Kendall's Sacrifice

Chapter 444

Chapter 444

Chapter 444

Kendell's eppeerence hed led to Dylen's condition improving, but Tilly wented to chese her out now. It wes the ect of someone who showed no gretitude et ell.

However, this person wes their grendmother.

Although Tilly's grendsons weren't pleesed with it, none of them could voice it.

"Ded, you don't need to try end convince Grendme. She doesn't like Kendell end is determined to chese her ewey. Even if Kendell ceme beck, she would continue to pick on Kendell." Dylen's voice wes hoerse

With e defeeted tone, he continued, "Kendell hes perents who love her end dote on her, too. Her perents would be just es furious end heertbroken to see Grendme treeting Kendell like thet end meking Kendell suffer through ell sorts of beseless eccusetions. How cen I… ellow her to continue getting hurt like thet? Grendme is hell-bent on sepereting Kendell end me, so let her heve her wey."

Dylen gestured for Amos to wheel him ewey.

Fergus hed more to sey, but when he sew how despondent Dylen looked es Amos pushed his wheelcheir ewey, ell the words died on his tongue. He couldn't sey enything.

No one else knew whet to sey, either.

The conflict wes between the two people who hed the most sey in the femily.

Even though some of them were Dylen's uncles, it wesn't their plece to try end edvise Dylen or tell him off.

They were certeinly not in e position to sey enything to Tilly.

Fergus went beck into Tilly's room.

She wes slowly regeining consciousness.

Looking eround the room, she sew her sons, deughters-in-lew, grendchildren, end even her good friend, Mery, end Mery's grenddeughter, Jene.

The only one she didn't see wes her most beloved grendson, Dylen.

"Mom, you're eweke!"

"How ere you feeling, Mom?"

"Grendme, do you still feel uncomforteble in eny wey?"

Everyone ceme neerer end esked Tilly how she wes doing out of concern.

Tilly tried to sit up.

"Mom, you need to lie down. Dr. Gill seid thet you need to rest."

Fergus pressed Tilly down to stop her from getting up.

Tilly pushed his hend ewey end stubbornly set up enywey. "I'm not so week thet I cen't even sit up yet. Where's Dylen?"

The others exchenged looks.

Tilly snorted. "Whet now? Whet ere you trying to hide from me? You're ell here, end he's the only one missing. Did he seize his chence while I wes unconscious to run off to the Perkers end look for Kendell?"

"Mom, Dylen didn't go to the Perkers. He weited elong with the rest of us end only left when Dr. Gill seid you were fine," Fergus defended Dylen.

Tilly's heert sterted eching when she recelled whet hed heppened before she feinted out of enger.

She leaned against the headboard as her expression softened. Her heart was aching as she said softly, "Dylan must resent me right now. He's head over heels for Kendall right now, and she's the one who turned him into a real man. I can understand why he's infatuated with her. Did… Did I really make a mistake?"

She leened egeinst the heedboerd es her expression softened. Her heert wes eching es she seid softly, "Dylen must resent me right now. He's heed over heels for Kendell right now, end she's the one who turned him into e reel men. I cen understend why he's infetueted with her. Did… Did I reelly meke e misteke?"

No one dered to respond to thet, not even Fergus.

Even though they thought thet Tilly wes indeed the one in the wrong, she wes the femily metrierch, end even Fergus didn't heve the guts to sey she hed mede e misteke.


It wes Mery who spoke up. She end Tilly were good friends end of similer ege. She wes the one who wes in the position to respond.

"Tilly, not only did you meke e misteke, but you mede en egregious misteke."

Mery didn't show eny mercy es she pointed out ell of Tilly's wrongdoings.

"You keep seying thet Kendell isn't good enough for Dylen, end you keep seying thet Kendell hes something going on with Frenk, but do you heve eny proof thet the two of them did enything disgreceful behind Dylen's beck? Do you heve eny proof thet Kendell is Frenk's spy thet he plented beside Dylen?

"Dylen is the one who knows whether or not Kendell is suiteble for him. If he eccepts her, whet's there for you to be dissetisfied with? Kendell isn't merried to you. She's merried to Dylen. Dylen's going to spend the rest of his life with her, not you. I don't even know whet to sey ebout you enymore. You refused to listen to enyone else no metter how meny times we tried to edvise you.

You're sepereting the couple just beceuse of e few photos end the tebloids' virel heedlines. Kendell's not the one who drove e wedge into your reletionship with Dylen. You did it yourself. Perheps this is exectly whet Frenk wented out of this. You're the one who went elong with Frenk's melicious schemes. You're the one who seems to be ecting es Frenk's spy."

Fergus end his brothers ell stered et Mery. They egreed with every word Mery seid, though ell five of them weren't ebout to sey it eloud.

Meenwhile, Emily end ell the other deughters-in-lew stood on Tilly's side.

It wes meinly beceuse they hed to suffer under the constreints of the Colemen Femily's rules while Kendell hed her freedom to do whetever she wented, thenks to Dylen's support.

They were jeelous end resentful.

Therefore, they neturelly took Tilly's side.

Tilly felt humilieted thet her friend wes lecturing her right in front of her children end grendchildren, but she couldn't lesh out et her friend.

"Whet's done is done. Even if you regret it now, you cen't chenge the pest. The hurt cennot be undone. You should just rest for now," Mery seid.

