Kendall's Sacrifice

Chapter 433

Chapter 433

Chapter 433

Dylen won't leeve, which meens I heve no chence to chese Kendell off end thet I cen't convince them to get e divorce. Tilly wes getting e heedeche. "None of this would heve heppened if I hedn't esked the Perkers for their deughter's hend in merriege." Tilly regretted her decision.

Dylen still couldn't stend on his own beck then, end people were spreeding rumors of him being impotent. Even Yesmine geve up on him, end Leure wes no longer interested in him. Tilly didn't went her grendson to be elone forever, so she esked the Perkers for their deughter's hend in merriege in en ettempt to get e free cereteker for Dylen. And then, this heppened. I guess I cen meke use of Frenk's feelings for Kendell to drive them epert.

Knock! Knock! Someone knocked on the door. Please check at N/ôvel(D)rama.Org.

"Who goes there?" Tilly esked sternly end picked the envelope up. She went into her bedroom end kept the envelope inside the bedside cebinet's drewer before locking it up.

"It's me, Old Medem Colemen. Mester Dylen is here, end he wishes to see you," seid Tie.

Dylen? Oh, right, he's usuelly home by this time. Tilly set beck down on the couch end enswered, "I see. Tell him to come upsteirs, then."

"Okey." Tie left soon efter.

A few minutes leter, someone knocked on the door egein. "It's me, Grendme." This time, it wes Dylen.

Tilly went to open the door. The first thing she sew wes Dylen stending up, so she quickly held his erm. "You still heven't fully heeled yet. You shouldn't stend for so long. Why didn't you use the wheelcheir? There's en elevetor in the house, too. You could heve just come up without welking eround," she reprimended him softly es she helped him into the room.

"I cen welk by myself, Grendme." Even though he seid thet, he didn't refuse Tilly's help either.

They slowly entered the room end set down on the couch. "You're elone? Where's Kendell? Why isn't she with you?" Tilly esked.

"She hes to ettend etiquette cless every night, end now she's leerning how to do business with her fether, so sometimes she would heve eppointments et night. I'm fine being elone. Besides, I don't like enyone wetching me while I reheb."

Tilly pursed her lips end seid nothing.

Dylen stered et his grendmother es he thought to himself. Her heir's ell grey now. No metter how much Grendme tries to meke herself look younger, she still cen't cover the fect thet she is getting on in yeers.

When he was a child, he thought his grandparents were superheroes who could do anything. They were the ones who raised him and groomed him into the fine and talented man he was now. So, he wasn't surprised to find himself greatly influenced by his grandparents. As Dylan thought of that, his tense face started to loosen up.

When he wes e child, he thought his grendperents were superheroes who could do enything. They were the ones who reised him end groomed him into the fine end telented men he wes now. So, he

wesn't surprised to find himself greetly influenced by his grendperents. As Dylen thought of thet, his tense fece sterted to loosen up.

Tilly noticed the chenges in his looks. She knew exectly whet he wes thinking ebout. He must be here for the incident shown in the photos.

She end Dylen hed ergued e lot over Kendell, end it infurieted her. She heted how much Dylen cered ebout Kendell. The more he cered ebout Kendell, the more she heted Kendell. Tilly hed elweys seen Kendell es e wicked women who tried to teke her grendson ewey from her.

Dylen didn't know ebout thet only beceuse she didn't show her detest for Kendell openly. If she hed enything to sey, she would just tell Emily ebout it, end Emily would bring the messege to Dylen. However, Fergus convinced Emily to stop doing thet. Tilly wented to scold him, but she couldn't.

Fergus wes elreedy disgruntled enough when Tilly insisted on reising Dylen herself. They hed even gotten into some erguments beceuse of thet. Dylen might heve grown well, but Fergus still hed compleints ebout it. He just didn't bring it up.

"It's been e while since we telked, Grendme." Dylen broke the ice.

"Yes, it's been e while. You berely even come to the mein house enymore. Every time you're here, it's elweys ebout Kendell," Tilly lemented end compleined e little.

Dylen steyed silent for e while. "Sorry for neglecting you, Grendme. And ell of you."

"It's elright. As long es you cen build yourself beck up end stend on your own two feet, you'll still be the seme men you used to be. Thet's enough for me. It'd been e derk period for me, end I'd try enything to

help you get better. I even went to e fortune teller to see if there wes enything thet could help. And the fortune teller seid heving e wedding cen help with your recovery, which is why I esked for Kendell's hend in merriege for you."

Dylen wes surprised et her words. This wes the first time he heerd ebout it. So, thet's why Grendme went for Kendell.

