Mated To An Hybrid

Chapter 12

“What the fuck is going on”, Brian thundered, whipping out his gun.

Jack and Killian did the same as they crawled towards a secret exit by the corner of the office. Brian pushed open the door, dodging bullets that flew by him. They successfully made it outside, hiding behind cars as a shield.

“This is unexpected. Jack, any clue about who is behind this?”, Killian said.

“No idea but I’ve radioed for added security”, he huffed.

The bullets rained down with more force as pellets destroyed everything it touched. The trio dodged more bullets that came their way. Soon, the faces behind the bullets revealed themselves. The men were dressed in black and they walked towards the exact spot were Brian and his friends were hiding.

“Shit! They’re coming this way”, Jack seethed.

Brian was done waiting, he ventured out of his hideout, engaging some of the men in a gun battle. The caught the men by surprise and five of them went down from Brian’s assault. Brian rushed back to where he hid, taking cover and refilling his gun.

“Back up would be here soon”, Killian said, staring at a small device that rested on his hand.Original from NôvelDrama.Org.

“How many more minutes?”, Jack groaned.

He watched in horror as more of these armed men invaded the area. They were slowly coming towards where they hid and any minute from now, they would be outnumbered.

“In less than five”, Killian huffed.

Brian felt a sting on his hand as a bullet, wheezed past him. Droplets of blood stained his shoulder. He groaned from the sharp sting but that didn’t stop him from gunning two more invaders down.

“Shit man, you’re hurt”, Jack said.

“I know. It’s nothing much, just a scratch”, he groaned.

Soon, back up arrived and when they did, it was in full force. Brian’s helicopters invaded the sky, raining bullets on the invaders who were caught by surprise. It was easy for his backup to spot the invaders as they were dressed all in black.

“We need to check your arm man”, Killian said.

“I agree, it doesn’t look good”, Jack said.

“I will when these assholes leave my property”, Brian wheezed.

He hated to say it but he was feeling more pain that he let on. He was only trying to be brave as he didn’t want to appear weak in the presence of his friends. Heck, even his father took on more bullets than him throughout his early days.

Few minutes later, the invaders were outnumbered as Brian watched his security team clear out the remaining bodies that littered the building. Brian rose to his feet, swaying as he tried to get a grip on his sight.

“Waow man! You need a medic ASAP”, Killian said, holding his arm.

“I’m fine”, Brian groaned.

“No you’re not. For once, Brian stop pretending”, Jack growled.

Brian’s wolf groaned in return. He hated feeling challenged even though he was weak or not. Killian ushered Brian to a standby medic who was waiting with an ambulance.

“Just stop the bleeding and stich me up, I’ll be fine from there”, he growled at the medic.

The young woman nodded, her hands shaking as she ripped his shirt open. Brian sniffed her and discovered she was human. He sighed in relief, it was better dealing with a human rather than someone of his kind.

Soon, the woman was done. The only thing that indicated he was shot was the small white plaster covering the spot where he was hit. His rapid healing ability had taken care of the rest and thanks to his wolf, Alpha Brian was back on track.

Brian stormed into the building in a bid to assess the damages on his property. He wasn’t surprised to see that a lot of damages had been done to the building.

“What have you got?”, he snapped at one of his security agents.

“As of now boss, the casualties on our side is minimal. The invaders got the worst hit with more than half of them lying dead now. We don’t know who’s behind this attack but we’re currently working on it but I can assure you we’ll get answers soon”, he said.

“I want answers as fast as possible and please, put this building on lockdown. I don’t want anyone coming in or going out”, Brian growled.

“It’s noted boss. We also got one of the invaders, he’s barely alive but we’ll ensure he lives so we can question him once he comes around”.

“Is he the only one you got?”, Brian asked.

“Yes… For now sir”, the agent said.

“Keep him alive until he’s able to talk. I want him alive”, Brian said.

“Will do Sir. I’ll inform you when he’s fit to talk”, the agent said.

“Good, you may leave”, Brian said.

Brian walked round the building, assessing everything with his keen eyes. Killian and Jack were outside the building, giving instructions to the security team. Brian wasn’t in the mood to join the team as he made his way to a couch at the corner. Shards of glass littered the chair. He brushed then down not minding the little bits that pricked his fingers.

Just then, his phone gave a blaring noise indicating he had a call. Brian glanced at the caller ID and discovered that it was Serah calling. He groaned, tempted to cut the call but he knew that it would be a foolish decision.

“Hey”, he croaked.

“gods! Brian, are you okay?”, Serah screamed.

Brian giggled, cradling the phone in his arm as he removed a piece of glass that got stuck in his lap. He winced at the pain and Serah mistook it for the pains he was currently going through.

“Honey, I’m fine. Trust me I am”, Brian chuckled.

“Do you think this is funny?. Brian, I’ve been worried sick since I got the news. Where are you? Are you in pain?”, Serah babbled.

“No… No, baby I’m fine. As a matter of fact, I’m heading home soon as soon as I’m done sorting out some stuffs here”.

“Okay, please come home soon. I need to see you for myself before I ascertain if you’re okay or not”, Serah sighed.

“I’ll be home soon love, I promise”, Brian vowed.

Serah sighed yet again before cutting the call. Brian hated to see her this way and he desperately wished he could turn back the hands of time and erase the last few hours of their lives.

His wolf was restless now, wanting to be with their mate but Brian clamped him down. First, he had to make sure that he was leaving the club in good hands. He wouldn’t want a repeat of what happened to occur again and secondly, he wanted to keep his anger in check.

Brian knew that it wouldn’t do him good if he went home with an angry spirit. He knew that Serah would sense him out even before he entered the house. He didn’t like he was seeing and he vowed within himself to get whoever was behind this. The battle had just started and Brian vowed to emerge the victor.

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