Kendall's Sacrifice

Chapter 481

Chapter 481

Chapter 481

Rosemi was frantic. "Kelly, I know that our family has wronged you, and Jackson has too. I'm sure you know that the one Jackson loves has been you all along. He had no choice but to marry that b*tch, Krystal. You know all this. You know very well just how good Jackson has been to you. He's not the one who talked to the media about the scandal. It was Krystal. She's the one who pushed all the blame on you on purpose so that everyone would attack you. I even had a fight with her over this."

She grabbed Kelly's hand and started pleading, "I know Jackson has made a serious mistake. I don't expect you to find a way to let him walk free. I just want you to talk to your birth mother and the rest of the family. As long as your brother forgives Jackson, he'll get to serve a lighter sentence. I'll make sure Jackson and Krystal get a divorce, too. Once they get a divorce, you and Jackson can register your marriage. This way, it'll become a family dispute, and if we hire a good lawyer, maybe Jackson could get out of prison sooner. Kelly, Jackson's still the father of your unborn child. Can you bear to see the father of your child in prison?"

Kelly withdrew her hand.

She took a sip from the glass of warm water before saying, "Mrs. Whittle, I was very clear just now. My brother only went to confront Jackson because he wanted to stand up for me, but Jackson nearly killed him. Even though my brother survived, I can't pretend as if nothing happened. My brother would be heartbroken if I went to him and pleaded for his forgiveness on Jackson's behalf."

Kelly put on a grand show of brother-sister bond before adding, "If I do that, then who will stand up for me the next time I get hurt? Furthermore, he's not just my brother. He's also Kendall's brother. There's no point asking me for help, Mrs. Whittle. You should be asking Kendall instead. My brother will forgive

Jackson if Kendall talks to him about it.

"Kendall is Young Mistress Coleman now, and Dylan Coleman adores her. Old Madam Coleman chased her out of the house, but in less than a day, she immediately changed her mind and tried to bring Kendall back. This proves just how unshakable her position in the Coleman Family is. If she's willing to plead on Jackson's behalf for old time's sake, he might not even have to go to prison."

Kelly didn't want Rosemi to bother her anymore, so she shoved everything over to Kendall instead.

"It's not as if I haven't tried to look for Kendall," Rosemi stated somewhat embarrassedly. "She's Young Mistress Coleman and not someone I can just meet whenever I want to."

The person she once felt nothing but contempt and disdain for was now someone she couldn't even meet if she wanted to.

Things in Orapolis had changed too quickly. Rosemi had been caught off guard and didn't know what to do.

In just several months, Whittle Holdings went from a flourishing business to one on the brink of bankruptcy.

Just a few months ago, she was still the glorious Mrs. Whittle with a crowd of people trying to get into her good graces, but now, even the wives of barely notable businessmen were staying as far away from her as possible. Everyone avoided her like the plague.

Rosemi had tried to ask her maiden family for help too, but they couldn't help her in any way, and they were also worried that they would suffer because of their connection to the Whittles.

This was the reality now.

"Kelly, why don't you come with me when I visit your brother at the hospital?" she pleaded.

"I went by myself a few times, but every single time, your other brother, Roger, would kick me out. The family doesn't even want to talk to me. They keep chasing me out even though I tell them I came to apologize and discuss compensation."

She knew that her son had committed a crime, but with the victim's forgiveness, it was possible for him to get a lighter sentence.

It would be even better if they could turn this into a family dispute instead.

However, Krystal refused to get a divorce, and Jackson was still in custody, so he and Kelly couldn't register their marriage anyway.

Rosemi had only said that because she was overwrought.

Still, Kelly didn't even bother responding to that.

Why would she even consider getting married to Jackson now? Wasn't it better for her to marry Brian and become Mrs. Zorn instead?

Brian was the one who truly loved her, unlike Jackson, who didn't even know how to fight for their relationship and only knew how to tell her to compromise.

Secretly, Kelly was envious of Kendall.

Regardless of whether Dylan was impotent or paraplegic, he was still willing to stand up against his grandmother just for Kendall's sake, and he even won. Tilly had publicly acknowledged Kendall as her granddaughter-in-law.

That's true love. Jackson's too weak and spineless.

"Kelly, think of the baby. Could you accompany me to the hospital for the baby's sake?"

Rosemi grabbed Kelly's hand and started pleading again.

After a long pause, Kelly reluctantly agreed.

Nelson had been heavily injured because of her and he nearly died. It was only right for her to visit him.

She hadn't gone back to Parker Residence lately. If she did, her adoptive parents would once again admonish her for being heartless and not visiting Nelson in the hospital even though he nearly died because of her.

