His Ex Wife Is A Billionaire

Chapter 638

Chapter 638

Chapter 638

“I’m gonna pee on your grave! Who’s the bedwetter now, huh?”

Evadne’s cheeks blazed with embarrassment and anger as she pummeled Thaddeus‘ chest with her

delicate fists, only managing to hurt her own hands in the process. “Your whole family wets the bed,

except for Grandpa and Marilla!”

Thaddeus caught her flailing hands and pressed them against his heart, a playful grin spreading across

his face. “Okay, okay, my bad. It’s just my lousy brain acting up. When we’re old and gray, I’ll probably

be the one with a nightly wetting problem.”

Trying to maintain her indignation, Evadne traced lazy circles on his chest, but his words tickled her

into a reluctant smile.

“What’s really got you riled up, though? You scared the daylights out of me earlier,” Thaddeus said, his

voice softening as he caressed her cheek.

“I got my period,” Evadne muttered, clutching the edge of the blanket and pursing her lips.

Despite their closeness as husband and wife, and their willingness to bare their souls to each other,

Evadne, the refined heiress, always strove for elegance and self–control in her life.

Even in the throes of passion, she would start each encounter with a shy reserve, barely allowing

herself to make a sound.

It was Thaddeus who gradually coaxed her into letting go, allowing her to surrender completely to the

pleasure, to bloom with abandon in his embrace.

So this little embarrassment was a first for her.

“It’s early, isn’t it? Isn’t it supposed to be another week or so?”

A look of concern deepened in Thaddeus‘ eyes as he gently lifted the covers.

Oh boy, it looked like a crime scene!

“Ugh. I feel weak and look at this mess. Can’t sleep now!” The irritability that often accompanied a

woman’s cycle was starting to set in for Evadne as she rested her head on Thaddeus‘ shoulder.

“Don’t worry about it. We’ve got nothing on tomorrow. No need to wake up early.”

Thaddeus soothed her with his gentle voice, kissing her cheek. “Let’s switch rooms for tonight, and I’ll

have Alva take care of the bedding in the morning.”

“No, that’s too embarrassing.” Evadne quickly shook her head, feeling utterly mortified at the thought.

“Then we’ll just toss them and get new ones.”

“That’s so lavish. Never mind, help me change them, and I’ll wash everything come sunrise.”

With that, Evadne clutched her abdomen and shuffled off to the bathroom, her body bent with


Watching her delicate figure retreat, Thaddeus felt a bittersweet pang in his chest.

He remembered the days when she first became his wife.

Alva used to say that Evadne not only cooked for the family but also washed her own clothes and

dressed modestly.

As the lady of the Abernathy Group, she was approachable and never put on airs.

Back then, Thaddeus had been convinced she was putting on an act for him, feigning superiority.

He’d been trapped in a terrible cycle of suspicion, much like his cold–hearted father.

He was sure that by marrying him, knowing he couldn’t offer her love, Evadne was just displaying


How sad it was that he couldn’t see the truth: that this girl truly loved him.

With a rueful smile, Thaddeus clenched his fist and pounded his chest in self–reproach, setting off a

coughing fit that slightly eased his troubled heart.

In the shower, the warm water cascaded down Evadne’s body, washing away all traces of discomfort.

As she stepped out, clean and wrapped in a towel, her eyes widened in surprise.

“Thaddeus, what are you…”

Thaddeus had procured a large basin and a stool and was vigorously scrubbing the bedding. His tall,

strong frame looked incongruous hunched over the task, a sight both endearing and slightly comical.

“Mr. Thaddeus, you can do laundry?” Evadne exclaimed, as if she’d discovered a new world. I always


In no time. Thaddeus had the stains out, his smile easy. “Who do you think did my laundry back in

military school? You think they assigned me my own maid?”

Watching hith work so efficiently, Evadne rushed over and draped herself over his back, wrapping her

arms around his neck, warmth filling her heart.

“Stop squirming, you’ve got your period, be careful not to hurt your back,” Thaddeus chided, wanting to

return her embrace but cautious of the suds on his hands.

Thaddeus. I love you.‘ Evadne whispered her confession, unable to hold back her feelings.

His heart skipped a beat at her words, and he turned to plant a tender kiss on her cheek. I love you too.

So very much.”

Indeed, one can’t hide under the same blanket and be different people.

Though bom to affluent families, what they both yearned for was the simplest, most ordinary life.

After the commotion and with her period pains intensifying, Evadne couldn’t help but wail in discomfort.

Thaddeus sacrificed his own rest, cradling her and tirelessly rubbing her stomach, trying every trick in

the book to ease her pain.

“Going to avoid the cold from now on, aren’t you?” he asked, pinching her side with a hint of reproach

in his deep, resonant voice.

“Ugh, can’t help it, I love cold things. Hot water might as well be pee, Evadne pouted stubbornly.

