I Hope You Will Never Regret

Chapter 158 Parasite

Three months later, Avery visited her father at the Martins Group. She flashed her father a big smile, then she gave him an exquisite gold case. Her father took it and asked, “Did you buy me a necklace?”

Avery smiled brightly and replied, “No, Daddy. This is the Longevity Health Supplement I produced. Please take one tablet per day.”NôvelDrama.Org holds this content.

Then she gave her father five more gold cases and said, “I have prepared a Longevity Health Supplement for my grandpa, God grandpa, Uncle John, and your other two friends.”

Her father was over the moon. He opened the case. Sitting in an exquisite gold case were thirty heart-shaped pink pills. He smiled brightly and said, “Thank you, my precious daughter. Are your tablets on the market?”

Avery shook her head and said, “Not yet, Daddy. I have produced 1000 tablets for now. I will produce more in the future. I am thinking of collaborating with the Forbes Group as soon as I have my laboratory.”

Her father nodded his head and replied, “I will bring back the Construction workers after your birthday, and then we will start building your laboratory.”

Avery thanked her father and said, “Daddy, I am going to Siyabonga’s office to greet him.” Then she went to Siyabonga’s office and said, “Good day, big brother. Please give Uncle Cele these health supplements, one tablet per day.”

Siyabonga smiled brightly and replied, “Thank you, baby sister. I thought you were giving me jewelry.”

Avery smiled and asked, “Do you want me to buy you a watch or a bracelet for your birthday?” Siyabonga shook his head and replied, “My birthday wish is for you to dump that parasite.”

Avery looked at Siyabonga with sadness in her eyes and replied, “I am praying every day to the Lord to remove Jordan from my heart, but the love I have for him becomes deeper. I think he gave me a love potion.”

Siyabonga’s face darkened. The hatred in his heart towards Jordan was deep. It was clear to him that Jordan didn’t love his baby sister. A year ago, he started praying for Avery and Jordan to break up, but his prayers were not answered yet.

Avery bid her brother goodbye and went back to her father’s office. She was about to help her father with his work when she received a call from Dr Lambert asking her to come back to the hospital. She kissed her father and left in a hurry.

Later, her father had dinner at His Mercy restaurant with his friends. He took four exquisite gold cases and handed them over to them. They looked at him beaming with joy and John said, “August, is not our birthday yet. Why are you giving us luxurious gifts?”

August smiled and replied, “My daughter produced the Longevity Health Supplement and asked me to give you these luxurious gifts. Please take one tablet per day.”

Terence Cook smiled brightly and said, “Please thank your lovely daughter for us. After we finish them, will we be able to find them at the Pharmacy?”

August shook his head and replied, “She has produced only 1000 tablets for now. I will call back my Construction workers from the Bennet Group after her nineteenth birthday to start building her laboratory.

Hence, I didn’t bid for the stadium.” Paul was grinning from ear to ear. He didn’t want to work at the Bennet Group anymore.

The following day, after a hectic day at the hospital, Avery found Jordan’s car parked outside her apartment. She was surprised to see him. It had been a while since they talked to each other. She opened the door, and then Jordan followed her.

She looked at him with aggrieved eyes and asked, “Jordan, do you love me?” Jordan was shocked to hear Avery’s question and asked, “What nonsense are you spouting?”

Avery looked at him with eyes brimming with tears and said, “Sometimes I feel like you are using me as your stepping stone. You only come to see me when you need something. You never return my calls or my text messages.

We’ve been dating for four and a half years, but I never received even a single rose from you. I don’t even know your friends or your family members. For the past four years, you have never celebrated my birthday even once.

I haven’t even received a birthday wish from you. You make me sad, Jordan. Why don’t you just dump me if you don’t love me?”

Jordan started panicking and replied, “Avery, you know that I am busy with company matters, and I am trying to be on par with your father’s company.

I am scared to let you down. I promise that after I get the stadium tender, I will give you the grand engagement banquet and a big wedding.”

Jordan was so annoyed to be questioned by Avery. Who did she think she was? He felt inferior in front of Avery because everything he had obtained was because of her. His friends were laughing at him behind his back. Some told him that he would be married to his wife’s family.

So, he hated her to the core, but he calmed himself down and said, “Baby, please bear with me. I will propose to you on your birthday. I understand that it’s been too long, but I promise I will marry only you in my lifetime.”

Avery looked at Jordan with sadness in her eyes and asked, “Jordan, when is my birthday?”

What kind of question was that? Jordan didn’t know Avery’s birthday, and he didn’t care. He looked at her with gentle eyes and asked, “What is wrong with you today, my love?”

Avery was aware that Jordan didn’t know anything about her since he had never celebrated her birthday with her. She sighed and asked, “Do you need help with your tender proposal?”

Jordan smiled broadly and said, “Sweetheart, I am sorry to trouble you. I saw the advert on the government noticeboard inviting construction companies to bid for a tender to build a stadium.”

Avery promised to bring the tender proposal the following day to his office. Her heart was in a mess. It was clear to her that Jordan didn’t love her.

She didn’t believe anything he just said to her, but she didn’t want to lose him because she loved him deeply.

The following day, Avery went to the Bennet Group to deliver the tender proposal. She was wearing a long red dress, then she left her chestnut brown hair hanging over her shoulders. She was elegant and stunning.

She walked to the receptionist and said smiling, “I am here to see President Bennet.” The receptionist smiled brightly at her; she was a big fan of Avery. Her baby brother did well in Grade 12 because of Avery’s guidance.

Then she dialed President Bennet’s Executive Secretary, Henry Gibbs. When it was connected, she said, “Mr Gibbs, Miss Avery is looking for President Bennet.” Executive Secretary Gibbs told her that he was on his way.

At that moment, Henry Gibbs was in the President’s office. He looked at his boss and said, “Sir, Miss Avery is in the reception area.” Jordan looked annoyed and replied, “Get rid of her, I don’t want to see her. Tell her that I am in the meeting, then take the tender document.”

Henry Gibbs looked at his boss with a confused expression; his boss was lying through his teeth. There were no scheduled meetings. He stood there looking at his boss.

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