My Ex-wife, My Destination

Chapter 17 I Despise Daisy

Luke’s P. O. V.

After encountering Daisy and seeing the hatred in her eyes for me, I realised how much it must have hurt her when she saw hatred in my eyes in the past.

The memories of the past aren’t letting me sleep. I was an idiot to punish Daisy for a mistake she had never committed. I had feelings for Daisy from the beginning of our marriage, but I forced myself to hurt her even more because of it.


Five Years Ago

I despise Daisy.

I hate her for two reasons. In the first place, she is a woman, and secondly…

My thoughts are interrupted as Daisy enters the room, stumbling.

What the fuck! She is completely wasted.

I immediately hold her as she is about to fall to the floor.

Damn! I don’t want to care about her. However, sometimes it gets difficult for me not to bother about her.

She doesn’t deserve it. In fact, no woman deserves care and love. They are all sluts and deserve to be treated like that.

When she is not around, I feel lost, empty, and incomplete. Why do I feel like this when I hate her so much? Every cell in my body despises her intensely, yet deep down, I feel something for this woman. And I despise myself more for this.


“Shut up,” I growl, clutching her arms. “What the hell were you thinking, getting yourself into this state?”

She slurs, “Oh god, I don’t understand why you shout so much, Luke. I’m not deaf. My ears work properly.”

“Just stop your nonsense.”

“You know you’re an idiot.” My brows raise in shock, listening to her words. “A big idiot…” she slightly hits my head.

She has completely lost it. Tomorrow morning, when she gets sober, she has to pay to behave like this with me.

“Change your clothes and sleep, Daisy,” I order, moving away from her. “We’ll talk tomorrow.”

“Okay, boss.” She gives me a meek nod before walking over to her cupboard.

Why the fuck am I finding her adorable right now? I should be angry. A smile was just about to reach my lips when she adorably said, ‘Okay, boss.’

What is wrong with me? I think I’m losing my mind. I need to sleep.

“Oh, shit!” Daisy’s shout snaps me back to reality.

As I turn my gaze towards her, I frown. She has dropped all her clothes on the floor.

Fuck! This woman!

“What the hell are you doing, Daisy?” I ask, approaching her. She pouts at me.

Just don’t smile, Luke. Just don’t.

“I don’t know what I should wear. It’s so confusing. Everything is spinning around me.” She rotates her head along with her finger, and I can’t stop myself from smiling.

Seriously, I’ve never seen this side of Daisy before. It’s pulling me towards her more.

Control yourself, Luke. Just control yourself.

“Luke…” she calls, snapping me back to reality.

“What?” I ask, frowning.

“Could you please help me?” She asks, batting her eyelashes at me.

Just don’t help her. Let her do anything. You just sleep, Luke.

“Fuck off!” I walk over to the bed and lie down to sleep after switching off the lights.

She keeps blabbering, “Why do you have to be so mean and rude all the time? The cruellest husband award goes to you. You can’t even help your wife-”

I cut her off, irritated. “Daisy, if you don’t shut up, I’ll silence you right now with the ball gag.”

And after my warning, she finally stops her nonsense chatter.

It’s so easy to control her.

I toss around in bed, unable to sleep. It’s nothing new. I’ve grown accustomed to this. I sleep only three to four hours every night because of an incident that haunts me relentlessly.

As I lie there in the darkness, my mind drifts back to that fateful night, the night that shattered my world and turned me into the cold, heartless man I am today. And the cause of that night was Daisy. No matter what, I’ll never forgive her for that.

After a few minutes, as I glance at Daisy, I find her sleeping on the cold floor among her clothes.

I can’t stop myself from climbing down the bed, approaching her, and carrying her to the sofa.

After laying her down and pulling the comforter over her, I tuck a stray strand of her blonde hair behind her ear.

I can’t resist admiring her delicate features-the curve of her cheek, her long lashes resting gently against her cheeks, her small lips slightly parted as she breathes softly in her sleep. I’m looking at her as if I’m seeing her for the first time. However, it’s really the first time I’m looking at her from so close.

She is so beautiful, and anyone could fall in love with her. However, she isn’t the person who deserves love. She exactly deserves the way I have been treating her for the past six months, and I’m going to give her that treatment only.

Although, deep inside, I still have a soft corner for her, I’ll never let her see that.

Mrs. Daisy Anderson, I’ll make you suffer till your last breath.

Flashback Over

Present Time

Daisy’s P. O. V.