“Evadne, can you try to listen for once? Constantly drinking cold isn’t good for ladies.” Thaddeus

pleaded, unable to win her over.

What’s good or not, doesn’t matter. I’m not planning on having kids.

Evadne’s words were hazy, spoken without thought, yet they unwittingly pierced Thaddeus‘ heart.

“Evadne, I know you’re still hurting. I’ll find a way, I’ll exhaust every option.”

His voice was thick with emotion as he held her close, his eyes shimmering with unshed tears.

“Medicine is advanced nowadays; there’s bound to be a solution.”

Feeling the strength of his embrace as if he wanted to merge her into his being. Evadne gasped for air.

“Thaddeus, you’re overthinking. I didn’t mean it like that.”

“Do we need kids? That’s not what’s important. What matters is that we love each other, that we’re

together. Haven’t you always said that I’m your kid? With me clinging to you, pestering you, isn’t that

trouble enough? Another little monster? wouldn’t that just drive you nuts? I know it would me.”

The more she tried to console him, the deeper he sank into self–reproach.

Thaddeus felt as though he had a boulder lodged in his throat, leaving him voiceless.

After resting up through the afternoon, Evadne felt better and suggested they head back to Skyrim to

check on Emeric.

On the way, Thaddeus placed a heated cherry stone pillow on her belly and handed her a thermos of

hot water.

“There’s no cold water, no need for a restroom break. Take a sip of something warm, Ms. Ashbourne.”

Evadne was speechless.

So she reluctantly took a drink, and indeed, it did make her feel better.

“Avery just waltzed into power, the jerk!” Evadne said, angrily gulping down the hot water and scalding

her tongue, making a comically pained face.

Thaddeus looked at her with adoring eyes, rubbing the top of her head. “It seems easy, but you know

the lengths he went to, the dirty tricks he played, the bones he stepped on to get there. We’re well


Evadne sipped the hot water and squinted at him. “From the sound of it, Mr. Thaddeus, you seem

almost sympathetic to the hardships of sneaky Avery.” Original content from NôvelDrama.Org.

The man chuckled helplessly. “Not at all. I’m just remarking on how ruthless Avery’s heart is.”

“Now that he’s taken out the Chambers siblings and secured the CEO position of his dreams, what will

he do next? Just thinking about it makes me shudder,” Evadne sighed, her hand on her forehead.

“Avery’s ambitions are insatiable. The title of CEO is not enough for him. What he wants is to take Jeff’s

place, to have the entire Chambers Group groveling at his feet.”

Thaddeus wrapped an arm around her waist, pulling her into his embrace, his eyes stormy. “So, he

won’t settle down. He’s bound to make a move.”

“As long as he’s restless, his true nature will show, and we’ll catch him.”

“That may be, but I’m still worried.”

Leaning into his chest, Evadne felt a sudden pang of anxiety. “When Avery first came to the Chambers

Group, he already had the power to stir things up. Now with even more power, I’m afraid he’ll seek

revenge on you, on my family.”

“He wouldn’t dare.”

Thaddeus‘ eyes flared with fury, his jaw clenching tight. “Whether it’s you, your father, or your brothers,

if he touches any of you, I’ll make sure he falls as hard as he climbed. He thinks I’ve forgotten what

happened on Star Island? How he tried to take down Cassius? Let Avery watch his own downfall.”

Evadne sighed softly, intertwining her fingers with his.

He was always thinking of her, of her family. But he forgot that on Star Island, in his effort to protect her,

he was battered and nearly lost his life.

This vendetta, she vowed, would be settled with sneaky Avery.

Since that night when Suri and Chasel had their secret conversation, a heavy mood had spread

throughout Silverlake Harbor, especially between Chasel and Cassius.

Chasel, despite his breezy name, was as stubborn and unyielding as a rock!

The more Suri asked him to leave, the more he insisted on staying, silently challenging her.

These days, Cassius seemed busy, spending the whole day at the K headquarters and coming home


Chasel waited and waited, from dawn until dusk.

When Cassius finally returned, if he wasn’t trailed by the butler, it was Jason.

On the rare occasion Cassius was alone, and Chasel tried to approach, Cassius would slam the door in

his face, leaving Chasel out in the cold.

Night after night, Chasel sat by the window, smoking until dawn, his handsome face growing haggard

and dark with exhaustion.

The warmth he used to cling to was now gone.

How could he accept this?

He had just managed to pry open a sliver of that man’s heart, and he couldn’t stand the thought of

going back to square one.

Today, Cassius emerged from his room, impeccably dressed, his expression cold and stern. Chasel

confronted him head–on.

“Cassius!” His voice was hoarse with urgency.

Cassius stopped in his tracks, his gaze snapping to him. “What are you doing here?”

“I’ve been waiting right outside your door since you came back last night.”

Chasel’s eyes were bloodshot from exhaustion, his lips parched as he spoke. “What’s going on? Why

are you avoiding me?”

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