Mafia Desire (Erotica)


I stood up and made an excuse about going to the restroom. It was the best I could come up with at the moment. Kayla, looking a little uncertain, shifted to a more upright position on the bench as I passed by her. I could swear I heard Courtney chuckling as I left the room, but I wasn’t certain that it was about what had just transpired. Fuck it. Let them think I’m just being shy and awkward. Whatever got me out of that situation.

I made my way to the bathroom and debated my options while I washed my hands for no other reason than to buy time. I went down to the basement and grabbed my coat from on top of my luggage and went out through the garage for a walk. It was pretty damned cold out, but better than staying in there.

I went a few hundred yards listening to my headphones when my phone chirped at me with a text from Amy.

“Where are you?”

“I went for a walk.”

“Are you okay?”

“Yeah. I just didn’t want to make a scene in there. Figured it was better if I just removed myself.”

“She was pissing me off.”

“I saw that. Couldn’t think of a way to tell her I wasn’t interested without making it weird for everyone. Sorry.”

“You used to be interested. Not anymore?” Well, that answered that question.

“Not at all. You know me better than that.” I sent back, pondering how the hell I got into this situation.

“Can’t blame a girl for wanting a little reassurance, right? I mean, if we were around strangers, I could have claimed my territory.” I actually chuckled a little at her reply. She had a point, but her wording amused me.

“Territory? I’m part of a turf war now?”

“Shut up, jackass. You know what I mean.”

“When we get home, I’ll give you all the reassurance in the world, beautiful.”

“Mmm… I’m gonna hold you to that.”

Feeling a little more confident that I’d navigated the minefield for now, I slid the phone back in my pocket and tried to warm my hands in my coat pockets. I walked for another quarter mile or so, then made the trek back to the house. Instead of going back to hang out around the fire pit, I went to the basement and curled up on the sofa, listening to some music. I’m not sure when I dozed off.

I felt a pair of soft lips touch mine. At first, my mind thought it was a dream about Amy, except the lips didn’t feel like hers. But dreams are like that, I thought. Things are always a little off. Except I tasted mango lip gloss. I don’t remember ever tasting anything in a dream. Do dreams allow you to taste flavors? I thought about that for a moment, then realized that I couldn’t be dreaming because I was laying at an uncomfortable angle. I was laying at an uncomfortable angle in a dark basement on a sofa, with lips that tasted like mango lip gloss on mine. I opened my eyes just as the lips moved from my own and Kayla’s face came into view.

“Wha..?” I started, a little too loudly.

“Shhh” She interrupted as quietly as possible, holding two fingers to my lips.

The fuck? My brain lurched into full motion again, the fog of sleep gone. I realized my whole debate about taste had taken only a second. That weird way that your subconscious mind bends the concept of time when you are not awake. Why the hell was she kissing me?

“Follow me.” She whispered almost imperceptibly, smiling as she beckoned me to follow her with her hand.

I looked around the room and saw the other cousins sleeping on various furniture around the basement. Right at that moment, the air mattress across the room squeaked as my second cousin, James, rolled over. The poor bastard must have drawn the short straw on bed assignments.

I didn’t want to follow her, but I didn’t want to wake everyone up when I ended this nonsense. Jesus, this chick couldn’t take a fucking hint. Part of me couldn’t believe I was this annoyed, considering how much I wanted to be with her on previous trips here. But now, she was complicating my already complicated life and I didn’t want that at all. This was one of those times when I was certain that if there was a deity above, they definitely had a sick sense of humor and considered me to be a favorite toy. I rolled off of the sofa and walked behind her, not bothering to pull my shoes on.

She led me back to the deck, although no one was in the room anymore and the fire pit was all but extinguished.

“You didn’t come back earlier, so I thought I’d come down and find you.” She smiled as she went to put an arm around my neck. I back peddled and she paused in reaction, giving me a perplexed look.

“What is this?” I asked, staying out of her reach.

“I’m just trying to get closer to you. You’ve always acted like you wanted me to.” She replied, trying to sound as sweet as she could.

“Why now? You barely gave me the time of day before.” I cocked an eyebrow. No way was I going to get into something with her, but I was still curious why the sudden interest. I suspected I didn’t have all the pieces to this particular puzzle.

“I don’t know. You looked cute earlier. I liked your drawings. I thought you wanted me.” She suddenly looked shy and uncertain. She was playing up the cute angle with me, but I was immune to her charms.

