My Ex-wife, My Destination

Chapter 10 Don’t Touch Me

Luke’s P. O. V.

“I’m sorry, Mr. Anderson, but I can’t just hand out personal information like that,” the dean of Hope’s school says, denying my request to give Daisy’s address. I clench my jaw, sitting across from her. How dare she deny me access to my daughter?

However, if she can’t give me the address, I have my way. I’m the billionaire Luke Anderson, and I’m very well aware of how to obtain information.

I pull out a chequebook and lay it on the desk in front of her. “I want to offer a donation to the school for this information.” A smirk spreads across my face as her eyes glint with greed.

“You’ll get the address, Mr. Anderson.”


I step out of the school with a smile on my face because finally, I’ll meet my little angel.Exclusive content from NôvelDrama.Org.

It’s been three days since I last met my daughter and my ex-wife, Daisy. I’m certain Daisy lied to me that day. I can feel it-Hope is my daughter. The connection I feel with her is undeniable.

I can’t believe I’m a father.

This truth made me realise I was so wrong to punish myself all these years. I should have apologised to Daisy instead of giving her a divorce and leaving her when she needed me the most. I was so mad at myself for treating Daisy with cruelty in the past that I pushed her away, thinking I didn’t deserve her.

However, now I have realized that I’ve spent too long punishing myself for past mistakes I can’t change. It’s time to make things right, starting with reuniting with my daughter and taking responsibility for her. I’ll make up for lost time with my daughter and Daisy.

It’ll be difficult after what I did in the past, but I won’t step back. I’m willing to do whatever it takes to earn Daisy’s trust and forgiveness. I’ll reunite our family at any cost and won’t let them slip through my fingers again.

I step into my car and give the address the dean provided to my chauffeur.

On the entire way, my mind races with thoughts of what I’ll say to Daisy when I see her again, and how I’ll make things right between us.

I’m regretting so badly for divorcing Daisy. If I hadn’t done that and had apologized to her for my mistakes, we would have been living like a happy family. I would have seen Hope growing up in front of my eyes, and I would have been there to take care of Daisy during her pregnancy. I missed all the precious moments just because I wanted to make myself suffer. Why didn’t I think for once that I was again doing wrong to Daisy?

However, now I won’t repeat my mistakes. It’s time to make amends for the way I treated Daisy in the past and for pushing her away from me.

I’m certain Daisy has not been sending Hope to school for the past three days because of me. She wants to keep her away from me. She isn’t wrong because she doesn’t know I have changed. The Luke Anderson, with whom she fell in love during her school days, has returned. She didn’t know she succeeded in bringing him back five years ago.

But I’m still a monster and a cheater in her eyes, and no mother wants her daughter to come close to the person I once was.

I just hope she can see that I have changed.

I pull back to reality when the car halts. The sight of the rundown building in front of me sends a pang of guilt and regret through me.

This is where Daisy and Hope have been living all this time while I’ve been living in luxury in my mansion. How could I have been so blind, so selfish, to leave Daisy behind and not even bother to check on her?

After taking a deep breath, I step out of the car and walk towards the entrance of the building.

As I climb the stairs, my mind wanders. I know I have a lot to apologise for, and a lot of mistakes to make up for. But I’m determined to make things right, to prove to Daisy that I’ve changed and that I’m ready to be the husband and father she deserves.

I reach Daisy’s apartment and take a deep breath before pressing the bell. My heart pounds in my chest as I wait for Daisy to open the door.

After a few seconds, the door swings open, and I see Daisy freeze in place when she sees me. Her eyes reflect hurt, anger, and fear.

Before I can say anything, Hope’s cheerful voice catches my attention. “Uncle…” I turn my gaze to her and see her running towards me. “You came. Wow! Hope is so happy.”

As I lift Hope in my arms and glance at Daisy, she shoots me a glare, clutching the knob.

“Mommy, thank you.” Hope places a kiss on Daisy’s cheek. “I know you called Uncle for your Hopi. You’re the best.” She turns her gaze towards me with a wide grin on her face, making me forget about everything. “You know how much Hope was missing you.”

“How much?” I ask, raising my brows at her.

“Very… very… much.” She answers, spreading her hands wide, eliciting a soft chuckle from me.

“I missed you too, kiddo.” I nuzzle my nose with hers, causing her to giggle.