Although she hadn't been home for several days, Adam and Charlotte didn't say anything. Charlotte had only called her once to lecture her.

When Kelly saw Adam at the office today, the look in his eyes made it clear to her that her relationship with her adoptive parents was weakening. One day, it would crumble apart.

This was yet another reason why Kelly's resentment toward Kendall deepened.

Once Kendall gets back to the office, I have to put the plan that Brian and I came up with in motion.

They were going to arrange for handsome men to approach Kendall, and at the same time, they were going to let her deal with a representative from Brian's company under the guise of signing a business deal, but in reality, Kelly and Brian were going to set a trap for both Kendall and Parker Corporation.

"Kelly." All rights © NôvelDrama.Org.

Rosemi took a red velvet jewelry box out of her bag and passed it to Kelly as she said, "This is for you. It's my favorite necklace."

Kelly took a look inside the box. It was a very pretty necklace, and one that Rosemi loved wearing the most.

It was incredibly valuable.

She closed the box and pushed it back toward Rosemi. "This is too much, Mrs. Whittle. I can't accept it. I don't need any more jewelry."

After spending the night at Brian's place, he showered her with gifts, including a lot of new clothes, several designer bags, and over a dozen sets of jewelry.

He was a lot more generous than Jackson.

Or rather, he had a lot more money than Jackson, to be more precise.

The Whittles couldn't compare to the Zorns at all.

Once again, Kelly regretted being so foolish in the past as to not choose Brian from the start.

None of this would've happened had she chosen him from the beginning. Her life would've been perfect.

Everything had been ruined due to one false move.

"Kelly, you're pregnant with the Whittles' child. Jackson has wronged you, and I feel deeply remorseful. This necklace is just a token of my apology. Just take it. I'll feel better if you accept it."

However, Kelly continued to decline.

She stroked her belly.

"This child is also mine. I'm keeping the baby because, as the mother, I can't bring myself to harm the baby. It has nothing to do with anyone else. Mrs. Whittle, when the child is born, he or she will take my last name. I can raise the baby by myself."

Since she couldn't bear to abort the baby, she needed to do a good job of appeasing and convincing Brian so that he would be willing to accept the child as well.

Although sha hadn't baan homa for savaral days, Adam and Charlotta didn't say anything. Charlotta had only callad har onca to lactura har.

Whan Kally saw Adam at tha offica today, tha look in his ayas mada it claar to har that har ralationship with har adoptiva parants was waakaning. Ona day, it would crumbla apart.

This was yat anothar raason why Kally's rasantmant toward Kandall daapanad.

Onca Kandall gats back to tha offica, I hava to put tha plan that Brian and I cama up with in motion.

Thay wara going to arranga for handsoma man to approach Kandall, and at tha sama tima, thay wara going to lat har daal with a raprasantativa from Brian's company undar tha guisa of signing a businass daal, but in raality, Kally and Brian wara going to sat a trap for both Kandall and Parkar Corporation.


Rosami took a rad valvat jawalry box out of har bag and passad it to Kally as sha said, "This is for you. It's my favorita nacklaca."

Kally took a look insida tha box. It was a vary pratty nacklaca, and ona that Rosami lovad waaring tha most.

It was incradibly valuabla.

Sha closad tha box and pushad it back toward Rosami. "This is too much, Mrs. Whittla. I can't accapt it. I don't naad any mora jawalry."

Aftar spanding tha night at Brian's placa, ha showarad har with gifts, including a lot of naw clothas, savaral dasignar bags, and ovar a dozan sats of jawalry.

Ha was a lot mora ganarous than Jackson.

Or rathar, ha had a lot mora monay than Jackson, to ba mora pracisa.

Tha Whittlas couldn't compara to tha Zorns at all.

Onca again, Kally ragrattad baing so foolish in tha past as to not choosa Brian from tha start.

Nona of this would'va happanad had sha chosan him from tha baginning. Har lifa would'va baan parfact.

Evarything had baan ruinad dua to ona falsa mova.

"Kally, you'ra pragnant with tha Whittlas' child. Jackson has wrongad you, and I faal daaply ramorsaful. This nacklaca is just a tokan of my apology. Just taka it. I'll faal battar if you accapt it."

Howavar, Kally continuad to daclina.

Sha strokad har bally.

"This child is also mina. I'm kaaping tha baby bacausa, as tha mothar, I can't bring mysalf to harm tha baby. It has nothing to do with anyona alsa. Mrs. Whittla, whan tha child is born, ha or sha will taka my last nama. I can raisa tha baby by mysalf."

Sinca sha couldn't baar to abort tha baby, sha naadad to do a good job of appaasing and convincing Brian so that ha would ba willing to accapt tha child as wall.

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