Heartstrings on Fire (Agnes and Jared)

Chapter 839

Chapter 839

Several people approached her, their eyebrows raised in friendly curiosity, as they inquired, "Are you

volunteering for the event this year?"

Agnes just smiled and shook her head, her laughter a light chime in the busy air.

Surprisingly, she hadn't bumped into a single acquaintance.

In high spirits, Agnes checked her watch and saw that she had time to spare. So, she strolled alone

through the campus that had been her world not so long ago.

She wandered past the old department building where she had spent countless hours buried in her

major's coursework.

She took a leisurely lap around the sports field.

The campus was particularly bustling today, with clubs and societies staking their claim on the field,

transforming it into a carnival of tents and tables — a veritable expo of student life.

Her feet then carried her to the library, her sanctuary of quiet study, which still stood as a tranquil haven Content provided by NôvelDrama.Org.

amidst the lively chaos outside.

As she stepped out, a current of excitement pulled the crowd in a singular direction. Agnes caught

snippets of conversation, and the name "Prince Frost" piqued her interest.

That name sent a jolt through her, and on impulse, Agnes tugged at the sleeve of a passing student

and asked, “Hey, where’s everyone heading?”

The student gave Agnes a once-over and said, “You’re from around here, aren't you? Don't you know?

The young master from the Thomas Group is coming today to give a talk. They're also scouting for

interns — it's a golden opportunity! We're all heading over to the auditorium to catch his speech.”

"Ryder?" Agnes asked, her voice tinged with a mix of curiosity and disbelief.

"Yeah, Ryder Thomas. Can you believe he's only 25 and already the Managing Director of the Thomas

Group? Course, his dad's the chairman, so he's basically royalty. He used to be a student here, in the

medical program. With those movie-star looks, he was our campus heartthrob — Prince Frost. You can

still find his pictures on the old forum threads. He's like a prince out of a fairy tale. Anyway, I gotta run

or I'll miss out on a good spot!"

With that, the young woman dashed off with her friends in tow, leaving Agnes in a daze.

Ryder was here, at Lakeside College, to give a talk — this was so out of character for the Ryder she


But the Ryder of today was not the Ryder she knew.

After a moment's hesitation, Agnes followed the stream of people heading towards the lecture hall.

Ryder's talk was in the largest auditorium of the campus' multipurpose science building, a space

designed to seat a thousand but now packed beyond belief.

Agnes squeezed through the crowd to the doorway and peered inside where the atmosphere was

electric. There, on the stage, stood a figure, elegant and composed. The giant screen behind him

flashed the title of his talk - Business Models for the Next Decade.

It was Ryder, no doubt about it. Dressed in a sharp suit that accentuated his lean frame, he looked

every inch the corporate prince. His face, with its cool, detached aura, seemed untouched by worldly


Despite the crush of bodies, no one dared to push to the front, as if repelled by the frosty air that

seemed to emanate from his very being.

Agnes lingered at the door, watching the figure that had once been so familiar, her mind a whirl of

thoughts and memories.

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