“Hopi.” Daisy’s voice catches our attention. “Don’t you want to show Uncle your favourite toy, Rabbi?” She asks Hope, glaring at me from the corner of her eyes.

Hope nods in response. “Of course, Mommy.”

“Then bring it from your room.” She says, caressing Hope’s hair, forcing a smile on her face.

“Uncle, put me down. Hope wants to show you her favourite toy.”

After giving Hope a nod, I put her down, and she rushes to her room.

“Get the fuck out of my house, Luke!” Daisy pushes me away, startling me. As I look at her, I can see only pure hatred in her eyes, those eyes that once held so much love for me.

“Daisy, please.” I lift my hand to touch her arm, but she flinches away from my touch as if my very presence disgusts her.

“Don’t touch me,” she spits out, her voice dripping with venom. “Don’t you dare touch me after what you’ve done, Mr. Luke Anderson.”

I swallow hard, feeling a pang in my heart. I know I deserve her anger, her hatred even, but it still hurts to see the woman who once loved me more than anything in the world looking at me with such contempt.

Congratulations, Luke. You succeeded in making her hate you.

“Why are you back, Luke?” She asks, keeping her face stern. “What do you want from me?”

I take a deep breath. “Daisy, I want to take responsibility for you and our daughter-”

“Luke, she isn’t your daughter. She is my daughter.” She cuts me off, her eyes spitting fire. “Stay out of our lives.”


“Fuck off!” She clenches the handle of the door to close it in my face but stops, hearing Hope’s voice from behind her.

“Mommy, why are you still standing at the door? Invite Uncle inside and bring cookies and a yummy shake for him.” Hope approaches us, holding a rabbit soft toy. She looks so adorable as always, in a blue frock, her wavy hair open, nicely tucked with a pin, and her blue eyes sparkling. When I look at her, all my tension disappears. She has such magic in her.

“Uncle, come.” She takes my hand in her tiny hand and guides me towards the sofa, holding her toy in her other hand.

I glance behind and see Daisy closing the door after taking a deep breath. Thank God Hope came at the right time, or else I would have lost the chance to spend time with Hope and Daisy.

I’m not shocked to see Daisy’s reaction. I expected her to behave like this with me after what I’d done to her in the past.

As I settle down with Hope and she shows me her toy, blabbering non-stop, I look around the apartment. It’s small, but well-organized. Daisy has put so much effort into making this place a home for her and Hope. The walls are adorned with paintings and photographs of them.

My heart aches, seeing those photos of them as I realise just how much I’ve missed out on.

“Mommy, go bring cookies, snacks, and drinks for Uncle,” Hope orders her Mommy, who stands there, killing me with her looks.

“Hope, I’m not hungry,” I say, looking at her.

“If you’re hungry or not, Mommy will bring snacks for you. She doesn’t let anybody leave the house without having them. Right, Mommy?” As Hope looks at Daisy, she immediately shifts her gaze towards her and nods, plastering a smile on her face.

“Of course, baby. I’ll be right back.” After giving me a look of disdain, she turns on her heels and goes to the kitchen.

“You know, Uncle, Mommy and I have been enjoying a lot these days.” Whenever Hope calls me Uncle, my heart clenches. I’m dying to tell her I’m her father and to hear Daddy from her mouth. However, I won’t tell her until I win the heart of my ex-wife. I can bear this tiny pain until then.

“But Hope missed you a lot and cried for you yesterday. That’s why Mommy brought you to me. Mommy is the best. She fulfils my every wish.” As Hope continues to talk, sitting in my lap, Daisy returns from the kitchen, holding a tray of snacks and drinks.

She places the tray on the table with a thud before storming towards the room and shutting the door.

I need to talk to her.

“Hope, have some cookies.” I make Hope sit on the sofa and give her the bowl of cookies. “I need to use the washroom.”

“Okie Dokie, Uncle.” She nods, taking cookies in both hands and starts munching on them. I find her so adorable that I can’t resist kissing her chubby cheeks.

I leave after glancing at her one last time. Composing myself, I turn the doorknob of Daisy’s room and open the door. I find Daisy standing at the window, staring out aimlessly.

After shutting the door, as I turn towards her, she suddenly clutches my collar and pins me against the wall, startling me. “What do you want, Mr. Anderson? Have you returned to snatch my daughter from me? Let me make myself clear. I’m not going to let that happen.”

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