few pointers, Miss!”

“Where’s your sword…”

The swordswoman was about to speak, questioning Sean’s right to critique her swordsmanship, but before she could, Sean cleared his throat and changed the subject, saying, “But… well, even though I only have some knowledge, all arts share a common principle. It should be enough to give you a few pointers, Miss!”

“Where’s your sword…”

The swordswoman was about to speak, questioning Sean’s right to critique her swordsmanship, but before she could, Sean cleared his throat and changed the subject, saying, “But… well, even though I only have some knowledge, all arts share a common principle. It should be enough to give you a few pointers, Miss!”

“You use the sword!”

“I use the scabbard!”

Sure enough…



He was still the same self-important Great Ape, arrogant to the extreme!


The swordswoman’s chest rose and fell in anger. She grit her teeth and said, “This is your choice. If I accidentally hurt you, don’t blame me!”

As soon as the words fell, she flashed forward, wielding her sword, charging straight at Sean!

Receiving the scabbard, Sean smiled, “Rest assured, you won’t hurt me. But… if I accidentally poke you, don’t blame me!”


Since the scabbard was not a sword, it could only be used to poke, not to stab like a sword!

In the blink of an eye, the two were entangled in combat, sword energy whistling, afterimages weaving!


Just as they exchanged blows for the third time, a shrill cry suddenly rang out. Sean’s scabbard had poked the back of the swordswoman’s waist!Content rights by NôvelDr//ama.Org.

“Too slow, only concerned with the front, not enough time to defend against the back. If this were a real fight, not a sparring match, you might have already fallen to my blade!” Sean couldn’t resist commenting, reinforcing his earlier assessment!


Flushed with embarrassment, the swordswoman turned back and thrust her sword at Sean, but just as Sean had evaluated, her speed was too slow, at least compared to Sean’s!

In the world of martial arts, only speed prevails!


Her sword missed, and before she could strike a second time, Sean’s scabbard had poked her in the abdomen!

“I’ve told you, your swordplay is all show, lacking in practicality!”

Sean shook his head.

“Once more!”

The swordswoman, unwilling to accept defeat, sliced open Sean’s scabbard and immediately thrust her sword at Sean’s chest!


Sean was starting to get impatient. Seriously, there were people waiting in line for his guidance, and here she was, getting addicted to being poked?


Sean, no longer as polite, evaded the swordswoman’s blade, and in one swift motion, poked her fluctuating chest!


As expected, the poke hit the mark, right in the middle, drawing gasps and screams!

“You… you rogue!”

In a flash, the swordswoman’s face turned as red as a ripe apple, a mix of anger and embarrassment!

“Where’s the rogue in that?”

Sean appeared innocent, saying, “So, only you’re allowed to target my chest, but I can’t poke yours? Should I just stand here and let you stab me?”


The swordswoman covered her left chest with her hand, held her sword in her right hand, and gritted her teeth, “I’ll kill you, you shameless scoundrel!”

In the next moment…

She felt a sudden pain in her right chest!

Oh no!

While her left side was shielded, her right side was not so lucky. Sean had fiercely poked her, and surprisingly, despite her lack of beauty, the swordswoman had a pretty good figure, quite resilient!

This time…

Sean didn’t give her a chance to speak. As soon as he retracted the scabbard, he immediately poked her again and again, relentless in his poking!

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