God Of War Dad

Chapter 528: The Threat of the North Kingdom

Sean’s bloodline was undeniably powerful, to what extent, even Sean himself was unsure. However, the idea that awakening Amy Colossal relied on bloodline suppression seemed dubious to Sean. After all, this was the capital of the North Kingdom, an enemy territory. How could one easily trust the words of an enemy? Who knew what the consequences might be?

“Lord Steer!” The North Kingdom’s Grandmaster didn’t hide anything and openly spoke, “Around two years ago when Lord Steer came to the capital of the North Kingdom, it was a time when I was feeling despondent.”

Initially, I wanted to try every possible means and ask Lord Steer to see if Lord Master could personally intervene. Looking at the entire world, Lord Master is the foremost in martial arts and is proficient in medical skills. If anyone in the world could save the girl’s life, I believe it would undoubtedly be Lord Master!”

“Unfortunately,” he continued, “I am just one of the three thousand warlords of the Hall of Jade, insignificant and far from having the qualifications to ask for Lord Master’s direct intervention.”

“Later,” he confided, “When Lord Steer came to check on the girl’s condition, he told me that all things mutually generate and overcome each other. Only a sufficiently powerful bloodline can restrain the chilling aura. Only by finding someone with a sufficiently powerful bloodline can there be a glimmer of hope to rescue the girl.”

“So,” he concluded, “In the absence of Lord Master’s intervention, you have become my only hope!”

Hope! When a person falls into despair, even a glimmer of hope, no matter how small, can become a lifeline, a driving force, and can even drive a person to madness.

Sean was taken aback. “Damn! Lord Steer?” No wonder the North Kingdom’s Grandmaster believed it. After all, Lord Steer’s status, power, connections, and insight surpassed those of the North Kingdom’s Grandmaster. Stronger individuals often had an easier time gaining trust.

However, Lord Steer said these things two years ago. At that time, Sean was still on the northern battlefield of the Shirine Empire. He hadn’t even reached the Complete Stage, let alone exhibited the extraordinary prowess he now possessed. His powerful bloodline hadn’t attracted attention or recognition from others at that time. What did this indicate? It indicated that Lord Steer probably didn’t come for Sean!

“Grandmaster, hold on a moment!” The North Kingdom’s Grandmaster seemed to have Sean all figured out, which made Sean roll his eyes. He asked, “You say I am your only hope. I’m curious, what would have happened if I hadn’t come to the North Kingdom? Or hadn’t come to the capital, or Buddha Academy?”

“Would Miss Colossal be left to die?” Sean realized that his visit to the North Kingdom seemed to have played right into the hands of the North Kingdom’s Grandmaster. It seemed that the Grandmaster had expected him and had been waiting for him here!

“Everyone has their fate,” sighed the North Kingdom’s Grandmaster. He continued in a somber tone, “If Mr. Great hadn’t come, then it would have been the fate of both me and the little girl!”Belongs © to NôvelDrama.Org.

“And now,” he said, “Since Mr. Great has arrived, it means we still have some fate. I naturally want to give it a try!”

“A try? How?” Sean asked again, “In other words, if Lord Steer lied to you, and bloodline suppression is purely non-existent, or if my bloodline isn’t sufficient to suppress the chilling aura and can’t save Miss Colossal, or if I, like your Lord Master, am unwilling to lend a hand, then what would you do?”

At these words, a determined look flashed through the eyes of the North Kingdom’s Grandmaster. He said, “I know whether Lord Steer’s words are true or false. As long as Mr. Great is willing to try, even if it fails, I will be grateful and remember the grace. If Mr. Great encounters any danger, I am willing to help at all costs, to repay in kind!”

At this point, the North Kingdom’s Grandmaster paused for a moment, then turned the conversation, saying, “Lord Master’s realm is profound, and his strength is immense. If he is unwilling to intervene, I can’t force him. As for Mr. Great…”

“If Mr. Great persists in refusing, as an old man with little time left, for the sake of the little girl, I am willing to fight to the death with Mr. Great once again!”

“No matter the outcome!”

“Only life and death!”

The North Kingdom’s Grandmaster’s eyes were cold and resolute, looking somewhat intimidating. Even a fool could see that he wasn’t bluffing, nor was he trying to intimidate or threaten. He really meant it!

Damn! Sean was speechless. He was cornered by the North Kingdom’s Grandmaster. The mention of “once again” almost revealed Sean’s true identity. Implicitly, it meant that if Sean didn’t agree, didn’t act, or didn’t help, they would mutually harm each other.

A battle of life and death! This was the capital of the North Kingdom, Buddha Academy. If Sean and the North Kingdom’s Grandmaster were to engage in combat, in order to survive, Sean would have to reveal his bright energy abilities. At that point, his true identity would be exposed. Even if he defeated the North Kingdom’s Grandmaster, it would still be a loss in his visit to the capital.

So, no matter what, Sean was at a loss. The North Kingdom’s Grandmaster had truly pinned Sean against a wall.

Seeing Sean’s expression turn cold, the North Kingdom’s Grandmaster remained resolute and unafraid. He continued, “My current situation, I believe Mr. Great knows well. Albert Sitwell has already set out to kill me, and I may not have much time left. The little girl is the only concern in my heart!”

“Whoever harms her, I will fight with them!”

“Whoever can save her, I will repay them with my life!”

“It’s as simple as that!”

The North Kingdom’s Grandmaster knew he was facing certain death and naturally had no qualms!

After contemplating for a moment, Sean asked, “Since the Grandmaster is resigned to imminent death and knows that Albert Sitwell intends to kill you, why not take Miss Colossal and leave the North Kingdom? Perhaps even leave the world?”

“The world is vast,” he continued, “Your Lord Master is the foremost in the world, invincible. But outside the world, there are even more extraordinary individuals. Perhaps the Grandmaster can ask them to intervene and save Miss Colossal. With the Grandmaster’s capabilities, if you truly wanted to leave, Albert Sitwell shouldn’t be able to stop you, right?”

“This,” Sean said, “is also a path, a hope. Why doesn’t the Grandmaster choose it?”

Sean was puzzled!

At this, the North Kingdom’s Grandmaster’s expression remained unchanged. Suddenly, he stood up and gestured, “Mr. Great, follow me. Once you see inside, you will understand the reasons!”

Having said this, the North Kingdom’s Grandmaster strode directly towards the thatched cottage opposite.

Amy Colossal was inside!

Sean hesitated for a moment, then followed. There was no other choice. The North Kingdom’s Grandmaster was facing certain death, and Amy Colossal was his obsession. For this, he was willing to pay any price. At this moment, turning against him was definitely not a good strategy!

Creak! The North Kingdom’s Grandmaster pushed open the door of the thatched cottage and led the way inside. As soon as Sean entered the cottage, he distinctly felt a chilling aura hitting him, like the depths of winter. It made his heart tremble involuntarily.

This was the so-called chilling aura?

Looking around, Sean didn’t find Amy Colossal. This made him even more alarmed. The chilling aura existed at the core of Amy Colossal, yet it could affect the surrounding environment, turning the entire thatched cottage into an icy and bone-chilling place. From this, the terrifying power of the chilling aura was evident!

Click! The North Kingdom’s Grandmaster walked to the wall, pressed a mechanism, and with a strange sound, the ground suddenly cracked open, revealing a huge crevice about two meters long, exposing a staircase leading to an underground chamber.

“It’s down here!” Without hesitation, the North Kingdom’s Grandmaster walked down into the underground chamber. Sean hesitated for a moment, then followed suit, descending into the underground chamber!

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