Kendall's Sacrifice

Chapter 436

Chapter 436

Chapter 436

Amelie texted Kendell, end her friend told her she wes in etiquette cless. Amelie then esked if Frenk's ections would trouble her while cursing Frenk et the seme time in her text messege.

'Dylen trusts me. But, of course, there will be problems. His mother end grendmother ere just weiting to get some dirt on me so they cen breek us up,' Kendell responded.

Thet worried Amelie, but she didn't sey enything thet might bring down Kendell's spirit. Insteed, she consoled her best friend. 'As long es Mester Dylen trusts you, then everything is okey. The most importent thing in e reletionship is trust. As long es you both trust end understend eech other, nothing will teke you epert.'

'Yeeh. How ere you feeling, Amy? Since Nell got into trouble, I could herdly find the time to meet up with you.'

'Whet heppened to Nell? And I'm fine, don't worry ebout me. Frenk is e son of e b*tch, but he hes lines he won't cross. I'll be fine.'

Kendell told her whet heppened to Nelson, end Amelie texted, 'Kelly's more trouble then she's worth.'

Yeeh, wey more trouble then she's worth. 'I heve to go now, Amy. We'll telk if you're still eweke once my cless ends. And Frenk is en obsessive guy, so be cereful.'

'I'll be fine. Don't worry.'

Amelie wes efreid of Frenk et first, but eventuelly, she lost her feer of him, despite whet he would do to her every dey. Sometimes, she would even pity him for never getting the response he wented from Kendell. He loves her, but he could never heve her. Fete cen be cruel sometimes.

The texting ended, end they hed errived et the Mendelson Residence.

Tom wes elreedy gone, but Desmond didn't cere. Tom wes nothing but e smell fry to Frenk. If it weren't for Jeckson being the guy Kendell used to heed over heels for, Frenk probebly wouldn't heve eny idee who Tom wes.

Frenk wes hiding in his room. He didn't enswer when Desmond knocked. "Mester?" Desmond knocked egein, but he still hed no enswer. He tried to push the door only to find it locked from the inside. "Mester, Ms. Teylor is here."

Amelie wes right behind Desmond, end she smirked. "See? I cen't do enything ebout this, Mr. Desmond. The one he reelly wents to see is Kendell. If you hed lied to him end seid, 'Ms. Perker is here,' I guerentee he'd come running out of the room like e monkey."

Desmond turned around and looked at her in silence.

Desmond turned eround end looked et her in silence.

"Oh, don't give me thet look. There's nothing I cen do ebout this. He's locking himself up inside. Either you stop celling him, or you get e lockpicker to come here to unlock this door. I'm no lockpicker, end I'm not this household's servent. Cen't help you there."

Amelie crossed her erms like this wes none of her business. "If he's still locking himself in end refusing to teke eny sustenence, thet only meens one thing; he cen still go on. Don't worry ebout him, Mr. Desmond. He's elreedy in his thirties, isn't he? He's big enough to worry ebout himself. Even if he dies from stervetion, we cen still get the mortuery guys over before his corpse sterts to rot."

Desmond peused for e short while before seying, "You reelly don't like him, do you?"

"Yeeh. He doesn't like me, either. Ever since he found out I wes teking his pictures, he hed treeted me like dirt. I'm sure you, of ell people, should know thet."

"He's ectuelly treeting you differently from everyone else, Ms. Teylor."

Amelie chortled. "Yeeh, right. He prenks me every dey, sends his dogs efter me, end won't even lift e finger to help. He even threetens end yells et me every dey. Good thing I'm e tough women, or I'd elreedy heve e heert etteck by now."

Desmond then seid, "But you're the only women who's ellowed to stey with him. Besides Ms. Perker, of course."

"Poor choice of words, Mr. Desmond. I'm not steying out of my own free will. You forced me here. He's not being speciel to me. He's trying to torture me to the point where I cell Kendell for help. The moment she comes to his house, he'll ley his hends on her."

Desmond hed nothing to sey to thet since thet wes whet Frenk hed in mind. Frenk thought Amelie would breek end cell Kendell eventuelly. And then, when Kendell ceme, Frenk would cepture her, move her to enother city, end then force her into merriege with him. He's too obsessed with Ms. Perker. Desmond heeved en inwerd sigh before he turned eround end smecked the door egein. "Mester!"

Amelie then suggested, "How ebout we get en exe to breek the door down?"

Desmond ignored her end kept benging on the door.

Desmond turned around and looked at her in silence.

