Mafia Desire (Erotica)


New Story Title: Drawn To My Little Sister (Incest/Erotica)

All characters are at least 18 in this story. There is incest and graphic sexual content, if that’s not your thing, then you have been forewarned.

Enjoy the story and please drop your comments.


Part One.

I dragged the thin brush handle jaggedly across the canvas, leaving behind a rough gash of red on the black background. I then went to work on elaborately highlighting the areas of red that I wanted to appear more strongly and blending the ones I wanted to fade. The song pounding in my headphones helping elicit the image I was working on from my mind’s eye. Some of the lyrics stuck in my head on a loop, even though the song kept going.

“You cry out in your sleep

All my failings exposed

And there’s a taste in my mouth

As desperation takes hold ”

This happened sometimes when I was painting, and focusing on snippets of lines that resonated with me just added to the mood I hoped to convey. I had no lofty illusions about the paintings I created. I wasn’t pretentious about it and didn’t try to convince people there was some deep meaning associated with them about the evils of society or any of that other shit that the local art community tried to tack onto each others’ work. The artwork I produced was primarily abstract images. Collections of textures, swirls, and shadows that I hoped, at best, made someone have some sort of emotional response to. At worst, I hoped that they would think they were somewhat interesting. If they got something else from it than what I had tried to convey, then so be it. It didn’t matter to me at all. I created art simply because I enjoyed it and I always had from the time I was a child. It was somewhat cathartic for me, and I was at my most productive with it when some heartbreak or tension entered my life. I didn’t care much about making money with it and I wasn’t foolish enough to believe that I was going to make a living as an artist.

I was 20 years old, midway through my second year of college when I dropped out for the semester in complete frustration with the art program. Unsure what else to do with my life for the moment, I was dividing my time between painting on my own and working at a local mom and pop music store that was barely hanging on. The recent popularity surge of vinyl sales were proving to be it’s saving grace. I planned to return to college in the Fall, but was unsure if I would continue with the visual arts program or settle into something infinitely more boring.

I switched brushes and continued blending crimson orbs out of the black background, applying layer after layer of red on the canvas. It usually took multiple layers, but the finished effect really did look like the image was rising from the depths of the background. An unexpected hand on my shoulder broke my concentration and startled me so much that I almost dropped the plate I was using as a pallet.

“Dinner’s ready, jackass.” My sister smirked down at me where I was crouched, her dark hair falling down past her shoulders.

“Christ, Amy.” I pulled the earbuds from my ears. “You scared the shit out of me.”

“That explains the smell in here.” She replied, looking pleased with herself.

“I’ll be down in a few minutes, just need to clean this up real quick.” I rolled my eyes at her quip and began rinsing off the brushes I’d used.

She turned and walked to the doorway. I instinctively glanced up at her ass as she walked away. In my mind, I fell to my knees and praised the heavens every day for whoever invented yoga pants. Even though her shirt was long enough to cover most of her shapely butt, I could see the lower half of it peek out with every step. I wasn’t one to ogle every female form that moved, but an incredible ass was an incredible ass. My sister had one, and I suspected she knew it. I was always aware that she was my sister and felt appropriately guilty for even noticing. I knew I shouldn’t have. But this was purely that male instinct, whatever old remnants of our lizard brains that just would not let us not notice a great ass. I stared longer than I intended to, as I reflected on my lizard brain, and suddenly realized the ass had left the room. I was staring at an empty doorway. Chastising myself, I shook my head.

I went to the bathroom and washed up, making sure I didn’t get paint all over the dining room table. My mother didn’t have a sense of humor about those sorts of things. I looked in the mirror and realized how tired I looked. I stood around 5’9″ with short, dark brown hair that was nearly black, light brown eyes, and a slender build. I wasn’t athletic in the traditional sense, but years of skateboarding had kept me in reasonably good shape. It had also left me with a variety of small scars from falls and a bad knee that was occasionally starting to give me trouble. I sighed and headed downstairs for dinner.

Mom handed me a plate of food and I settled in at the dining table to eat. Amy sat across from me, tinkering with her phone as she chewed. I could only assume she was texting with her dickhead boyfriend, Jeff. I had known about Jeff by reputation around campus and he struck me as a shady asshole, hence me calling him a dickhead. But, to be fair, he had been alright to my sister in the month or so they’d been going out. That didn’t mean I had to like him, but what she did was her business. My dad ate in the living room in front of the TV, watching a football game. I briefly pondered why I’d been born without whatever gene it was that made sports interesting to people. Unless you considered skateboarding to be a sport, I never had any use for them, myself. I wondered sometimes if my father would have taken more interest in my life if I were a sports nut like himself, but it didn’t particularly bother me that he didn’t by the time I had reached high school. He showered attention on my sister whenever she had any kind of school activity going on, which made it painfully obvious who was the favored child.

