Love Unbreakable

Chapter 211

Chapter 211

Kneel Down And Apologize! Instead of showing anger, Jamie said in a cheerful tone, “Several banks have already issued statements.

They say your Lawrence Group can't repay their loans and plan to take forcible actions.

The Lawrence family is doomed!” This news hit Nicole like a bolt from the blue! Her face lost all color, and her body shook uncontrollably.

The Lawrence family was over.

What would become of her parents? The employees? How would they make up for the loss? Jamie stared at Nicole, who was visibly shaken.

Even so, she remained dissatisfied.

With a slight smile, Jamie added, “It's not just the end for your family.

Your father might end up a defendant.

He'll have to prepare for jail if he can’t pay back the money!” Nicole's mind buzzed, and breathing suddenly seemed like the hardest task.

Jamie gazed at Nicole, her eyes glinting with a dangerous intensity.

"Nicole, don’t you find it strange? The order issues with Saatchi and the Roissy Group seemed to come out of the blue.

And it's not just them.

Estford and Rudrichst also declined the products from your company, right?" Nicole sharply turned to face Jamie and asked in an icy tone, "What do you mean?” With Jarrod gone, Jamie dropped her

sweet and gentle facade.

She wore a smirk and explained, “Jarrod told me how hard you worked to secure those orders, especially drinking with clients.

But have you ever considered that from the very beginning, those orders were prepared by him for you?” Nicole's expression shifted dramatically, and her lips quivered as she asked, "What are you trying to say? Be clear!” "Just think about it.

Why did all those orders go amiss exactly on my birthday? Why not the day before or after? Have you not noticed any connections?" Jamie's birthday...

The orders went wrong...

At that moment, Nicole felt like she had been struck by a barrage of arrows, each revelation a piercing wound.


Did you plan this all along?" Nicole asked, her voice trembling in disbelief. NôvelDrama.Org owns all content.

She had secured all those orders a month ago.

If Jamie's words were true, then Jarrod had been laying a trap from the start and watching her every move.

And she, blissfully unaware, had celebrated each successful negotiation! Jamie sneered, “Looks like you're not as dim-witted as Jarrod made you out to be.

You do have some brains.

The plan to ruin the Lawrence family began the day he came back.

But for him, simply using his power to crush your family wouldn't be fun and satisfying.

So, I suggested a more entertaining game.

| let you be the one to unwittingly bring down your own family.

As for why it had to go awry on my birthday, it was his way of proving his resolve.

Like he said, you're nothing more than a disposable toy to him.

In his eyes, you're completely worthless!” In a flash, Nicole’s eyes reddened with fury and pain.

She believed she was saving the Lawrence Group.

But in reality, she was leading them into an even deeper pit.

Little did she know, she had become an executioner who single-handedly brought about the downfall of the Lawrence Group.

Jamie smiled at Nicole's look of despair.

As if the bombshell was not enough, she added in a gentle tone, "Oh, I almost forgot.

My wedding with Jarrod will still take place as planned.

You didn't actually believe that Jarrod's promise of a three-year arrangement with you was sincere, did you? He had already told me about it a long time ago.

He was only using you for his amusement, a pastime." Nicole suddenly felt like she couldn't breathe.

She tried to speak, but each breath she drew felt like a poisoned blade slicing through her throat.

The overwhelming sensation filled her senses with the scent of blood surging and rendered Nicole speechless.


Everything was a set up.

It was all a trap set by them to destroy the Lawrence family! From beginning to end, she was the clown on their stage, entertaining two devilish demons! Her naivety had cost the Lawrence family dearly.

And now, her father might face imprisonment.

Just the thought of this made Nicole’s head throb as if it were being ripped apart.

Jamie laughed mockingly.

“Oh, and considering your father's health, he'll probably die in prison.

You better start planning his funeral.

Wait, prepare for two.

Your mother isn't doing well either, so be ready.” Nicole saw red.

In a fit of rage, she lunged at Jamie and knocked her to the ground with her hands clasped tightly around Jamie's throat.

"T'll kill fucking you!” Nicole bellowed.

Nicole's mind was consumed by a single thought.

She got to kill Jamie.

Her heart was filled with hatred.

She loathed Jamie and Jarrod with all her entire being.

They had resorted to such vile methods to destroy the Lawrence family.

Moreover, they even cursed her parents, promising them untimely deaths.

Nicole swore to herself she would kill them.

First Jamie, and then Jarrod! She would kill these two demons, even if it cost her life.

Then, she would die with no regret.

"Ah!" Jamie exclaimed in horror.

Jamie had only intended to provoke Nicole so that Nicole would collapse and seek death.

However, she never expected Nicole to lose it and go for her.

Nicole's grip on Jamie was unexpectedly strong.

Driven by madness and hatred, Nicole was merciless as she strangled Jamie, who was now pounding the floor in a desperate attempt to get help.

But the bodyguards remained outside the door, seemingly oblivious to the noise inside.

This was Jamie's own doing.

Jamie had wanted to witness Nicole's breakdown with her own eyes and relish in her suffering.

That was why she instructed the bodyguards to ignore any noise they heard.

Now, her plan had backfired.

Jamie flailed her arms helplessly, but it was in vain.

Nicole, seemingly to be possessed by a vengeful spirit, had an astonishing grip on Jamie's throat.

"Jamie, you're evil.

You deserve to die! Don't worry.

I'll make sure Jarrod joins you in hell.

Both of you are demons who belong in the deepest pits of hell for eternity!” The redness in Nicole's eyes intensified.

She looked as though she had descended into madness.

The world was so unfair! Innocent people suffered, while the wicked thrived.

If that was how the world worked, Nicole decided she would take justice into her own hands.

She was ready to exchange her last breath to rid the world of these two demons.

It was a sacrifice worth making.

Under Nicole's relentless grip, Jamie's strength waned, her eyes began to lose focus, and her breaths turned shallow.

Suddenly, a loud "thud” echoed through the room.

The door burst open.

Jarrod swiftly entered the room in his wheelchair.

With surprising strength, he lifted Nicole, who was lost in her frenzied state, and forcefully tossed her aside.

Then, he bent down to scoop up Jamie from the ground.

"Jamie! Jamie, wake up!” Despite his weakened state from the spear attack, Jarrod's actions were decisive.

The spear that had hit him was custom-made and designed to deliver a significant impact while causing minimal damage.

It had missed his vital organs, allowing for a relatively good recovery.

Nevertheless, he still needed a wheelchair for mobility.

Jamie gasped for breath, followed by a series of coughing fits.

After catching her breath, she clung to Jarrod and sobbed uncontrollably.

“Jarrod, you saw it!" Jarrod's gaze fell upon the two purple marks on Jamie's neck.

His eyes grew cold and clouded with darkness.

Meanwhile, Jamie continued to cry and make a scene.

"She wanted to kill me, Jarrod.

She's dangerous.

We need to call the police and get her arrested.

She should rot in prison, just like her father!" Nicole's bloodshot eyes seemed to blaze with even greater intensity at the mention of her father.

She hated herself for not having enough strength and unsuccessfully silencing Jamie once and for all.

With a glare that could cut through steel, Nicole hissed through clenched teeth, “My only regret is not killing you.

If I had another chance, I] wouldn't hesitate to strangle you again!” Nicole's words, laced with deep loathing, caused Jarrod's eyes to narrow into dangerous slits, and a storm brewed on his handsome face.

"Nicole, kneel down and apologize to Jamie," he commanded in a calm yet icy tone.

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