Mated To An Hybrid

Chapter 17

“Babe, your unveiling is next week at the grand hall”, Brian said.

It was the following day and the couple were still in bed when Brian announced this. Now that he and Serah had settled their differences, he felt it was time to unveil her to his whole kingdom. Brian had a feeling that his coronation would be anytime soon as his father’s health condition was deteriorating.

“Okay but that’s too soon though”, Serah yawned.

She got up from the bed with only a loose wrapper tied on her waist. Her upper body was bare and Brian had a hard time controlling the lust he felt for her.

“I know but I think it’s best we do it now in case my father-“, he choked.

“Oh baby, it’s okay. Your father is a strong man. I’m sure he’ll pull through this”, Serah said, cradling his head.

“I’ll go see my father today but I believe he’ll pull through”, Brian said.

“That’s okay. I’ll make preparations for the unveiling next week. I might meet you up at the hospital later today”, Serah smiled.

Brian gripped her hands, giving it a gentle squeeze. He was grateful he had someone like her in his life, someone who really knew how and what he was.

“Okay, please be careful. I can’t have you risking your life, if you must take take a security guard with you, please do”, Brian said.

“Baby, you’ve forgotten who I am. I’m an hybrid, I can’t easily be destroyed. The only thing I would be affected by is if weakened”, Serah said.

Brian shuddered, he hated to think what would happen if Serah was weakened. No doubt she wouldn’t have the strength to fight off her enemies and Brian hated to think about what would happen if he couldn’t save her.

“I will, if that would make you more comfortable”, Serah smiled.

“Good”, Brian smiled.

He kissed her, drawing her lips into his mouth. Serah moaned into his mouth, loving the way her mate held her protectively.

“I need to get ready, I have some appointments to make before heading over to the hospital”, Brian said.

“Okay, see you later honey”, Serah smiled.

Later on, now settled in his office, Brian went through all he had to do before going over to the hospital to see his father. The consignment that he had earlier fought over with Wilfred was now in his possession and thanks to his friends, they were able to help him get the largest share.

“Boss, Jake is on line two”, his receptionist rasped.

Brian picked up that phone, hitting the answer button. He placed it on his ear just as a piece of information caught his eye at the corner of a booklet he was currently reading.

“Hey man what’s up?”, Brian said.Content is property of NôvelDrama.Org.

“Yo! Man, I’m good. I need to run down some things with you real quick”, Jack said.

“Okay, shoot”.

“It’s concerning the property you planned on getting as a gift to your beau. It’s for sale now so I called to find out if you were still interested in buying”, he said.

“Yes, absolutely. I’m still interested”.

“Great, I’ll send in the papers and other necessary documents to your mail now so you’ll look through it and give me a feedback. Then secondly, at the final payment, you’ll need to travel down to Italy. That’s where the property is”, Jack said.

“Alright then, that’s no problem. Thank you so much man! I’ll talk to you later”, Brian said before cutting the call.

The property he was about acquiring was going to be a surprise gift for Serah. Brian planned on using the building as a honeymoon getaway after their unveiling was done but with the situation if his father, he didn’t know if that would be possible. Nevertheless, he decided to still acquire the building.

Later on, when he was done with the immediate work that needed attending to, Brian left his building. He got into his car that was already waiting downstairs which was manned by Carlos.

“Where to sir?”, Carlos asked.

“The hospital”.

Carlos carefully pulled out of the parking lot, easing the car into the light traffic that had developed on the road due to the time.

“How is your family?”, Brian asked.

He knew that his trusty driver was surprised. Brian wasn’t always in the habit of asking over the welfare of those who worked for him but he made an exception for Carlos and a few others.

He had been with him for years, taking him where he needed to go and even once risking his life when there was an attack on his car a few years back. The man deserved Brian’s attention and the latter made sure he would get it.

“They’re doing fine sir. My wife is pregnant with our third child, we’re expecting and very eager to welcome the child”, he smiled.

“That’s good to hear. I’m happy for you”, Brian smiled.

Soon, they got to the hospital. Brian climbed out of the car even before Carlos had stopped it, he made her a way into the building, passing the receptionist who tried all she could to stop him but it was a futile effort as Brian, being the man he was could never be stopped especially when his mind was set on something.

Brian burst through the door, as he came to stand at the foot of his father’s bed. The old man was sleeping peacefully, his heart rate normal. Brian heaved a huge sigh of relief, his wolf was happy too as Brian could see the relative peace within the wolf.

“He’s getting better now”, a voice said.

Brian looked at the direction of the voice and discovered that it was the same nurse who he was rude to the last time.

“I.. thanks”, Brian said.

“I’ll leave you with him”, she said, walking out of the room.

“I’m sorry for the way I spoke to you the last time we met”, Brian said.

“It’s okay, it’s not your fault. Even I would behave that way if I discover my father is in that condition. So, don’t worry your anger is justifiable”, she smiled.

Brian nodded as he watched her walk away. Apologizing to her had lifted a heavy weight away from his chest, he felt free like he had no sin.

Just then, his phone gave a sharp beep, indicating that he had a phone call. Brian swiped the screen and discovered that it was Jack calling again. Brian found it odd because it wasn’t too long he spoke with him.

“Hey, what’s up?”, Brian said.

“Where are you?”, Jack said.

“At the hospital. Why? What’s wrong?”, Brian said with panic his voice.

“You need to come straight away to your mall. Serah was attacked”.

Upon hearing that, Brian cut the call. He soothed his father’s hair gently before leaving the room. One thing he was sure of was that, all hell was about to break loose.

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