A few minutes into the meal, my phone vibrated in my pocket. It was a text from Megan. “Hey, here’s that album you asked about.” The messaged was accompanied by a link. I smiled and clicked the link to download it.

“Thanks, Meg. I really appreciate it.” I sent back.

A few moments passed. “How much did you appreciate it?”

I looked at the text and smiled again. I knew this game well. “Enough to remember it next time I see you.”

Amy noticed me smiling at my phone and rolled her eyes a bit, trying to get a rise out of me. I ignored her bait. I think sisters sometimes just feel a need to start shit. Hell, I suppose brothers do, too. I’d certainly started my fair share with her. I looked back down at my phone as it vibrated again.

“Good, that’s what I wanted to hear.”

Then came another text. “Laura’s gone home for the weekend. I really don’t want to be alone tonight. Is that okay? Can you come by later?”

I thought about it a moment, picturing Megan’s naked body against mine. I didn’t have anything going on tonight, and it had been a couple of weeks since I’d last slept with her. Meg was a short, slender girl with smallish breasts, a decent ass, and a pixie haircut. Her hair color seemed to change every other week, it’s natural color being something of a mystery to me although probably a mouse brown if I were to guess based on the color of her bush. She was cute, but she was one of the more emotionally draining people to be around that I had met in a long while. She was a photography major at the university and hung out around all the pretentious art snob types that grated on every nerve that I possessed. Still, when presented with the option of getting laid or not getting laid, the choice seemed pretty obvious.

“Sure, that’s fine. I’ll be by there as soon as I can break free of this place.”NôvelDrama.Org owns © this.

“Cool. See you in a bit.”

After dinner, I took a quick shower, grabbed my backpack and drove to Megan’s.

* * *

Megan opened the door and hugged me on the spot. Her hair was a deep shade of red tonight. It contrasted heavily against her pale, almost to the point of translucent, skin. She was wearing a long silk bathrobe with a floral print that she’d found in a Goodwill somewhere. It clung to her slim body as she moved, accentuating the fact that it was very likely all that she had on. I could see the outlines of her nipple rings clearly on the fabric.

“Hi, Adam,” she sighed with her arms around my neck. “I’ve missed you.”

“Good to see you, Meg.” I replied as I dropped my bag by the door and shut the door with my foot.

Meg smiled into my shoulder as she pulled me back toward the bedroom. “It feels like forever that I’ve been waiting for you.”

As soon as we got to her room, the robe hit the floor and I discovered that I was correct. She was naked beneath it. Although I’d seen her naked many times, I still had to pause and smile every time, taking in her soft curves and admiring how some of her tattoos fit to the contours of her shape. She glanced up at me shyly for a moment, then hugged me. The whole room smelled of sandalwood as she’d clearly been burning the stuff again.

“You can melt hearts with that look, you know.” She muttered as she began planting kisses on my collarbone. I picked her up, while her arms were still wrapped around my neck and set her on the bed. She chuckled as I paused to kick my shoes off, before climbing in to join her.

“Did you miss me, Adam?” She asked, “It’s been a while.”

“Of course I did,” I replied as I began kissing her stomach, torn on which direction to I wanted to head. Ultimately, I went up and kissed my way up between her breasts to her neck.

She ran her hands down my sides, clutching at me, finally grabbing my faded Aphex Twin shirt and yanking it over my head. One hand wrapped around my rib cage while the other slid down and rubbed my rapidly hardening cock through the fabric my pants. I felt her lips on my throat again, as she licked her way up my chin and sucked seductively on my bottom lip. She drew her knees up and parted them, pulling me toward her.

I broke our embrace long enough to pull off my pants and climb back in the bed. She rolled me on my back and I pushed myself up toward the headrest. Megan lowered her head to my cock and kissed it. Taking it in her hand, she licked my shaft in one continuous motion all the way to the tip before taking me in her mouth. I involuntarily took a sharp breath, my pulse quickening. She bobbed her head up and down a few times, swirling her tongue around the head before she moved to kissing my stomach. I had my hand upturned, dragging my fingertips down her body as she climbed me. She kissed her way up my chest to my throat, her breath becoming more harsh and raspy as she went.

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