I Am The Lycan’s Luna

Chapter 23 – Not Wolfless!

••• Aleena’s POV •••

My eyes flew open, and I woke up with a gasp. My whole body was sore and covered in sweat. Sitting up on the bed, I massaged the temples of my head. There was something about my dream… Something that I couldn’t remember. It made me feel uneasy. I tried recollecting it again, but my mind went blank, and a headache hit me instead. Taking a deep breath, I let go of all my thoughts about my dream and the uneasiness that came with it.

I reached out toward my phone on my bedside table and checked the time. 6 am? A whole day had passed? I had been sleeping for an entire day yesterday and also the whole night?! Wow!

Thinking of what had happened yesterday, I felt my cheeks heat up. Kyson and Night had… I’m not a virgin anymore… And they marked me! Oh, Goddess, I couldn’t believe it! I have a mate! Witch Rose was wrong! A silly smile appeared on my face. Somehow, I felt like a giddy schoolgirl whose crush had just told her he was in love with her too!

I kept giggling until I remembered I needed to prepare Kyson’s breakfast. Standing up, I began changing the sweat-soaked bedsheet and cleaning my room. Once finished, I went to the bathroom to take a shower when I passed by the sink, and something caught my sight.

Going back to the sink, I looked at the reflection and got the biggest shock of my life. What… What happened to me?! I do not look like my usual self! Well, I still looked like myself, yet at the same time, I was not. All my facial features had become more pronounced and sharper, no more baby fats. I touched my face to make sure that the girl in the mirror was me, and yup, the girl did what I did. And I realized that I was… taller?

Looking down at my real body, I noticed my limbs were longer than last night. I quickly took a shower, washed my face, brushed my teeth, and stood in front of the full-length mirror.

I looked at my reflection in wonder, amazement, and shock. I didn’t look like a little girl anymore! What happened? How did this happen? Could it be…

I looked at the mark on my neck, my mate’s mark. It was a small side-profile of Night’s head with their initials – K. N. Oh wow… I’m really the mate of Kyson Night, the Alpha Lycan! My happiness from having a mate and being marked was slowly replaced by dread as the weight of being a Lycan’s Luna settled in my mind.

I’ve never been trained to be an Alpha, not even a regular werewolf, much less a Luna. I’ve always been weak. Will the pack members accept me as their Luna? And also, does it mean that now I’m a… traitor to the werewolf race?

I was mulling over all those thoughts when suddenly I heard a fleeting whisper of a female voice calling me, “… leena.”

I looked around, but there was no one in the room. It must be just my imagination…Text © owned by NôvelDrama.Org.

I took out some clothes and surprise, surprise; nothing could fit me anymore. I tried nearly all my clothing and ended up with a sports bra and short shorts that seemed to be even shorter now. Ah, well, there’s nothing I can do about it anymore. I should ask Kyson to buy me some new clothes later on.

Going to my bedside table to take my phone with me, I heard that female voice again, this time clearer. I looked around again, but no one was in my room. I opened my door to check the hall, and yet it was silent, with not a single soul to be seen. How strange…

I walked back to take my phone again, and when I reached my bedside table, I heard the voice clear and loud in my head.

“Aleena, can you hear me?” the voice asked.

My head jerked as I looked around again. What is happening? This is getting scary…

“Aleena, can you hear me?” her voice sounded in my head again, and this time, I sat on my bed to have a conversation with whoever she was.

“Yes… Who are you?” I asked with caution.

“You really can hear me?” her voice turned excited.

“Yes…” I answered her again slowly.

“I’m Celia! I’m your wolf!” she said excitedly.

My… wolf?!

My eyes turned wide as I asked her, “You are my wolf? I have a wolf?”

“Yes, yes!” I felt her nodding with excitement in my head.

“How… When… How?!” I asked her in disbelief.

“I’ve been trying to converse with you for so long,” she responded.

For so long? “But why are you just appearing now? Where have you been all this time?” I was so shocked that I could do nothing other than sit on the bed.

“I’ve always been with you since you were small,” she answered me.

“But how come I never heard your voice?” I asked her, still in shock.

“I don’t know why. It was like there was a wall separating us, and I couldn’t get to you,” Celia said.

