Mafia Desire (Erotica)


The fuck are you doing?! my brain screams as I wake up to realize I’m actually spooned up against her in the bed. I fought not to launch from the bed like a rocket, resulting in simply a startled jerk as I moved my pelvis away from hers as swiftly as I could.

“What was that about?” she asks, looking over her shoulder at me with one barely open eye.

“Sorry, I had a nightmare.” I exclaimed, trying to restart my heart and praying she hadn’t realized that her brother had just been pressing his dick on her ass, asleep or not. I suspected that I looked something like an animal trapped in a hunter’s snare, terrified.

“Didn’t feel like a nightmare to me.” She said, as she gave a long cat like stretch and impishly grinned at me.NôvelDrama.Org holds text © rights.

“God damn it,” I exhaled, wanting to crawl into the crack between the wall and the bed and disappear.

“Oh relax, Adam” she continued, her eyes still laughing at my obvious panic. “It’s just human nature. I know you didn’t mean anything by it.”

“I’m sorry, that was really fucked up of me.” I still hadn’t fully convinced myself to breathe. “God damn it.”

She laughed. And kept laughing.

“Oh!” she gasped “This is gonna be fun.”

“What the hell do you me-” I stopped mid-question and was no longer mortified. Panic returned. All of the embarrassed crimson in my face drained to pale white. “Oh no… you wouldn’t.”

She grinned at me with her most evil grin and sighed, rolling on her back to look up at me playfully, upside down on the bed.

“Yep. Christmas dinner. Thanksgiving at Aunt Linda’s. Family reunions. Birthday parties.” She had a glint in her eye. “Any time you annoy me, I will just bring up the time we fell asleep in the same bed and you tried to have sex with me in your sleep.”

“God damn it.” I hung my head. “Move out of the way, I need the space to build up speed when I go out that window.”

She laughed merrily. “You are so gonna be my bitch.”

Amy let me stew in my personal hell a few moments longer, while she cackled gleefully. Then she put her hand on my arm. I looked up at her and marveled at how amazing she looked with her hair all jumbled and falling in her face from sleeping. “I’m kidding, Adam.”

“What?” I looked at her, baffled.

“I’m kidding.” she looked serious. “I wouldn’t do that. What kind of terrible bitch do you think I am? It was an accident. I get it.”

I exhaled a little, not sure I bought it, and still wanting to find that crack between the wall and the bed.

“But, damn, it’s funny watching you panic.” She beamed at me again. She crawled up to her knees and waddled across the bed to me. She gave me a hug, as I did all I could not to flinch away from her. “Thanks for last night. You really helped me deal.”

She gave me a completely sister-like kiss on the cheek and walked out of the room.

“I want my shirt back, damn it!” I called after her. It was all I could come up with to say. How is it that she always gets the better of me? My cheek burned where her lips had touched it and I noticed I could still smell her scent in the room. It was heavenly.

* * *

That afternoon I met some friends for lunch at a food court near campus. I was grateful for anything to distract me from thinking about my morning. As I sat munching halfheartedly on something that was sold to me as bourbon chicken and struggled valiantly to taste mediocre, when I spotted Jeff sitting with a couple of friends at a table across the food court.

I should leave this alone, I thought. It’s not my business. Amy can deal with her own shit. My mind flashed on her standing in my doorway in tears, looking so destroyed and heartbroken. How I felt so powerless to help her afterwards. That was all it took. That piece of shit needed to hear a speech and I was going to give him one. I was probably about to get my ass kicked, and I knew it. But sometimes, it’s worth it, right? Hell if I know. I had never been in a fight in my life. I dropped my fork on the table and walked toward him, feeling the world get smaller with every step. I was just going to yell at him for a minute, tell him how badly he hurt her, but seeing him laughing with his friends just boiled my piss further. Their conversation dropped as I reached the table and Jeff glanced up at me.

“Hey Ad-” he started before I grabbed his head and shoved it into the table with all my might. His face bounced off the table as an asterisk of blood appeared on the table’s surface. I barely registered that it had happened. My eyes were unfocused and I was just seeing a blur. I was overwhelmed with rage, not even thinking anymore.

