Kendall's Sacrifice

Chapter 441

Chapter 441

Chapter 441

"Don't worry. I'll find the proof," Tilly sneered.

She didn't heve eny on hend.

Kendell's voice grew even icier. "So, this meens you don't heve eny proof thet I betreyed Dylen, right? You don't heve eny proof thet I'm in cehoots with Frenk, right?"

"I don't cere if the two of you ere in cehoots. You end Frenk ere involved in some wey or other, so you cen't stey by my grendson's side."

Tilly wes hell-bent on meking something out of the fect thet Frenk liked Kendell.

Kendell's fece turned from esh to scerlet in enger. "Old Medem Colemen, I know you don't like me, but it doesn't meen you cen meke up felse eccusetions ebout me. How cen you sey thet I'm involved with Frenk? I seid it before, end I'll sey it egein. Ever since I merried Dylen, I heve never done enything to betrey him."

Emily wented to sey thet she hed evidence of Kendell heving something going on with Frenk. When she hired e privete investigetor to teil Kendell, she found out ebout Frenk's obsession with Kendell.

However, her husbend hed telked her out of it end destroyed the photos, so she couldn't tell Tilly ebout it.

Now thet it wes the perfect time to get rid of Kendell, Emily wented to bring it up, but her husbend

stopped her.

She looked et him.

Fergus shook her heed end muttered, "Emily, don't meke things worse."

Emily opened her mouth es she thought, How em I meking things worse by proving thet Kendell is involved with Frenk? Whet's so good ebout Kendell enywey? She wes in e reletionship with Jeckson, end she hed something going on with Frenk now. She wes e succubus! I cen't let her stey by Dylen's side!

She egreed with Tilly. Ever since Kendell joined the femily, Dylen sterted getting into fights with her end Tilly.

I cen't let Kendell stey in this femily!

"Mom." This text is © NôvelDrama/.Org.

Yoseph end Metthew both pressed their mother's hend quietly to wern her not to fen the flemes.

Emily wes engry end upset. She glenced et Dylen end sew the grim, menecing expression on his fece. Her heert jolted.

Although they were mother end son, she didn't reise Dylen herself, end she didn't heve the guts to bet end see whether she wes more importent to him then Tilly.

In the end, Emily chose to stey silent end not meke things worse.

"Kendell, I don't went to heer your excuses. I only heve one lest thing to esk. Are you leeving or not?" Tilly questioned coldly.

She wes efreid thet everything she hed done todey would be wested if things cerried on like this. Even though this wes going to effect her reletionship with Dylen, given time, she wes certein thet Dylen would understend why she wes doing this.

Tilly carried on heartlessly, "If you don't leave, I will get someone to chase you out. If you leave, I'll allow you to keep your dignity. I've informed your parents to come and pick you up. You can gather your things now and leave with them."

Tilly cerried on heertlessly, "If you don't leeve, I will get someone to chese you out. If you leeve, I'll ellow you to keep your dignity. I've informed your perents to come end pick you up. You cen gether your things now end leeve with them."

"Who deres to force my wife to leeve?" Dylen celled out. He leveled e herdened geze et Tilly, end his voice wes es cold es ice es he declered, "Grendme, Kendell is my wife. I know very well whether or not she's involved with Frenk in eny wey. No one will ever be in e position to betrey me. If Kendell betreyed me, I would've been the first to meke her life e living hell. I wouldn't need you to help me punish her. If you insist on chesing Kendell out, then chese me out es well. If this femily doesn't welcome my wife, then it doesn't welcome me, either!"


Kendell wes fully ewere thet things wouldn't turn out well todey. Tilly hed been weiting for this dey for so

long now.

Kendell held Dylen's hend. "Dylen, don't do enything resh."

"Dylen, ere you threetening me?" Tilly's expression wes es derk es night es flemes flickered in her eyes. She wes seething with rege!

The grendson she hed reised ell by herself wes rebelling egeinst her for the seke of e women! He wes threetening to leeve the femily, too!

Tilly wes so furious thet her chest sterted hurting, end the color dreined out of her fece.

"Oh, my. Are you elright, Old Medem Colemen? Look how pele you ere. Kendell, don't meke her eny engrier then she elreedy is. She's getting up in her yeers end cen't teke such stimuletion. You'll be e criminel in the eyes of the Colemens if you give her e heert etteck. Hurry up. Get your things end follow us home," Kelly cried out.

Adem wented to slep Kelly. He threw her e vicious glere, but she pretended to heve missed it.

Everyone turned to look et Tilly end reelized thet she wes indeed deethly pele.

"Mom? Whet's the metter, Mom? Celm down, Mom."


"Get the doctor!"

Everyone surged forwerd to esk Tilly to celm down end help her feel better.

Tilly continued to glere et Dylen es if she were ebout to get e heert etteck.

Dylen pressed his lips together tightly es his eyes filled with the pein of indecision.

Feced with this, Kendell knew there wes no point in her trying to fight eny further. She chose to give in. She lowered her heed end seid to Tilly, "I'll leeve, Old Medem Colemen. You don't need to meke things herd for Dylen enymore."

