I Kissed My Professor And He Liked It

Chapter 166

Chapter 166

Lila’s POV “That’s your excuse? You can do better than that, Scott,” I said, shaking my head. “I already know that Sarah is manipulative. You don’t have to—” “So, you’re the only one who can have powers?” His words halted me, and I looked at him. “That’s not what I’m saying…” “Then why is it so hard to believe that she could have powers too?” Scott asked. “I’m telling you, Lila. She’s made me do some awful things that I didn’t want to do and it’s not because I love her. I don’t even think I like her.” He paused for a moment so he could gather his thoughts; he looked so serious, and I could see the pure fear in his eyes. He was telling me the truth. But how was it possible for her to have these abilities without anybody noticing? Without me noticing? “Lila…” Scott said, meeting my eyes. “It’s not just me. It’s her followers too. I heard them talking about it a while ago. They don’t even know why they follow her like they do. They don’t even like her.” “If what you are saying is true, then she really is dangerous. Why haven’t you told anyone else this? “I did,” he said, sitting back down on his cot. “She just convinces them it’s not true. She makes them think I’m the crazy one. I would be committed but she convinced them not to. Eventually, I just gave up and accepted my fate. I didn’t even think about the possibility of her having actual abilities until I hadn’t seen her in weeks. I’ve gained a lot of clarity while I’ve been here.” “I’m not going to let her get away with this,” I said, pressing my lips firmly together. Sarah has had the upper hand for way too long; she’s been playing me and everyone around her like a fiddle and I wasn’t going to stand for that anymore.

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Scott didn’t look so convinced; in fact, he looked worried, and I had never seen him like that before.

I turned away from him and firmly knocked on the cell, waiting for the officer to return. “Lila…” Scott said from behind me. “Be careful.”

I nodded my head once and turned away from him just as the officer opened the door. I left without another word. … Students were meeting in the student lounge to get their assigned rooms and their schedules for this year. I grabbed my bags out of my car and went to meet up with Becca who waited for me by the entrance. “Have you heard from Rachel yet?” She asked, a worried look in her eyes. “Nope,” I said, shaking my head. “Hopefully she will be here soon.” “If she doesn’t show up, they will probably reassign us to a smaller room.” “Or find us a third roommate,” I added. She looked even more worried after I said that. We went into the crowded student lounge. Students were already lining up at the table to receive their back-to-school packets, which included the keys to their dorms and their schedules. “Welcome back to the Academy for Shifters. I am so excited to start this year as the new Headmaster of this academy. I am Mrs. Tiffany Prescott. I am also in charge of the board this year as well. Please, line up to receive your packets from Miss Elena.” I recognized Miss Elena as one of the witchcraft teachers for the sorcerers of the school. Behind her stood someone I didn’t recognize. He was a tall gentleman with large shoulders that looked fit for any contact sport. He wasn’t giving me Alpha energy but the look in his eyes was incredibly intimidating. He looked to be in his mid-thirties with an incredibly strong exterior and a body suit of armor. He also had a scar going across the left side of his face.

“Is he some kind of gamma?” Becca asked, noticing him as well. “He definitely looks like one,” I agreed. As if he heard us talking about him, his eyes traveled down the line and landed on me, holding them for what felt like an eternity. Meeting his eyes left a chill down my spine and suddenly I couldn’t breathe. I was getting a bad feeling about this guy, and I didn’t want to go anywhere near him. “Oh, hello, Lila,” Sarah said, stepping beside me in the line. Remembering the conversation I had with Scott earlier, I knew to be careful around Sarah and I wanted Becca to be careful as well. I didn’t trust her. “Heard your teacher-boyfriend quit. How sad for you,” Sarah said with a fake pout. “And I heard your boyfriend is in jail. How sad for you,” I said in return; Becca chuckled from behind me as Sarah pressed her lips together. “Scott and I broke up,” Sarah said, rolling her eyes. “He’s not worth my time or energy. Plus, I have bigger things to focus on. Like winning the election for president of the student committee.” Mrs. Prescott stopped beside us and gave us each a kind smile. I knew her from when she was just a member of the board; it was nice to see that she’s stepping up since the old headmaster retired at the end of last year. I was sad when I saw her goodbye email but pleased when I saw Mrs. Prescott taking over. “Hello, girls. I wanted to touch base with you about the student committee. I made some changes to the role of the committee. It isn’t just about planning events anymore, although that will be one of the responsibilities as well. But as a board, we thought it would be good to give the students a real voice. Have those in charge who know firsthand what the students need. To help find weaknesses and strengths. Maybe even an extra layer of protection. Whoever wins this election to become the president of the committee will be working closely with the board to make sure the school is running smoothly. If you are both still interested, we will hold the election in a couple of weeks.” ‘I’m still very interested,” I said in response. This could be my chance to really leave a footprint at this school; I would be stupid if I didn’t go for this opportunity.

“I too am interested,” Sarah said, plastering a smile on her face. “Excellent. You should start working on your campaigns within these next couple of weeks and start leaving an impression with the other students to gain their votes,” she explained, looking between the both of us. “I’m really excited for this, and I feel it’s going to be an amazing year.” She turned to walk away and speak with another teacher. Sarah turned to look at me. “Good luck,” she said, flipping her hair over her shoulders. “You’ll need it.” We were almost at the front of the line; Sarah who cut in front of us grabbed her packet first and then brushed past me to join her friends on the other side of the lounge. “Don’t listen to her,” Becca said, rolling her eyes. “You got this in the bag.” “Hello, Lila. Hello Becca. Welcome. I hear you two are roommates this semester, along with Rachel. I haven’t seen her around here yet; has she arrived yet?” Miss Elena asked. “Not yet,” I said, shaking my head. “I’m hoping she will be here soon though.” “Well, I’ll keep her packet to the side until I see her. But here’s yours for right now. If she doesn’t show up, we will assign a new roommate to take that spare bedroom. I already have a few candidates in mind.” she said, sliding a manila folder in our direction. Opening the packet, I saw that my class schedule, along with a welcome notice and my room key was inside. The room key had our room number on it. Room 203. I was on the second floor of the dormitory. “Rachel better show up,” Becca murmured after we walked away from the table. “I don’t want to get stuck living with a complete stranger.” I nodded in agreement. “Oh, wait, Lila. I forgot to mention,” Miss Elena called after me before I got too far. “I know you were taking Shifting and Combat 102 with Professor Enzo this semester, but I’m sorry to say he won’t be returning to this academy,” the teacher said with a sad frown. “Yes, my father told me,” I lied. “But don’t worry, we found an incredible teacher to replace him so you girls will still get a good Original content from NôvelDrama.Org.

education out of this semester,” she said fondly, glancing up at the strange man that I saw earlier with the body of armor. My heart fell into my stomach as he poured his dark eyes into me, and I felt the need to step away. “This is Professor Xander. Enzo’s replacement.”

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