God Of War Dad

Chapter 501: Intrigue, the Legendary Confluence Pill

Hastiff spent more than ten minutes revealing everything about “Great Ape,” “Great Monkey,” and “Gorillas” to Pastiff without holding back any information. After hearing it all, Pastiff’s tone changed noticeably, clearly taken aback, and asked, “Oh? Such astonishing and peculiar matters exist?”

He continued, “Gorillas… I have never heard anyone mention that name! Are you certain?”

“The young man known as Great Ape, can he truly sweep through a realm and claim the top spot for the mid-level dark energy?”

Hastiff had personally witnessed the almost terrifying combat power of “Great Ape” and found it somewhat unbelievable. Pastiff, even more so, could not fathom it. “I am almost certain,” Hastiff said solemnly. “As for breaking through to the late stage of dark energy, I cannot guarantee how strong he will become or whether he can compete with the elite disciples of the other seventeen branches. However, in the mid-stage of dark energy, he is indeed the strongest fighter I have ever seen. Even compared to the top of the academy’s previous competitions, he is only stronger and not weaker!”

The academy had hosted many competitions, and Plainwater Town’s branch had participated in many of them. Almost every time, Hastiff personally went to the capital to observe. Therefore, Hastiff was very clear about the kind of combat power one would need to claim the top spot in the academy’s competitions.

Hope existed, but it was not substantial. Great Ape, on the other hand, was almost certain to secure the top spot for the mid-level dark energy, as long as no other freaks like Great Ape appeared in the other seventeen branches.

Silence fell. On the other end of the phone, Pastiff remained silent for a good three minutes. Concerning the Confluence Pill, Pastiff did not dare to be the slightest bit complacent. After those three minutes, Pastiff’s voice came through again: “I trust our elder brother’s judgment. Let’s do as he says. If what he said is true, and there is a strong individual with bright energy among the Gorillas, and Great Monkey has also gained Dasch’s attention, it would be a loss for us to become their enemies. If Great Monkey or that strong individual with bright energy were to act, it would be difficult for our elder brother to stop them! Therefore, it’s better to do as he wishes, first entrust the Confluence Pill to him for safekeeping, and then keep him under control within the branch. Once he arrives in the capital, everything will be out of his control!”

Within the North Kingdom, there were only two true individuals with bright energy: one was the national teacher of the North Kingdom, and the other was the ruler of the North Kingdom. Both of them resided in the capital. Even if the Gorillas did have a strong individual with bright energy, they would definitely not dare to act recklessly in the capital. Furthermore, Lord Steer would personally attend the upcoming academy-wide competition.

“Alright, I will make arrangements immediately,” Hastiff nodded. After hanging up the phone, he immediately went to the Treasure Pavilion and fetched the Confluence Pill.

On the other side, Mr. Sun led Sean to another separate courtyard, adjacent to the one where Hastiff was. There was only a wall between the two. Inside the courtyard were pavilions, terraces, and elegant surroundings filled with the fragrance of flowers and the chirping of birds.

“Mr. Great!” Mr. Sun brought Sean into one of the buildings in the courtyard and gestured with a smile, “How about staying here before heading to the capital?”

Sean looked around and it was evident even to a fool that this place was definitely not where ordinary academy disciples would reside. So Sean asked, “What is this place?”

“This is the Hall of Lords,” Mr. Sun said, “where the Lords of the academy reside. I live in the building opposite Mr. Great.”

Then, Mr. Sun proceeded to introduce each building in the courtyard to Sean. Sean realized, to his surprise, that all the buildings surrounding the one he was in were inhabited by academy Lords, forming a sort of encirclement around his building.

In other words, Sean was surrounded by a group of Complete Stage old folks! It was apparent that Hastiff was worried that after receiving the Confluence Pill, Sean might try to escape with it.

Moreover, Mr. Sun intentionally informed Sean of this arrangement to clearly remind him: “Hey kid, don’t try anything funny, otherwise, you won’t escape from our grasp!”

“Hehe,” Sean couldn’t help but sneer, “Mr. Sun, you’ve put in a lot of effort. Your consideration is truly thorough.”

