Mated To An Hybrid

Chapter 2

As Serah put the last batch of cookies to bake, there was a knock on her front door. She wasn’t expecting anyone as her parents had already travelled to Georgia the previous day. Serah tied her jet black hair into a bun. She removed her apron, quickly washing her flour filled hands before moving to the door. Through the peephole, she discovered that Alpha Brian was behind the door. Serah couldn’t understand what would warrant such visit as she had already made it clear that she didn’t like him one bit.

“Or could he have a message from Alpha Fredrick for my dad?”, Serah muttered.

Even at that, she couldn’t understand why Alpha Brian would come himself when they could send their numerous guards instead.

Serah oened the door slowly, she didn’t trust anyone not even Alpha Brian. Ever since her brother died in the hands of some rouge pack a few years back, Serah and her family had been so careful especially when allowing people into their homes.

“Greetings Alpha Brian, What can I do for you?”, Serah said.

She didn’t want to appear rude but gods, she didn’t understand how one wolf could be so handsome. Alpha Bria stared at his mate and was filed with awe at her beauty. Her green eyes twinkled in the early morning sun and he really had a hard time resisting from kissing her.

“Greetings Serah. I was just passing by and decided to say hello to one of my favorite families in the city”, he smiled.

Serah knew that this wasn’t true. With the way his eyes twinkled, she knew that he was here for something else.

Despite this, she prepared herself. She warmed her magic, gradually bringing it to the surface. Serah was a hybrid of witch and werewolf lineage. Her maternal grandmother was one of the greatest witches who ever lived in the city. Before she died, her Nana as Serah often called her taught her the art of magic.

Serah’s paternal grandmother was a full blooded wolf and with the two, Serah was considered one of the most powerful hybrids in the city. This just made Alpha Brian want her all the more.

“I don’t quite believe you. You’re here for other things, please state your business”, Serah said quite harshly.

She wasn’t ready for any games Alpha Brian might want to play. She was tired and cranky and she just wanted to finish baking her cookies so she could rest in preparation for her final exams in NYC college the next day.

“Oh, is that cookies I smell”, Brian said before barging in.

He hadn’t planned on coming here after he left his father but the more he thought about her, the more he wanted to see her so badly it hurt.

Serah sighed, locking the door. She just had to keep up with his antics until he left. She walked over to where the big wolf stood, looking into the oven as the cookies baked.

“Chocolate flavored cinammon cookies but I guess you don’t know anything about those since you never have to cook”, Serah said.Original from NôvelDrama.Org.

She tied her apron, mixing a bowl of batter. Her hands worked so fast that Brian had a hard time keeping up with her movements. He stood in awe at how meticulous and organized she was and he had no doubt that indeed she was truly his mate.

“You should stop staring at me. It’s creepy”, Serah said.

“How can I when you’re as beautiful as the early morning sun”, Brian said.

“Charming but that doesn’t work on me. You should try that to the other girls”, Serah said.

She didn’t understand why he didn’t know that yet but she was determined to prove to him that she was impervious to all of his charms.

“So, where are your parents? Haven’t seen them since I came in”, Brian said.

He stole an already baked cookie when Serah wasn’t looking. He fought a sigh when the cookie melted on his tongue.

“I know you stole that cookie but I’m just going to let it slide. Anyway, my parents are off to Georgia. They need to get some ingredients in preparations for the next party in your palace which might I say would be when your mate would be unveiled”, Serah said.

“Which brought me here. Serah, there’s no other way to say it. You’re my mate”, Brian said.

If Serah hadn’t dropped the bowl of batter, she wouldn’t have spilled everything to the ground. Her hands shook as she stared at Brian, trying to see if this was a joke. The expression on his face was one of determination and seriousness.

“Did the Moon goddess reveal this to you? I mean, were these her own words?”, Serah asked.

Brian was at a crossroad now. He didn’t know whether to lie or simply tell the truth but if there was one thing his father taught him never to do, was to tell a lie. He decided to tell her everything the Moon goddess revealed. If at the end, she was his mate, he didn’t want to leave any secrets between them.

“But from what she said, there’s still no indication that I’m your mate. Your mate is out there somewhere probably waiting for you”, Serah said, pulling out the already baked cookies from the oven.

“I know, which leaves me all the more confused”, Brian said.

“To be honest, I never really liked you but you’ve been honest with me since so I think I just liked you a bit more”, Serah smiled shyly.

Brian smiled at this. Even though she hated his guts, he was glad that at least she thought about him. His phone chimed, indicating that he had a message. Swiping the screen, he frowned as he read the message from one of his close friends.

“Trouble at the border please come ASAP!”

“I have to run now, something came up”, Brian said

“Is everything okay?”, Serah asked.

“Not really. I’ll see you soon'”, Brian said.

He couldn’t help it, he walked towards her, giving her a brief kiss before dashing away. Serah was surprised by this but before she could respond he was gone. She sighed when she heard his car drive off with a screech. She knew that something serious had happened and she hoped that he was able to solve it soon.

Few meters away from her house, at an intersection, his wolf groaned. It’s been quite a long time since Brian called for his help but now, he had a feeling that he would be needing him very often.

” I see you’ve finally remembered me. What now?”, his wolf whined.

“Shush, there’s trouble at the border, we need to help Jake and Killian”, Brian said.

“Fine but only because they give me banana cookies and you, nothing”, his wolf chuckled.

Brian smiled as his wolf took over. At this state, Brian’s eyesight were sharp as ever as he could even see a humming bird which flew several miles away. His tail swooshed happily and he could tell that his wolf was happy that he was in control. He instructed Carlos, his trusty driver to drive straight to the border.

“Get ready but I’ve got to warn you, it’s going to be a rough ride, I’m going to help your driver get to the border on time. Got to loosen some sore bones”, his wolf said.

“Just get to the border on time, that’s all I ask”, Brian said.

At those words, his car went flying in the air with his wolf’s help. Brian couldn’t believe that despite the many weeks his wolf had been kept shut in, he was still active and agile as ever. They soon got to the border and the sight before them was unpleasant. Brian’s friends, Killian and Jake were already in their wolf forms as they tried to stop some rogue wolves who tried all they could to gain entry into the city.

“Where are they from?”, Brian said, tearing into one of their flesh.

“We don’t know, we got a signal from one of the guards here who might I say is already dead. This time, they’re determined to gain entry into the city”, Jake said.

His wolf was pure white, very ferocious and brave. There were blood stains on its fur and Brian could tell that his friend was severely injured. He needed back up and soon, a signal was sent out into the city, calling every wolf to their aid.

Soon, wolves of different breeds and colours came bounding into the border. Few minutes later, the rougues were overpowered and the few who managed to survive escaped. Brian and the rest of his pack gathered the dead wolves, setting it on fire.

“I have a feeling they’ll be back”, Killian said, already in his human form.

Brian remained in his wolf form. He could sense something, there was still something out here that wasn’t right. Just then, he found the source. A blue coral necklace sat peacefully on the ground. Brian moved closer, sniffing it to try and get a scent but it seemed at that moment all of his sense organs were dead. He picked the necklace up, examining it in the morning light and he could tell that this strange item wasn’t from their pack.

Whoever had dropped it there put it there for a purpose, the person wanted the necklace to be found and it seemed the person had succeeded in drawing Alpha Brian’s attention towards it.

He changed back into his human form as he made his way to the car. One thing was certain, the Moon goddess had a lot of questions to answer.

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