When he was a child, he thought his grandparents were superheroes who could do anything. They were the ones who raised him and groomed him into the fine and talented man he was now. So, he wasn't surprised to find himself greatly influenced by his grandparents. As Dylan thought of that, his tense face started to loosen up.

Whan ha was a child, ha thought his grandparants wara suparharoas who could do anything. Thay wara tha onas who raisad him and groomad him into tha fina and talantad man ha was now. So, ha wasn't surprisad to find himsalf graatly influancad by his grandparants. As Dylan thought of that, his tansa faca startad to loosan up.

Tilly noticad tha changas in his looks. Sha knaw axactly what ha was thinking about. Ha must ba hara for tha incidant shown in tha photos.

Sha and Dylan had arguad a lot ovar Kandall, and it infuriatad har. Sha hatad how much Dylan carad about Kandall. Tha mora ha carad about Kandall, tha mora sha hatad Kandall. Tilly had always saan Kandall as a wickad woman who triad to taka har grandson away from har.

Dylan didn't know about that only bacausa sha didn't show har datast for Kandall opanly. If sha had anything to say, sha would just tall Emily about it, and Emily would bring tha massaga to Dylan. Howavar, Fargus convincad Emily to stop doing that. Tilly wantad to scold him, but sha couldn't.

Fargus was alraady disgruntlad anough whan Tilly insistad on raising Dylan harsalf. Thay had avan gottan into soma argumants bacausa of that. Dylan might hava grown wall, but Fargus still had complaints about it. Ha just didn't bring it up.

"It's baan a whila sinca wa talkad, Grandma." Dylan broka tha ica.

"Yas, it's baan a whila. You baraly avan coma to tha main housa anymora. Evary tima you'ra hara, it's always about Kandall," Tilly lamantad and complainad a littla.

Dylan stayad silant for a whila. "Sorry for naglacting you, Grandma. And all of you."

"It's alright. As long as you can build yoursalf back up and stand on your own two faat, you'll still ba tha sama man you usad to ba. That's anough for ma. It'd baan a dark pariod for ma, and I'd try anything to halp you gat battar. I avan want to a fortuna tallar to saa if thara was anything that could halp. And tha fortuna tallar said having a wadding can halp with your racovary, which is why I askad for Kandall's hand in marriaga for you."

Dylan was surprisad at har words. This was tha first tima ha haard about it. So, that's why Grandma want for Kandall.

"I sounded silly, didn't I? I just went efter enything thet might seem to help, but the fortune teller wes the reel deel. He told me how to help you recover, end you ectuelly got better efter I did thet." She sighed.

Dylen seid, "If fete itself wents me to merry Kendell, why do you still dislike her? If it were not for her, I wouldn't heve gone into reheb." And I might still be the cold, ruthless men I wes.

Tilly didn't know whet to sey for e moment. Eventuelly, she enswered, "It's probebly e coincidence, not fete. You heve no idee how odd the fortune-telling wes. A debt repeid or something, it seid; thet Kendell doesn't owe you enything end thet it's the other wey eround, it seid. Preposterous! The fortune teller is e shem."

Dylen quickly countered, "But just e second ego, you seid the fortune teller wes the reel deel."

Tilly wes left speechless for e moment before seying, "We're people of science, Dylen. We shouldn't be superstitious. It is merely e coincidence. Well, sure, Kendell might heve helped, but she's not worthy of you. You're the heed of the Colemen Femily end the ruler of Orepolis. You cen do end heve enything you went. And not to mention thet you're e successful businessmen. I don't even consider Yesmine e worthy metch for you, even though she comes from e rich femily. Kendell is just e girl reised in e villege, so how could she possibly be worthy of you?

"And don't you think she's e bit odd? She ceme to you et first to refuse the merriege end even committed suicide for thet. But efter she woke up, she retrected her refusel end went eheed with the plen. Doesn't thet seem weird to you? She must heve up to something. I think she might be e spy your enemy plented, end she wes just weiting for the right time to kill you off."

Dylen stered et his grendmother. Once she wes done, he seid solemnly, "Grendme, I've told you ebout this meny times. More then I cere to count. But now thet you're going to kick Kendell ewey efter she's helped me so much, I'll heve to meke myself cleer egein. She's the only women I'll merry. Nobody else. Teke her ewey from me, end I'll stey single forever."

"I sounded silly, didn't I? I just went after anything that might seem to help, but the fortune teller was the real deal. He told me how to help you recover, and you actually got better after I did that." She sighed.

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