God Of War Dad

Chapter 539 The Last One

Witnessing the scene!

Sean’s body shifted sideways, avoiding Felix Drake’s attack without directly confronting him. This made Felix Drake’s punch miss, leaving him stunned, clearly taken aback!


His movements didn’t stop, turning around to launch another punch towards Sean!

Sean’s speed was incredibly fast, moving like a ghost, still employing evasive maneuvers. Faced with Felix Drake’s fierce and relentless attacks, Sean dodged and weaved, being forced to retreat dozens of meters in the blink of an eye, seemingly being suppressed by Felix Drake, immediately falling into a disadvantageous position!

This scene!

Shocked the disciples around the arena and the old folks on the viewing platform. After all, with Sean’s terrifying 99-meter performance in the hundred-meter bamboo forest and his performance in the first round of the dark energy mid-stage, many people held high expectations for him. Even Hendricks Carter and Thomas Harris didn’t expect him to be kicked out by just a single Felix Drake!

“What’s going on?”

“Is this Great Ape’s fighting strategy? Isn’t he bold and fearless? Why doesn’t he confront him head-on? This… seems quite unusual!”

“Could he be about to lose???”

The crowd was abuzz with discussions, with almost everyone’s attention focused on the duel between Sean and Felix Drake. As a result, three seconds later, the top spot emerged, but it didn’t cause much of a stir!

And three seconds later, more people decided the outcome of their matches!


Dana hadn’t witnessed the battle between Sean and Mia Lightning just now. Plus, Sean’s opponent this time was Felix Drake. So, her gaze remained locked on Sean, trying to assess his strength, but the result caught her off guard!


Dana gritted her teeth and whispered, “His strength can’t be this weak!”

You see!

Dana had also fought against practitioners in the late stages of dark energy before and won. In the past at the Whitefall branch, she had also sparred with Felix Drake, although she lost, she persisted through over a hundred moves before deciding the victor!

How could Sean be so much weaker than Felix Drake?

“You rascal!!!”

Felix Drake’s speed couldn’t keep up with Sean, so he chased and attacked for nearly half a minute, but Sean was slippery as an eel, evading his every move. He couldn’t even touch the hem of Sean’s clothes, which made him infuriated, feeling like he was being played by Sean. Stopping his attack, he cursed through gritted teeth, “Are you born in the Year of the Rabbit? Is this your skill? Weren’t you supposed to defeat me and enter the second round openly?”

“Come on!”

“Hit me if you dare!!!”

Felix Drake’s angry shout was like thunder, echoing throughout the entire martial arts arena!

At this moment!

Over a dozen pairs of disciples had decided the outcomes of their matches!

Sean only sought advancement this time, not the top spot. As long as he could win, he wouldn’t care about time. Facing Felix Drake’s curses and provocations, he ignored them, instead smiling smugly, extending his right hand, flicking his pinky finger towards Felix Drake, mocking him disdainfully, “Can’t even touch your opponent, and yet you dare to boast here?”


“If you’re talented, then come and chase me. If you catch up to me, I’ll fight you!”

Upon hearing this!

Felix Drake was close to exploding with rage. In the crowd, a series of murmurs arose one after another!

Damn it!

The ever-changing arena of combat focused solely on victory or defeat, and these branch disciples had seen shameless individuals aplenty in previous tournaments. However, to the extent of Sean’s shamelessness, to be frank, it was the first time they encountered someone like him today!

If this tactic could work, wouldn’t it mean that as long as one side had an advantage in speed, they could keep evading, consuming the opponent’s dark energy until the opponent’s reserves were depleted?

Effectively draining them to death???

This despicable fighting style, only Sean could come up with it. Even if others thought of it, they damn well wouldn’t have the nerve to use it. Theoretically, it could lead to victory, but in practice, it was too embarrassing!!!


Sean wasn’t ashamed and confidently used it!

“You’re seeking death!!!”

As Sean was only in the first stage higher than Sean, taking a different approach could be somewhat understandable. However, in front of an audience, Felix Drake failing to catch up to Sean wouldn’t sit well. So, while Sean wasn’t bothered, Felix Drake couldn’t swallow his pride. In a fit of anger, he roared, clenched his fists, and charged at Sean again!


Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh…

Amidst the piercing sounds of the wind, Sean and Felix Drake, one in front and one behind, one fleeing and one chasing, two blurred figures streaked across the massive arena like a cat chasing a mouse, forming a unique spectacle!

The entire process lasted for over twenty minutes!

Felix Drake painfully realized that whenever he sped up, Sean would follow suit. Whenever he slowed down, Sean also slowed down. Regardless of his speed, fast or slow, Sean always managed to be slightly faster, like an elusive mirage. Just when he was about to catch up, about to seize victory, his hand came up empty!

The frustration was so damn unbearable, making Felix Drake feel like he was going to spew blood!

Twenty minutes!

Damn it!

The two of them weren’t tired, but the disciples around the arena and the old folks on the viewing platform were all too exhausted from watching!


