His Abused Mate

Chapter 12 Luna responsibilities

I walked to Jason’s office, I stopped when I saw people sitting there. I backed up and knocked Jason looked up and motioned for me to come in. I walked over to his desk and behind the chair, I typed a note in his agenda. I kissed his cheek than left, I walked downstairs to the kitchen. I pulled out my handy dandy clip board and started checking off what we had and didn’t have. Henry one of the pack members walked in. “Hey Luna.” He said grabbing a water. “Hey Henry, how’s patrol going?” I asked looking in the last cabinet checking off we had the right seasoning. “It’s going good, how about Luna stuff that going good?” He asked taking a sip of his water and leaning against the counter. I nodded looking down at the clip board “it’s going good I guess it could be better.” I said he nodded. I looked at him and realized he was shirtless, all boys around here a shirtless. It actually gets pretty normal. “Can you nevermind.” I said checking off the last couple thing on the list. I guess I have to go shopping. “What is it?” He asked I shook my head. “Get your laundry together looks like I’m washing everyone’s clothes.” I said putting the clip board back on the hanging thing. He nodded and left I stood in the middle of the house and cupped my hands over my mouth. “EVERYONE GET YOUR LAUNDRY TOGETHER BECAUSE IM WASHING CLOTHES! EVERY MONDAY WEDNESDAY, FRIDAY and POSSIBLY SATURDAYS!” I yelled my voice echoed throughout the house. I listened closely and heard feet shuffling. I smiled placing my hands on my hips. After a while I sat down and relaxed, I heard a blood curdling scream. I shot up and ran outside, I sniffed the air than shifted. I ran to where I heard the scream, I saw a little girl. She was okay, I heard someone tell her name. I didn’t interact with her, she didn’t even see me. I watched had she got up and ran away giggling. Maybe she wondered to far from where she was suppose to be. I don’t know but I went back inside and relaxed.

Cecilia’s pov

“Hey I wanna show you something.” I heard Jason say. I turned and looked, he held out his hand. I reached over the back of the couch and grabbed it. I hopped over the back of the couch, I landed next to him. “You wanna show me..?” I asked trailing off. “It’s a surprise.” He said we took me outside and we started walking. “It’s nice out today.” I said looking at the trees than everything went black. “Um.. Jason what are you doing?” I asked grabbed his hand that covered my eyes. “Shh relax, just go with the flow.” He said “okay..” I said we started walking. I heard a door open than smelled a scent of a house? “Ready?” Jason asked “Uh yes?” I said more like asked. He removed his hands and I gasped at the sight.

“What is this?” I asked Jason turning toward him. “Our house.” Jason said “Your kidding! We are living here! I haven’t even seen the rest of the house yet and I think I love it!” I said I was so happy. “Go look around.” He said with a smile. I went and looked around, the kitchen was perfect!Belongs to © n0velDrama.Org.

I looked at our bedroom it was so open and beautiful. We had a freaking bay window I always wanted a bay window!! I sat in it and looked out into the forest and saw a flash of something. Probably just my imagination, I saw it again after a couple of minutes. Okay what the hell! I got up from the bay window.

I got up and walked downstairs. “Jason!” I yelled the front door was wide open. I walked over to it “Jason! This isn’t funny! Stop playing games.” I yelled looking out into the front yard than into the woods. “Okay! Your not getting in her tonight!” I yelled than I closed the door and locked it. “Asshole that’s why you sleeping outside tonight.” I whispered to myself I heard a crash in the kitchen. “Jason!” I yelled for like the 4th time in the last 5 minutes. I stormed into the kitchen to see a boy standing there, he looked over at me. He had crimson eyes and brown hair. “Uh… hi.” He said “Jason!” I screamed, I was pinned to the wall by the vampire. He had his hand over my mouth, I heard footsteps than saw Jason. “Noah! Dude get off my girlfriend!” Jason said pulling him off me. I hugged Jason tight, my heart was racing. “Sorry about that.. I’m Noah Jason’s brother.” Noah said out his hand. “Brother?” I asked shaking his hand. “Yes my brother… I’m a werewolf he’s a vampire, my sister is a hybrid.” Jason explained. “So when were you going to tell me you had siblings?” I asked Jason pulling away from him. “Uh.. soon?” He said more like asked. “She’s here actually, Juliana.” Noah said I heard a knock on the front door. I went and answered the door, I saw a girl with long brown hair and stunning blue eyes. “Hi.” She said I let her in. “Hi..” I said closing the door behind her. “Julianna!” I heard Jason yell I heard her squeal. “Big bro!” She yelled I looked and saw her jump onto his arms, wrapping her legs around his waist. I smiled but jealousy shit through me. That’s his sister. Nothing to worry about. I thought to myself, he set her down they all hugged. I crossed my arms and smiled that’s so cute. “Julianna meet my girlfriend Cecilia.” Jason said I snapped out of my thoughts and walked over holding my hand out. “It’s nice meeting you Julianna.” I said as she shook my hand. “Same to you, Jason you didn’t tell me you picked up a hottie.” Julianna said I blushed and laughed. “Thank you.” I said she smiled and shook her head. “You actually prettier than any other girl he’s been with, they were pretty bitchy.” She explained looking at Jason who was glaring at her. “Babe stop looking at your sister like that!” I hissed and elbowed him in his side. He looked down at me, I gave him a look. He rolled his eyes.

“How about we all sit down and catch up?” Jason asked. We all agreed me and Jason sat on one side of the table and his siblings sat on the other side. We talked and laughed, Jason grabbed my hand intertwining our fingers. “Than mom was like Jason didn’t I tell you to not let your sister get into these cabinets! I was like 4 at the time, I didn’t even know about the garlic!” Juliana said talking about a story how Jason got in trouble for letting his sister get to the garlic. Jason laughed, I smiled his laugh was so cute. “I remember that.” Noah said “I came downstairs and saw garlic all over the floor dad was laughing the whole time while mom was pissed.” Noah added onto the story. We talked for a while than I started getting sleepy, it was dark out now. I yawn for like the 30th time, Jason looked at me. “Your tired, head upstairs to bed I’ll be there in a minute.” Jason said I nodded. I stood up stretching, Jason pulled me down to him. I pecked his lips than leaned over the table to hug Julianna and Noah. “It was very nice meeting you both, you have to come back soon.” I said pulling away. “of course we will, this time Noah will be the one who knocks before randomly going into someone’s house.” Juliana said I laughed. “He’s fine, thought he was going to kill me for a second. No hard feelings Noah.” I said he shook his head. “No hard feelings.” He replied I said goodbye one last time than went upstairs, I changed into some pjs than hopped into bed. I didn’t even wait for Jason to come upstairs I just went straight to sleep.

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