His friends jumped back as I grabbed him by the hair on the back of his head and jerked him upright.

Blood was dripping on his shirt from his nose.

“A piece of advice, you rotted little cunt,” I hissed in his ear, “the next time you decide to break a girl’s heart by being the complete scumfuck that you are, make sure she’s an only child.”

He looked up at me with both hands clasped over his bleeding nose. “You broke my nose, you asshole!”

“Really?” I slammed his head into the table again, hearing a satisfying wet crunching sound, and glared at him “If I hear of you going anywhere near Amy again, or hear of you saying one hurtful thing about her, I’ll come back and curb stomp your ass. You’re lucky I don’t rip your fucking dick off right now and feed it to you, shithead.”

I jerked him straighter in the chair and stared dead in his eyes with pure rage. He was really pouring blood from his nose now. It came out between his fingers in little crimson streams. He eyes watered unchecked, and his expression, what I could see of it, was total shock and fear.

“Do you understand me? If she gets hurt again by anything even remotely involving you, I will make this look like nothing. I don’t care about jail. I don’t care about anything that happens after. You will not be around to see it. You got me, fucker?” I was snarling like a caged animal. My mouth was so dry from the adrenaline and anger that I could barely get the words out.

He nodded at me and I could see in his eyes that he believed me. I released him. He leaned forward on table, grabbing a bunch of napkins for the blood streaming down his face. I would have spit on him if I had been able to generate enough spit to do it.

I walked back, trembling, to my table across the now silent food court where my friends, and pretty much everyone else, stared at me in complete disbelief. Hell, I couldn’t believe I had done it, either.

“Holy shit! Adam, what the fuck was that?” John asked me, when I got to the table.

“Dickhead cheated on my sister,” I replied after taking a big swig of my bottled water, visibly shaken by what I’d just done. A wave of nausea hit me full force and I fought hard not to vomit.

“Damn, man. I’ve never seen you that mad.” He looked at Jeff who was leaving with his friends. There was blood all over the front of Jeff’s shirt. “That guy’s bigger than you. How did you know you could take him?”

“I didn’t know I was going to do that.” I looked around a moment, wondering what the fuck had gotten into me, as people started talking again. I was getting plenty of looks, though. “I should get out of here before someone calls the cops.”

“Yeah, let’s go.” John and the others grabbed their stuff. A couple of them gave me a playful shove as we walked back to our cars. I wasn’t feeling jovial about it, though. I was already starting to think about how the hell I was going to explain myself when Amy got wind of this. Hopefully, she wouldn’t find out.

Yeah… Right.

* * *

That night I had the house to myself again. I was kicked back on the bed, in the dark, listening to an old Portishead album and sipping a beer. It was well past midnight and I was starting to drift off when I felt a small hand on my chest.

Amy sat on the edge of the bed, looking down at me. I could only make out her silhouette in the shadows, but the smell of her perfume was unmistakable.

“Hey. When did you get home?” I asked, yawning.

“Just a few minutes ago.” She replied as she grabbed my beer from the nightstand and took a sip.

“Thief.” I mumbled as I reached over and hit the light switch on my desk lamp. I looked up at her and took in the way the soft light fell across her face. Her eyes were still rimmed in sadness. It would take a little while before she was over Jeff, I suspected. But, goddamn, she was beautiful. Suddenly self conscious about the way I found myself looking at her, I blinked away and reached for my beer.

She held up a finger at me and took a big swig from the bottle before passing it back. I polished it off and set the empty on the nightstand.

“So,” she began, “my big brother is full of surprises lately.”

“Oh?” I had a feeling where this was headed, but elected to play dumb and hope for the best. “Which one is that?”

“The only one I have.” She responded quietly. “From what I hear, he beat the shit out of my ex-boyfriend at the Seventh Street food court today.”

“Sounds like your big brother is an impulsive, immature jackass who should have stayed out of it to me.” I sighed, resolutely looking away from her, pretending to be highly interested the goings on outside the bedroom window.

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