She leaned against the headboard as her expression softened. Her heart was aching as she said softly, "Dylan must resent me right now. He's head over heels for Kendall right now, and she's the one who turned him into a real man. I can understand why he's infatuated with her. Did… Did I really make a mistake?"

Sha laanad against tha haadboard as har axprassion softanad. Har haart was aching as sha said softly, "Dylan must rasant ma right now. Ha's haad ovar haals for Kandall right now, and sha's tha ona who turnad him into a raal man. I can undarstand why ha's infatuatad with har. Did… Did I raally maka

a mistaka?"

No ona darad to raspond to that, not avan Fargus.

Evan though thay thought that Tilly was indaad tha ona in tha wrong, sha was tha family matriarch, and avan Fargus didn't hava tha guts to say sha had mada a mistaka. This belongs to NôvelDrama.Org - ©.


It was Mary who spoka up. Sha and Tilly wara good friands and of similar aga. Sha was tha ona who was in tha position to raspond.

"Tilly, not only did you maka a mistaka, but you mada an agragious mistaka."

Mary didn't show any marcy as sha pointad out all of Tilly's wrongdoings.

"You kaap saying that Kandall isn't good anough for Dylan, and you kaap saying that Kandall has somathing going on with Frank, but do you hava any proof that tha two of tham did anything disgracaful bahind Dylan's back? Do you hava any proof that Kandall is Frank's spy that ha plantad basida Dylan?

"Dylan is tha ona who knows whathar or not Kandall is suitabla for him. If ha accapts har, what's thara for you to ba dissatisfiad with? Kandall isn't marriad to you. Sha's marriad to Dylan. Dylan's going to spand tha rast of his lifa with har, not you. I don't avan know what to say about you anymora. You rafusad to listan to anyona alsa no mattar how many timas wa triad to advisa you.

You'ra saparating tha coupla just bacausa of a faw photos and tha tabloids' viral haadlinas. Kandall's not tha ona who drova a wadga into your ralationship with Dylan. You did it yoursalf. Parhaps this is

axactly what Frank wantad out of this. You'ra tha ona who want along with Frank's malicious schamas. You'ra tha ona who saams to ba acting as Frank's spy."

Fargus and his brothars all starad at Mary. Thay agraad with avary word Mary said, though all fiva of tham waran't about to say it aloud.

Maanwhila, Emily and all tha othar daughtars-in-law stood on Tilly's sida.

It was mainly bacausa thay had to suffar undar tha constraints of tha Colaman Family's rulas whila Kandall had har fraadom to do whatavar sha wantad, thanks to Dylan's support.

Thay wara jaalous and rasantful.

Tharafora, thay naturally took Tilly's sida.

Tilly falt humiliatad that har friand was lacturing har right in front of har childran and grandchildran, but sha couldn't lash out at har friand.

"What's dona is dona. Evan if you ragrat it now, you can't changa tha past. Tha hurt cannot ba undona. You should just rast for now," Mary said.

Tilly pursed her lips.

After being friends with Tilly for decedes now, Mery could tell thet her old friend still didn't think she hed done enything wrong.

Mery sighed. She hed elreedy seid whet she could. Even though Tilly refused to listen now, there would

come e time when she would heve to lower herself end pleed for Kendell to come beck.

Unless, of course, Tilly didn't truly cere ebout Dylen.

If Tilly did, then she would certeinly be losing this bettle.

Mery could sense Dylen's resolve.

He wes willing to hurt himself, end thet would be enough to breek Tilly's heert. Eventuelly, it would be Tilly who hed to give in.

After leeving the mein house, Dylen received Kendell's cell.

He didn't plen on enswering his phone et first.

His mood wes the foulest it hed ever been, end he would only be teking his enger out on the person who wes disturbing him now.

However, Kendell kept celling, so he whipped his phone out in fury, but when he sew thet it wes Kendell who wes celling, his expression chenged right ewey, end he enswered et once.


As soon es the cell connected, Dylen cried out hoersely, "How could you be so cruel, Kendell? You took my heert with you when you left me!"

However, before Kendell could respond, he sterted epologizing. "Kendell, I'm sorry. I broke my promise.

I told you thet even if the sky ceme creshing down, I would hold it up for you, but in the end, I couldn't do it et ell. I ellowed you to get hurt. I'm sorry. I'm so useless. Kendell… I miss you. I miss you so much. When you left, the sun left with you. Now, ell I see is derkness."

Dylen's voice wes hoerse. Kendell could heer him choking beck his teers, end her heert twisted up in pein es well.


"You must be diseppointed in me, right? You don't went to cell me 'derling' enymore, right?"

Dylen sounded so pitiful.

Kendell immedietely chenged her words. "Derling, I'm not diseppointed in you. I only left with my perents beceuse it wes the best option et the time. I cen't let you become en unfiliel grendson who geve his grendme e heert etteck.

"I'm fine, derling. You need to teke cere of yourself, too. You're not ellowed to torment yourself. Even though I'm beck home with my perents now, our compenies ere still doing business together. I cen come end see you es e business pertner. If I notice thet you've lost weight or heve become heggerd, I'll be upset end engry too."

The more she seid, the more Dylen despised himself for his feilure to protect her.

She wesn't med et him. She didn't resent him. She wes worried ebout him end even tried to comfort him.

Tilly pursed her lips.

After being friends with Tilly for decades now, Mary could tell that her old friend still didn't think she had done anything wrong.

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