“If this had been last year, you would have had me around your finger, Kayla. And I really don’t want to hurt your feelings. But I’m seeing someone back home. This can’t happen. I’m sorry.”

“Well, that’s back home, right? You’re still here for a few days. We can have a lot of fun in with a few days.” She grinned, stepping forward to put a hand on my chest and tried to move closer to me.

“Sorry, Kayla. That’s not me. I’m can’t do that to someone I care about.” I backed away again, not smiling.

“Okay, if that what you really want. It’s your loss.” She shrugged. I saw the bitter look in her eyes. It was obvious that she wasn’t used to rejection.

“Look, it’s not your fault. You’re a very beautiful girl. If I were single, this would be a very different conversation. I’m sorry.” I continued to work my way back toward the door. She stayed were she was this time, looking at my chest, not meeting my eyes. I hoped that I hadn’t hurt her feelings, although I was more than a little annoyed that she thought I was the kind to cheat on someone. That wasn’t in my nature, and sure as hell wasn’t in my nature when it came to Amy.

I made my way back down to the basement and sat in the far corner of the sofa. I wiped my mouth a few times with my thumb. I’d always hated the taste of mango, and this was no exception. Christ, I was ready for this trip to be over. I didn’t sleep much that night, too unnerved by the events that evening.

* * *

The next day was spent snowboarding with Brad. After spending the early part of the morning locked in heavy debate with myself, I decided to come clean with Amy about the incident from the night before. I sent her a long text message while Brad drove us to the park, explaining the course of events. Amy was wicked pissed at Kayla’s boldness, but seemed to have calmed down after a while and thanked me for telling her what had transpired. I reassured her that she had nothing to worry about and hoped that it would be the end of it.

In the evening, worn out from a long day spent snowboarding on zero sleep, I sat in front of the fire pit and stretched.

“It’s cold out here.” Amy said as she flopped down next to me with a throw blanket. She spread the blanket across both of us and snuggled up next to me in a mostly innocent manner. For appearances sake, I kept my arms above the blanket. One of her hands rested lightly on my thigh under the blanket, hidden by my arm. She gripped my thigh tightly for a moment and whispered. “I still want to hurt the bitch, but thanks for not trying to hide it from me.”

“This week needs to be over, I’ve had enough of this shit.” I muttered quietly, hearing footsteps approaching.

“Mmhmm.” She nodded in agreement as Courtney flopped down on the bench across from us.

“You look tired, Adam.” Courtney smiled.

“It was worth it. Even if I wound up with my face in the snow more than usual.” I chuckled. “But yeah, I wore myself out.”

“Gotta be better than asphalt.” said Amy. “I remember seeing you land face first on that more than once.”

“Definitely better than asphalt.” I agreed.

Brad and Brenda turned up with a few extra beers to pass around to those of us who were empty.

Brad looked over at me and commented “My ass is kicked, dude.”

“Yep. Same here.” I nodded.

Brad and I compared notes on our various snowboarding mishaps from earlier in the day. At some point, a short while later, Amy laid her head on my shoulder and fell asleep. I was amused at her move to stay close to me, while not being overt and arouse suspicion. As least that was what I thought she was up to until I heard her softly begin to snore. Brad left to drive Brenda home, leaving me with Courtney and a sleeping sister.

“Looks like you’re trapped.” Courtney said to me with a grin, nodding toward Amy.

“Yeah, I was just noticing that.” I replied, cutting my eyes down at my sleeping sister.

“You really pissed Kayla off last night, from what I hear.” Courtney said with a grin.

“Really? I was trying not to hurt her feelings.” I sighed.

“You’re fine. She just isn’t used to rejection. I love her to death, but I have to admit it’s pretty funny to see her trying to figure out how to deal with someone actually telling her no.” She chuckled.

“Hmm?” Amy stirred and wrinkled her nose adorably.

“I was just telling your brother how Kayla was pretty mad that he shot her down last night.” Courtney replied.

“Good for her.” She mumbled, cracking open one eye.

“She’s just pissed? I didn’t hurt her feelings?” I asked, only mildly concerned.

“She’s fine. Don’t sweat it. She needed to come down a peg or two anyway. You probably did her a favor.” Courtney chuckled.Copyright by Nôv/elDrama.Org.

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