Let's Start All Over Again, Shall We (Maggie and Nathaniel)



Chapter 172 Targeting

Ronald’s face turned sour, and despite his usually sharp mind, he could not come up with a comeback. right then and there.”

Noah, who was usually all smiles, now had a wicked glint in his eyes as he smirked. He never thought that the call he made to Ronald would end up biting him in the backside.

Someone could not help but blurt out, “Hey, aren’t we all just customers here? Why does Mr. Cameron think he can put us in different boxes? Do rich folks cough up more cash? Or are the Camerons just acting like bullies who back down when things get tough?”

Totally agree. If Mr. Cameron doesn’t start showing us consumers some respect, this mess won’t get cleaned up easily. I’m not returning my stuff this time: I’ll wait for Mr. Cameron to cough up what he owes. And if he tries to palm off shoddy goods as top–notch, he better be ready to pay up big time!”

Another guy scoffed, “Sure, you can wait to check out the goods, but the Camerons gotta deliver them first. Seems like the Camerons are just faking it when they’re playing with smuggled goods. And now that their stash got busted, they gotta cough up, no choice.”

“Man. Mr. Cameron’s sucking up is seriously cringy. Back in the day, folks were willing to lick boots for the powerful, but even in these times, there are still suck–ups like him who’re willing to butter up and talk


“After hearing that, an older dude who had been quiet till now piped up, “Man, the Camerons‘ actions are giving me the creeps. Plus, it looks like they’re trying to use smuggling to keep their

grip on the market. Their goods are looking shady. Even if they manage to deliver it, I wouldn’t touch it with a ten–foot pole.

“Couldn’t agree more with Mr. Yost. And if we boycott wearing their jewelry, we can use it as a reminder to certain folks that the Camerons ain’t all sunshine and rainbows. Maybe it’ll make ‘em think twice about chasing quick cash at the expense of their reputation down the road.”

“In that case, this banquet means nothing to us. We’re out. Excuse us, the Sonnens are leaving now.”

With that, the Sonnens took the lead, and many other guests followed suit, sporting serious expressions.

As the well–off families and officials cleared out, a pack of reporters swarmed around Ronald like hungry sharks sensing blood, shoving microphones and cameras in his face. NôvelDrama.Org is the owner.

“Mr. Cameron, care to explain what went down today?”

“Are the Camerons mixed up in some shady smuggling business? Any legal troubles on the horizon?”

“Do the Camerons even have their own designers? With Luster Corporation on the rise, this big mess surely throws a wrench in your future plans, huh?”

“You’ve divided consumers into three groups and are trying to pass off low–quality goods as high– end. Is this what the Camerons stand for?”

“After today, will the Camerons admit defeat to the Adams, or will they keep fighting to the bitter end?”

The reporters‘ questions became sharper and more direct.

Chapter 172 Targeting

Ronald struggled to keep his cool and responded firmly, “This whole situation is clearly a setup by someone with ill intentions. The Camerons haven’t done anything illegal or unethical! And those leaked. conversations? They’re taken out of context!

“Luster Corporation is just starting to make waves, and it’s making a lot of people jealous. Some folks just can’t handle our success!

“I won’t discuss this further today. The Camerons will hold a press conference soon to address all your questions in depth!”

With that, Ronald left, his expression resolute, accompanied by Noah and the secretary.

Maggie, on the other hand, was feeling exhilarated, curling her crimson lips to down her drink in one gulp.

Tonight was shaping up to be a restless one.

With the Camerons caught in such a major scandal, as the “esteemed adopted daughter of the family, she could not escape scrutiny and would undoubtedly be pulled into the discussions.

Despite the circumstances, Maggie remained in good spirits..

She turned to Mia and whispered, “I’ll get going now. I’ll call you later.”

After that, Maggie calmly glanced towards Leo, ignoring the Adams, and left with the Camerons.

An hour later, in the Camerons‘ hall, everyone wore somber and displeased expressions, with Ronald notably furious.

“This feels like a setup against us, doesn’t it? I mean, think about it! Shawn’s accident, Andy refusing to sign, and now the Adams suing us for plagiarism? It’s like someone’s playing us like a fiddle! Someone’s out to wreck Luster Corporation!”

Master Cameron’s breath was all over the ple. The color drained from his face in just a few hours, leaving him looking like a wilted eggplant.

“But who could pull off such a complex scheme? It’s not something your average Joe could orchestrate. And how did your chat with Joseph get leaked?” Master Cameron furrowed his brow, puzzled.

Olivia and Madam Cameron wore the same grim expression. It was like they were about to hit the big leagues, only to get pulled back down to earth!

Everything shattered and turned to dust.

The atmosphere was tense, with no one feeling cheerful.

Ronald remained quiet upon hearing this, while Noah chimed in, ‘Ronald, I’ve had someone sweep the room where you talked with Joseph. No bugs were found, If there’s a leak, it’s likely between you and Joseph.

Noah was well–versed in handling underhanded affairs for the Camerons, so he knew a thing or two about such situations.

Chapter 172 Targeting

His statement nearly made Mary Cameron leap out of her seat. “What? Are you suggesting someone bugged our place? Who would dare to pull such a stunt on you?”

Maggie observed from the sidelines, her demeanor cool and detached.

She saw no reason to intervene until it was her moment to speak.

Ronald’s face grew stern, signaling for Noah to take action. Noah, with his hefty frame, promptly moved forward and began to pat down Ronald, starting from his collar and working his 1


The room fell silent as everyone awaited the outcome of the search. After a few moments, Noah shook his head to indicate he found nothing. With that, he turned and approached Joseph, who raised his arms in cooperation, awaiting his turn to be checked.

A few minutes later, Noah suddenly moved faster, repeatedly feeling the inside corner of his suit as if confirming something, and then violently turned the clothes over.

In plain sight, a button–sized bug drew everyone’s gaze.

Madam Cameron’s hand slammed onto the table in exasperation. “This is intolerable! Completely intolerable!”

“Take it for analysis; see if we can track down who placed it, Ronald commanded sternly.

Noah scrutinized it closely before shaking his head. “I’m afraid not. It appears to be a standard, run– of–the- mill bug.

The family remained seated on the sofa, enveloped in silence and gloom, with not a word spoken.

Maggie fixed a serious gaze on Ronald. “Dad, aside from uncovering who’s targeting the Camerons, we also need to strategize our next steps.”

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