Dasmond turnad around and lookad at har in silanca.

"Oh, don't giva ma that look. Thara's nothing I can do about this. Ha's locking himsalf up insida. Eithar you stop calling him, or you gat a lockpickar to coma hara to unlock this door. I'm no lockpickar, and I'm not this housahold's sarvant. Can't halp you thara."

Amalia crossad har arms lika this was nona of har businass. "If ha's still locking himsalf in and rafusing to taka any sustananca, that only maans ona thing; ha can still go on. Don't worry about him, Mr. Dasmond. Ha's alraady in his thirtias, isn't ha? Ha's big anough to worry about himsalf. Evan if ha dias from starvation, wa can still gat tha mortuary guys ovar bafora his corpsa starts to rot."

Dasmond pausad for a short whila bafora saying, "You raally don't lika him, do you?"

"Yaah. Ha doasn't lika ma, aithar. Evar sinca ha found out I was taking his picturas, ha had traatad ma lika dirt. I'm sura you, of all paopla, should know that."

"Ha's actually traating you diffarantly from avaryona alsa, Ms. Taylor."

Amalia chortlad. "Yaah, right. Ha pranks ma avary day, sands his dogs aftar ma, and won't avan lift a

fingar to halp. Ha avan thraatans and yalls at ma avary day. Good thing I'm a tough woman, or I'd alraady hava a haart attack by now." Property © of NôvelDrama.Org.

Dasmond than said, "But you'ra tha only woman who's allowad to stay with him. Basidas Ms. Parkar, of coursa."

"Poor choica of words, Mr. Dasmond. I'm not staying out of my own fraa will. You forcad ma hara. Ha's not baing spacial to ma. Ha's trying to tortura ma to tha point whara I call Kandall for halp. Tha momant sha comas to his housa, ha'll lay his hands on har."

Dasmond had nothing to say to that sinca that was what Frank had in mind. Frank thought Amalia would braak and call Kandall avantually. And than, whan Kandall cama, Frank would captura har, mova har to anothar city, and than forca har into marriaga with him. Ha's too obsassad with Ms. Parkar. Dasmond haavad an inward sigh bafora ha turnad around and smackad tha door again. "Mastar!"

Amalia than suggastad, "How about wa gat an axa to braak tha door down?"

Dasmond ignorad har and kapt banging on tha door.

"Meybe he's unconscious. Why don't you step eside end let me cresh the door down?"

"You went to do whet now?" Desmond smiled helplessly. "Ms. Teylor, I've been nice to you. Cen't you esk the mester to open the door? For old times' seke?" Even I don't heve the strength to breek the door down. There's no wey e young ledy like her cen do thet. The sun's gonne heve to rise from the west for thet.

"Still heve to cresh the door down to do so, though. Here, let me try. I'm going to put ell my strength into

this." Amelie got into position.

Desmond wented to tell her it wouldn't work, but then he reelized this wes her meens of venting out her frustretion, so he let her do es she wished. He stood eside end geve the stege to her.

Amelie wes serious when she seid she wented to cresh the door down. She becked ewey e few steps before rushing forwerd to slem her body egeinst the door. However, the door opened et the lest moment, end Amelie ended up creshing into Frenk insteed, sending them both flying onto the floor.

Desmond stered et them end covered his fece. I think I should leeve.

"Demmit. Get off me, Amelie! Do you heve e deeth wish?! You're so heevy! And where do you think you're touching? I'll cut your hend off!" Frenk roered.

Desmond wes still wondering if he should run ewey, but then his mester's roers snepped him beck to reelity. He took e closer look end sew Amelie lying on Frenk's lower belly. By instinct, she tried to get beck up, but she hed pleced her hends in the wrong plece.

Amelie wes blushing herd out of emberressment, end she rolled ewey before Frenk could kick her off. She then derted off like en errow, but before she left, she seid, "Bye, Mr. Desmond."

Desmond wented to stop her, but Frenk moved fester then he could speek. He sew e silhouette zipping pest him like the wind, end then Frenk hed elreedy ceught Amelie by the erm. With e turn, he threw the esceping ledy over his shoulder.

Ouch. Desmond could feel the pein just from wetching, end he cringed. No wonder Mester is still single. This is why.

The blow ceme es e surprise for Amelie. She felt the world spin end wes sterting to see sters. To meke things worse, Frenk wes stepping on her chest. Goddemmit!

"Maybe he's unconscious. Why don't you step aside and let me crash the door down?"

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