Her Story: Rise Of Tiffany

Chapter 13

A faint, familiar scent wafted through the air, comforting and ever-present.

Tiffany looked up, startled, and found herself face-to-face with Richard, his strikingly handsome features as captivating as ever.

“You… how are you here?” she blurted out, only to have Richard quickly cover her mouth.

He leaned in close, his voice a low whisper as he motioned for silence.

Tiffany nodded in understanding.

Outside the storage room, Ryan glanced around, seeing nothing but a small black cat, Lucifer. Satisfied, he returned to the room and locked the door behind him.

Crisis averted.

Tiffany let out a huge sigh of relief. Running into a scene like that would have been beyond awkward.

Thankfully, Richard had pulled her aside.

Just as she was about to thank him, Richard shook his head and leaned even closer, whispering, “If we go out now, we’ll be caught.”

The storage room shared a thin wall with the adjacent room. Despite the Harper family’s wealth, the s**nts’ quarters weren’t exactly soundproof. Every m**ed sound from next door reached Tiffany’s ears.

She might not have firsthand experience, but she knew enough to understand what was happening on the other side of the wall.

Tiffany’s face burned crimson. She wished she could just disappear into thin air right then and there.

Lost in her embarrassment, she didn’t even notice how close she was to Richard. The tiny storage room left them practically embracing, their heartbeats loud in the silence.

His familiar scent engulfed her.

Richard glanced down, noticing Tiffany’s soft hair brushing his arm, sending a pleasant shiver through him.

Her face was adorably flushed, and he couldn’t resist teasing her. Leaning in, he whispered with a playful smirk, “You’ve got some luck, always stumbling into trouble.”

Tiffany felt on the verge of tears. None of this was her fault.Property © NôvelDrama.Org.

First Kenneth’s interrogation, then Snow’s bratty behavior-those siblings were her nemesis, bringing chaos wherever they went.

And now she was trapped in this awkward situation!

Suddenly, a thought struck her. She looked up at Richard, confused. “Wait, why are you here?”

“I was passing by,” he replied smoothly.

“Passing by?” Tiffany’s doubt was clear.

Richard raised an eyebrow. “As the Harpers’ uncle, it’s not strange for me to be here, is it?” Tiffany nodded. ‘Fair enough, she thought.

In the heat of the moment, Tiffany forgot to question the coincidence. It made sense for Richard, as the Harpers’ uncle, to be at the estate. But running into him here, in this exact spot, just in time to save her from an awkward situation? That was a bit too convenient to be pure chance.

Of course, Richard wouldn’t tell her he’d been trailing Tiffany on her aimless wanderings through the estate, wondering what trouble she’d get into next.

And boy, did she deliver. The mu**ed sounds from next door were quite the unexpected twist.

“I’m sorry for dragging you into this, Tiffany apologized sincerely.

Tiffany had only helped Richard with a minor injury in the woods that one time. Even if she hadn’t been there, his family would have arrived quickly enough to handle it.

Yet that small, arguably unnecessary gesture had somehow led to Richard repeatedly coming to her rescue.

Tiffany couldn’t help but think she’d lucked into a powerful ally.

“It’s no big deal,” Richard chuckled softly, brushing off her apology.

They fell silent, but the cramped closet seemed to grow warmer by the second.


And the mu**d sounds from next door were impossible to ignore.

Tiffany shifted uncomfortably, glancing up at Richard. She found him watching her intently. His dark eyes were impossibly deep, framed by perfect brows and chiseled features that – could make anyone’s heart s**ip a beat.

Tiffany suddenly realized she was practically enveloped in Richard’s arms.

The position was far too intimate…

Flustered, she tried to step back, but a sound outside made her freeze.

Unable to make a noise, Tiffany had no choice but to stay put.

“Just wait a bit longer. They’ll leave soon,” Richard whispered, his breath tickling her ear.

They were already so close, and his deep, velvety voice sent shivers down her spine.

Tiffany could feel Richard’s warm breath on her neck as he spoke, making her heart race like crazy. The tiny closet felt electric.

After what felt like an eternity, they heard the housekeeper calling for Ryan, followed by the rustle of clothing and footsteps leaving. Finally, they could escape.

Tiffany let out a relieved sigh, immediately stepping out of Richard’s embrace.

“Thanks, I… I should go,” she stammered.

This was still the Harpers’ house. If anyone saw her with Richard like this, it would lead to a whole new set of problems.

Tiffany practically fled, her heart still racing.

Richard stood still for a moment, a slow smile forming on his face.

She smelled amazing.

When Tiffany finally returned to the Harpers’ living room, after deliberately dawdling for half an hour, it looked like her parents had already wrapped up their discussion with the Harpers.

They were getting ready to leave.

Back in their car, Tiffany could barely contain her excitement. “Mom, Dad, how did it go? Did they agree to break off the engagement?”

Charlie and Thalia exchanged a glance, their expressions hesitant.

Tiffany’s heart sank.

“Come on, tell me what happened,” she pressed.

“The Harpers agreed to end the engagement, but with a condition,” Charlie sighed. “They want to wait a year. If you both still want to call it off then, it’s done.”

Tiffany was stunned. This wasn’t what she’d expected at all.

The Harpers clearly didn’t think much of Tiffany. So why weren’t they jumping at the chance to end this? Why drag it out for a year? Tiffany couldn’t understand their motives.

Charlie gave a rueful smile. “Sweetie, I know you’ve made up your mind. But the Harpers… they’re powerful. They even threatened to use their business connections against US…

That’s why Charlie had to agree.

Tiffany nodded, trying to reassure her parents. It’s okay. What’s one year? I can wait.”

She had to reassure herself too, ‘Maybe it wouldn’t even take that long.

In the past, Kenneth’s dream girl had shown up within six months.

When that happened, she wouldn’t need to do a thing. Kenneth would break off their engagement himself, no matter what his family said, all for the girl he truly loved.

All she had to do was wait and see.

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