As the other fifty-three pairs of branch disciples had decided their matches, only Sean and Felix Drake were still chasing each other when Felix Drake, panting like a cow, drenched in sweat, exhausted all his tricks and still couldn’t catch up. Just about to stop his attack and make a complaint to the old folks on the viewing platform, at this moment, Sean made a move!

In a flash!

Sean’s speed suddenly doubled, miraculously circling behind Felix Drake. Before Felix Drake could react, a precise and forceful punch landed on his back!


Already exhausted, Felix Drake couldn’t withstand this blow. He was instantly sent flying by Sean!


Mid-flight, a mouthful of pent-up blood couldn’t help but be violently spewed out!


Crashing down ten meters away, face planting into the ground, struggling a few times, he failed to get up on his feet. At this moment, Sean’s victorious laughter sounded from behind him, “Dealing with you, one move is enough!!!”


From start to finish, Sean only used this single punch!

Truly a one-hit kill!


Felix Drake had initially wanted to curse at him, but as he opened his mouth, he was again infuriated to the point of coughing up blood. And then, filled with rage, his eyelids fluttered, and he passed out on the spot, with his final thought being… Great Ape, damn you to hell!!!

“My apologies!”

Sean averted his gaze from Felix Drake, scanning the surroundings. Taking note of the strange looks directed at him, he smiled and said, “Apologies for the wait!”

Everyone felt the urge to spit at Sean, thinking, “Young man, you really lack sportsmanship!!!”

As for that!

Sean remained unperturbed. He had achieved his goal, winning the match without revealing his true battle prowess, hopefully not scaring Patric Harris witless. As for what others thought…


Let them think what they want, what had it got to do with him?

Having said that!

Sean turned around to walk off the arena. After three matches and nearing midday, according to the tournament’s schedule, the second round would take place in the afternoon!


However, to Sean’s surprise, just as he was about to step off the arena, a familiar voice suddenly came from behind him!

It was Patric Harris!

Patric Harris had been standing among the headquarters’ disciples, witnessing the entire process of Sean’s two consecutive matches. As Sean had predicted, his performance didn’t scare Patric Harris. Instead, taking the opportunity of the tournament, the idea of publicly killing Sean further strengthened in his mind. The reason was simple – Crown Prince Donald Sitwell was currently seated on the viewing platform, and Sean had offended Donald Sitwell. Donald Sitwell also wished for Sean’s demise. So, if he could slay Sean, not only could he avenge himself, but he could also gain favor from Donald Sitwell, killing two birds with one stone, it was just too perfect!


As Sean stepped off the arena, Patric Harris couldn’t wait any longer. He looked at Thomas Harris, who gave a nod, and his heart rejoiced. Stepping out from the crowd!


Sean halted his steps, turning around to face Patric Harris from a distance. Feeling somewhat pleased, he didn’t expect Patric Harris to be so eager to throw himself into danger. Sean wore an impatient expression, frowning as he asked, “It’s you again?”

“Is there something you need?”


Patric Harris leaped up onto the arena, coldly snorting, “I’ve registered to participate in this tournament, challenging you to a duel to the death!”

“If you were only participating in the mid-stage of dark energy’s battles, it would be fine. I’m in the first stage above you, making it unfair for you. However, since you also entered the late-stage battles of dark energy, it means you believe you’re capable of fighting against academy disciples in the late stage!”

“In that case, you must accept my challenge!”


“Get off the arena, and withdraw from the tournament!!!”

This time!

Patric Harris was determined to kill Sean; whether Sean accepted his challenge or not, he wouldn’t give up!© NôvelDrama.Org - All rights reserved.

With these words!

A wave of commotion spread through the surrounding crowd. Patric Harris challenging “Great Ape” had become common knowledge. Even though they were mentally prepared, the sight of the disciples who loved to stir up trouble couldn’t help but be stirred up themselves!

Betty Jefferson in the audience was visibly nervous!

After all!

The conflicts Sean had with the Harris family had all stemmed from her. She silently prayed in her heart: Mr. Great, don’t accept it, please don’t accept it!!!


Sean shook his head and said, “Who established this rule? As far as I know, the rules of the tournament don’t seem to include this!”

It didn’t!

It definitely didn’t!

If a fight to the death didn’t require the other party’s consent, wouldn’t this mean that during the tournament, anyone with a grudge against another disciple could just go ahead and kill them?


Patric Harris was about to retort, but his words were suddenly interrupted by another voice. A voice calmly said, “Patric Harris is correct. You have two choices: either accept his challenge or withdraw from the tournament!”

“And this!”

“Is a rule I’ve established!”

To everyone’s surprise, Donald Sitwell, who had been quietly watching without uttering a word, chose this moment to break his silence. Not only did he speak up, he blatantly stood on Patric Harris’ side, going against the norms of the tournament and openly supporting Patric Harris, intending to put Sean in a difficult position!!!

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