Good bye You Never Love Me

Chapter 790 Trying To Accept Louis

Chapter 790 Trying To Accept Louis

Chapter 790 Trying to Accept Louis

That afternoon, Louis was rushed to the emergency room for treatment.

When Jane closed the door of the emergency room, she realized that Louis had unknowingly taken root in her heart.

Two hours later, nurses pushed Louis, who was unconscious, into a hospital room.

Jane couldn't help but worry about Louis and followed him to take a look. The once cold and noble man now lay quietly on the bed with a pale face and weakened breathing.

She walked over to his bedside with a heart full of tenderness and gently traced his eyebrows and eyes.

Suddenly she felt like she had done this before, long ago.

But now she couldn't remember anything from her past.

She didn't dwell on it though; whatever memories could be forgotten were probably not good ones anyway.

She thought that when Louis woke up from his coma and Vivian recovered fully, she would be willing to live with him together. This time around, she wanted to try letting Louis truly enter her heart. © NôvelDrama.Org - All rights reserved.


Later on, Jane returned back outside of the operating room.

From five in the afternoon until six o'clock in the morning of next day - thirteen whole hours - Jane never left that spot outside of operating room door even once!

She wanted to see Vivian come out with her own eyes; to hear Mr. Berger's announcement that Vivian's operation had been successful.

At 6:10 in the morning, the operating room door was pushed open from inside.

The little girl lying on an operating table kept both eyes tightly shut as nurses wheeled her into an antiseptic ward.

After fifteen hours performing surgery, medical staff slowly began walking out from inside the operating room one by one; naturally Mr. Berger came out first.

As soon as Jane saw Mr. Berger come out, she stood up immediately but because sitting there for so many hours made it difficult for her legs move properly at first.

"Mr. Berger, how is Vivian doing?" said Jane as he took off his mask and goggles revealing exhaustion etched onto every inch of his face.

Looking at this woman standing before him who also looked tired beyond belief, he knew she must have been waiting outside all along.

He lovingly gazed upon Jane. "The operation was very successful but we won't know if there are any side effects until after Vivian wakes up."

Upon hearing these words, tears streamed down Jane's face uncontrollably!

She bowed excitedly to Mr. Berger and choked out, "Mr. Berger, thank you so much for saving Vivian's life."

Mr. Berger smiled and turned to walk towards the lounge.

Fifteen hours of high-intensity surgery had taken a toll on his aging body.

He needed to rest well or he wouldn't have the energy to talk with Vivian when she woke up.

Jane stood still, watching as Mr. Berger walked away before slowly squatting down, holding herself as she cried.

Her Vivian was okay now.

All they needed was a heart transplant when there was an available donor, then Vivian would be a healthy child again.

Her Vivian had finally escaped danger for now...

Later on, Jane forced herself to go see Vivian in the sterile ward despite her exhaustion.

The little girl lay in bed with her chest rising and falling rhythmically; her face looked rosy without any signs of distress or discomfort at all.

Jane wiped away tears from her eyes while smiling at the little girl in the ward, saying, "Vivian, Mr. Berger is amazing! He really saved you."

After seeing Vivian, Jane dragged her tired body over to Louis' hospital room where she sat on a couch and fell asleep immediately...

When Louis woke up later on, he saw Jane sleeping soundly beside him!

He paused for a moment before looking at Jane's face which softened his expression considerably...

This woman had been sitting here by his side ever since he fainted?

Or maybe it meant that Vivian's surgery had ended?

Louis picked up his phone and checked its time. It read 8 o'clock...

Seeing dark circles under Jane's eyes made him hesitate about waking her up so early...

He remembered wanting to get breakfast for them both but found himself too weak.

In the end, he sent a message, asking his assistant to buy some food and deliver it around ten o'clock today...

And so Louis lay there staring affectionately at sleeping Jane like everything else around him felt like part of an unreal dream....

Ever since thinking that Jane died earlier on, he felt like nothing more than an empty puppet going through daily motions without any interest beyond work itself...

Until he met Jane again, his gray life was like being injected with light, and began to have a different color.

At ten o'clock, his assistant knocked on the door and woke up Jane.

"Sir, your lunch."

After the assistant spoke, Louis clearly felt his unfriendly gaze.

But it was Louis who told him that breakfast should be delivered at ten o'clock. He just did as Louis said.

After putting down the breakfast, the assistant fled from the ward as if afraid of staying for another second would kill him under Louis' gaze.

When he left and sent a message later, Jane looked at Louis with bright eyes.

"Louis, you're awake."

The man's mouth slightly curved as he took in Jane's happiness.

"Louis, are you hungry? Do you want something to eat?"

Since yesterday, Jane had made up her mind that she wanted to live well with Louis in the future.

Louis had money and power; being with him meant she wouldn't have to worry about food or drink anymore. The most important thing was that this man loved her too; why should she refuse such a man?

However deep down inside her heart, there remained some rationality which believed wealthy men were unfaithful by nature, so they might cheat someday; therefore she still secretly saved money whenever possible.

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