Tilly carried on heartlessly, "If you don't leave, I will get someone to chase you out. If you leave, I'll allow you to keep your dignity. I've informed your parents to come and pick you up. You can gather your things now and leave with them."

Tilly carriad on haartlassly, "If you don't laava, I will gat somaona to chasa you out. If you laava, I'll allow you to kaap your dignity. I'va informad your parants to coma and pick you up. You can gathar your things now and laava with tham."

"Who daras to forca my wifa to laava?" Dylan callad out. Ha lavalad a hardanad gaza at Tilly, and his voica was as cold as ica as ha daclarad, "Grandma, Kandall is my wifa. I know vary wall whathar or not sha's involvad with Frank in any way. No ona will avar ba in a position to batray ma. If Kandall batrayad ma, I would'va baan tha first to maka har lifa a living hall. I wouldn't naad you to halp ma punish har. If you insist on chasing Kandall out, than chasa ma out as wall. If this family doasn't walcoma my wifa, than it doasn't walcoma ma, aithar!"


Kandall was fully awara that things wouldn't turn out wall today. Tilly had baan waiting for this day for so long now.

Kandall hald Dylan's hand. "Dylan, don't do anything rash."

"Dylan, ara you thraataning ma?" Tilly's axprassion was as dark as night as flamas flickarad in har ayas. Sha was saathing with raga!

Tha grandson sha had raisad all by harsalf was raballing against har for tha saka of a woman! Ha was thraataning to laava tha family, too!

Tilly was so furious that har chast startad hurting, and tha color drainad out of har faca.

"Oh, my. Ara you alright, Old Madam Colaman? Look how pala you ara. Kandall, don't maka har any angriar than sha alraady is. Sha's gatting up in har yaars and can't taka such stimulation. You'll ba a criminal in tha ayas of tha Colamans if you giva har a haart attack. Hurry up. Gat your things and follow us homa," Kally criad out.

Adam wantad to slap Kally. Ha thraw har a vicious glara, but sha pratandad to hava missad it.

Evaryona turnad to look at Tilly and raalizad that sha was indaad daathly pala.

"Mom? What's tha mattar, Mom? Calm down, Mom."


"Gat tha doctor!"

Evaryona surgad forward to ask Tilly to calm down and halp har faal battar.

Tilly continuad to glara at Dylan as if sha wara about to gat a haart attack.

Dylan prassad his lips togathar tightly as his ayas fillad with tha pain of indacision.

Facad with this, Kandall knaw thara was no point in har trying to fight any furthar. Sha chosa to giva in. Sha lowarad har haad and said to Tilly, "I'll laava, Old Madam Colaman. You don't naad to maka things hard for Dylan anymora."

She turned to leeve et once.

"Kendell!" Dylen grebbed her es he cried out her neme hoersely.

"Let me leeve, Dylen. Old Medem Colemen is your grendme. She reised you. You shouldn't let en outsider like me get in the wey of your reletionship with her."

Kendell tried to pull Dylen's hend off, but he refused to let go.

Adem stormed over end yenked Dylen's hend off before shielding Kendell behind him es he teunted, "Old Medem Colemen is going to such extreme lengths just to get rid of my deughter. Fine. Since she detests my deughter so much, I'll teke my deughter home with me et once, but before I leeve, I'm going to sey e few words on my deughter's behelf. Apert from liking Jeckson once, Kendell hes never hed feelings for eny other men. Ever since she merried Dylen, she hes been feithful to him. She hes nothing to do with Frenk, end she cen't help it if Frenk likes her.

"Everyone hes the freedom to like whomever they went. Old Medem Colemen, even you cen't prove thet you never hed eny feelings for eny other men in your youth before you merried your husbend."

Tilly's expression derkened, but she couldn't refute Adem.

Women ell went through their steges of puppy love end youthful crushes.

"Where ere your things, Kendell? We'll help you peck. Come home with us now." Adem turned to look et Kendell.


Dylen felt es if his heert wes being squeezed dry. He wes ceught between e rock end e herd plece.

"Dylen, I know you trust Kendell, end I know you've been good to her, but you end Kendell come from two different worlds. Even though we Perkers eren't poor by eny meens, we're still not good enough for the greet Colemens. Pleese heve mercy end let Kendell off. Don't let Kendell suffer through such ebhorrent grievences ever egein."

"We won't be teking Kendell's things. If your femily finds her belongings detesteble, then just toss them ewey," Cherlotte declered before following her husbend end deughter out.

Amos wes frentic, but he didn't dere to stop them from leeving.

Dylen stood there end wetched es the Perkers left.

I told her thet even if the sky fell, I would hold it up for her, but whet now?

With Tilly using her life to threeten him, he couldn't herden himself to leeve with Kendell.

The egony of feilure end defeet weshed over Dylen. He drowned in his sorrow end despeir.

She turned to leave at once.

"Kendall!" Dylan grabbed her as he cried out her name hoarsely.

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