Mr. Sun chuckled and said, “Oh, not at all. Mr. Great possesses astonishing talent andlimitless potential. It is an opportunity for our Plainwater Town branch. Naturally, we must do everything in our power to safeguard Mr. Great’s safety to prevent any mishaps.”


Was it because they feared I might be too safe?

Soon after, Hastiff arrived at the courtyard. As soon as he entered the building, he took out a cubical box, about the size of a rice bowl, made of the same snowy cold iron as those divine weapons, and had a dark golden color.

“Mr. Great, please have a look.” Hastiff strode over to Sean and handed him the box. “Inside is the Confluence Pill you desire.”

“Oh?” Sean’s eyebrows rose. He immediately took the box from Hastiff and, in front of him and Mr. Sun, opened it. Inside, the walls of the box were thick, about a dozen centimeters, all made of solid cold iron. In the center of the box lay a golden pill about two centimeters in diameter.

Confluence Pill!

Upon seeing that golden pill, even with Sean’s disposition, he couldn’t help but feel excitement, his heart pounding. The golden pill was surrounded by a faint golden glow and emitted a refreshing fragrance. For some reason, just one look and one sniff made the core of his being somewhat restless.

The sensation was extremely peculiar, as if…

a starving wolf had found its prey!

a man had found a goddess!

That golden pill seemed to possess an unparalleled magic, an irresistible allure for those on the path of martial arts, making it difficult to resist, tempting one to swallow it whole!

At first glance, Sean was certain that the golden pill in the box was indeed the Confluence Pill Hastiff had mentioned before. Hastiff had not deceived him!

After all, Sean was a genuine bright energy adept. The fact that it could cause such an inexplicable restlessness in his core indicated that it was not something an ordinary pill could achieve. It showed his core was filled with longing for it.

“Thank you, Mr. Hastiff,” Sean said, enduring the urge to swallow the Confluence Pill in one gulp, and closed the lid.

“Haha,” Hastiff replied, “This is a transaction, Mr. Great, don’t rush to thank me. I must say this upfront: until you fulfill your promise, the Confluence Pill can be temporarily entrusted to you. However, as you’ve probably noticed, this box is made of snow-cold iron and can only be opened by a bright energy adept. I will seal the Confluence Pill, and there is only one key, which I will personally safeguard. When the time comes, if Mr. Great fulfills the promise, I will hand over the key to you. Otherwise, you return the Confluence Pill to me.”

With that, Hastiff took out a key and locked the box. Without the key, no one could open the box or retrieve the Confluence Pill unless a bright energy adept intervened. It was a double insurance.

“No problem,” Sean smiled generously and casually remarked, “Mr. Hastiff also mentioned that although the Confluence Pill is excellent, if it is forcibly taken by someone below bright energy, it will only backfire, leading to self-destruction. I am not that foolish.”

“Very well,” Hastiff nodded, “Rest well, Mr. Great. Seven days from now, we will depart for the capital to participate in the academy-wide competition.”Upstodatee from Novel(D)ra/m/a.O(r)g

After finishing his words, Hastiff did not linger. He left with Mr. Sun, and as they exited the courtyard, his expression instantly turned completely cold, and he snorted, “From now on, there must be two Lords guarding Great Ape 24/7, without the slightest mistake, ensuring the safety of the Confluence Pill!”

“Understood,” Mr. Sun said in a low voice, “Rest assured, I understand.”

Hastiff believed that at this point, he had flawlessly executed his plan. As long as Great Monkey and the so-called bright energy adept did not break into Plainwater Town’s branch, the Confluence Pill would remain under his control.

However, just as Hastiff and Mr. Sun left the courtyard, Sean, with the box, entered the room. He closed the door, tightly grasping the lower and upper parts of the box with his left and right hands. Then, an unmatched forceful and clear energy burst from his core, pouring into his hands. He exerted a sudden force!

Crack… In just a few seconds, with a crisp and pleasant sound, the box and the lock, considered by Hastiff to be foolproof, were effortlessly opened by Sean!

The next moment, the golden Confluence Pill once again reflected in Sean’s deep eyes!

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