“But you are here now? You really are my wolf? You won’t disappear anymore? I really have a wolf? I’m not wolfless?” Now that my shock had turned into excitement, I fired up all those questions to her as the thought of not being wolfless sunk into my mind.

“Yes, yes!” And I felt her nodding excitedly again.

“So, what happened? How did you get past the wall?” I asked her as I took my phone, looked at the time, and walked toward the door.

“I am not sure myself. But last night, I felt like the wall was crumbling. I wanted to talk with you last night, but you were asleep. So, I tried it after you woke up, and now here we are!” she explained.

Last night?

“Umm, Celia… Do you think it’s because Kyson marked me?” I asked her as I entered the elevator to go to the kitchen. I only have 10 minutes to prepare breakfast and bring them to Kyson’s study.

“Kyson? Ahh… Our mate! He’s such a fine young man, isn’t he? So handsome. And last night…” I felt Celia purr, and I blushed, knowing what she was thinking about.

“Yes! The Alpha of this pack! And Night is his wolf,” I told her with a huge grin on my face.

“I can’t wait to meet Night!” She started jumping up and down in my mind.

“You will love him. He’s even better than Kyson.” I laughed, and she laughed with me. It felt so good to have a wolf!

“I know! And he looks so good!” She sighed dreamily again.

“He does!” I agreed with her thinking of Night’s Lycan’s form.

I reached the kitchen and saw some Omegas, the Betas, Gammas, and Gia.

“Good morning, Beta Liam, Beta Christine, Gamma Hector, Gamma Lisa, and Gia,” I greeted all of them, ignoring Gia’s murderous look.

“Good morning, Luna,” the Betas and Gammas greeted me, and I stopped in my tracks. They knew?

“Who is she? How is she the Luna of this pack? Gia asked them with wide eyes, clearly in disbelief.

“I’m Aleena,” I told her.

“You are Aleena, and Kyson marked you?” Gia stood up in shock, knocking her chair backward.

“Umm… Yes.” I blushed as my hand went to the mark on my neck. I didn’t realize they would notice it or that the news would travel this fast.

“I don’t believe it!” Gia yelled and stormed out of the room, and silence descended on the room.

“Wow… She was so dramatic,” Celia said.

“I’m sorry for Gia, Luna,” Gamma Lisa apologized with embarrassment as she stood up and approached me.

“It’s okay,” I waved my hand and added, “And please call me ‘Aleena’,” I told them.

“Oh no, we can’t, Luna,” Gamma Lisa answered for all of them.

“Well… I have to prepare breakfast for Alpha Kyson,” I said after a minute of awkwardness on my part.

I wasn’t used to being called ‘Luna’ and to see older werewolves treating me with respect. Even the more senior members of the Black Heart Pack weren’t so respectful. They were friendly and polite but never this respectful.

I stepped into the dining room and was about to take a plate when Beta Christine stopped me.

“Let the Omega prepare them for you, Luna,” Beta Christine said and ordered one of the Omegas, whom I noticed was the one who sparred with me last time, to prepare our breakfasts.

I stood there awkwardly, not knowing what to say or do.

“You have to get used to this treatment, Aleena,” I heard Celia say.

“I just hope Kyson won’t be mad for me not being the one who prepared the breakfasts,” I told her.

“He’s our mate; he won’t get mad at us,” she said cheerily, and I hummed in response.

“You can wait in the study, Luna. I’ll bring your breakfasts later on,” the Omega said with a polite smile, but I could see the same murderous look I saw in Gia’s eyes mixed with jealousy.

“Alright.” I nodded and excused myself to the Betas and Gammas.

“They don’t seem surprised to see me looking… different,” I told Celia as I walked toward the staircases to get to the study on the third floor.

“You do look different, in a good way.” Celia laughed.

“Do you know how I… changed?” I asked her.

She thought about it for a while and said, “You were surrounded by a yellow glow last night, and when it disappeared, I noticed you’ve changed.”

Yellow glow? Did Witch Lily change me?

I was about to ask Celia about it when I stopped in my tracks as I smelled an earthy smell… It was like the scent of petrichor… The smell after the rain.

Then I heard Celia’s excited voice overlapping with a male’s low growl from behind me, “Mate!”

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