I toss around in bed. No matter how much I try, the memories of Luke aren’t leaving my mind. I recall the time when I really thought that Luke was my protector, and I was melting his heart.


Five Years Ago

I stand leaning against the railing of the yacht, my eyes fixed on Luke, who is engrossed in conversation with his client. Despite everything, there’s an undeniable attraction between us, a fire that burns deep within me whenever he’s near.

Whenever he touches me or fucks me, it’s not a romantic moment, but his touch still sends shivers down my spine and sets my body on fire.

I know I shouldn’t, but I always find myself longing for his touch, yearning for the rush of adrenaline that comes with being under his control. I’m drawn to him in a way I can’t explain. And as much as I try to resist him, I know that I’ll always come back to him, drawn by the magnetic pull.

Suddenly, I feel a force against my back, and before I can react, I fall into the icy water from the yacht.

Who pushed me? Am I going to die? No, I don’t want to die like this. I want to bring back the old Luke. I want to be loved.

I struggle to stay afloat, my lungs burning with the need for air.

“Help! Someone, please help!” I scream, thrashing in the water, my arms flailing as I fight against the relentless pull of the current.

Just when I feel like I can’t hold on any longer, I see him. Luke. He jumps into the water without a second thought to save me. At this moment, I forget about everything, and the entire world disappears. I can only see my husband swimming towards me.

As he reaches to grab me, I cling to him desperately, my fingers grasping onto his shirt as if my life depends on it-because it does.

If he hadn’t jumped into the water, I would have died today. He holds me tight as he swims towards the surface. I can feel his heartbeat against my chest, synchronising with mine. The water is cold, but his presence warms me from within.

As we reach the safety of the deck, he helps me out of the water. His men are already present with blankets for us.

He takes a blanket from one of his men and wraps it around me. I hug myself, my body shivering with cold. I long for the warmth of his body.All content is © N0velDrama.Org.

“Are you alright, Daisy?” He asks, his voice surprisingly soft and his eyes filled with concern. I just stare at him in disbelief. I can clearly see my old Luke right now-soft, kind, sweet, and always ready to help, especially those he cares about.

Despite stating that he hates me, he put his life in danger to save me. Who does that?

“Daisy.” He shakes me, bringing me back to reality.


“Are you fine?” He asks again, still staring at me with genuine concern in his eyes.

“I’m fine,” I whisper. “Thank you.”

“How did you fall into the water?”

I take a deep breath, trying to steady my racing heart as I recount the events that led to my fall. The memory of being pushed still sends a shiver down my spine, but I push past the fear, focusing on the present moment.

“I… I don’t know,” I reply, my voice trembling slightly. “One moment I was standing there, and the next… I felt a force against my back, and I was falling.”

Luke’s brow furrows in concern as he listens. “Someone pushed you?” He questions, his tone hardening.

I nod, my throat tight with emotion. “Yes, but I didn’t see who it was. It happened so fast.”

Right now, I don’t care about anything else. I just want him to wrap me in his warm arms. I’m feeling so cold.

Luke’s jaw clenches with frustration, his hands balling into fists at his sides. “I’ll find out who did this,” he vows, his voice low and dangerous. “No one lays a hand on my wife.”

My wife? Did he just say that?

He cares for me. It is written on his face. No matter how much he denies it and how much he humiliates me, his actions speak louder than his words. I don’t know the reason for his hatred, but I’m not going to give up. What happened today strengthens my resolve to make him admit that he has feelings for me.

As he turns to order his men, I wrap the blanket tighter around myself, wondering.

Why? Why would someone push me into the water? And more importantly, who would want to harm me?

“Check the CCTV footage.” Luke commands his men, his voice stern and authoritative. “I want to know who did this.”

As his men rush to carry out his orders, he turns back to me, his expression softening slightly as he sees the fear and confusion in my eyes.

“Are you sure you’re okay?” He enquires again. “Do you need to see a doctor?”

I shake my head, still reeling from the shock of what had just happened. “No, I’m fine.” I assure him, though I’m anything but fine. The incident has shaken me to my core.

As he lifts me in his arms and carries me to a room on the yacht, I snuggle into him, seeking the warmth of his embrace.

As soon as he lays me down on the bed and stands, I yearn to be in his arms again.

“I’m sending clothes for you. Change and sleep,” he instructs, switching on the heater before walking towards the door.

I just stare at him mutely, dying to ask him to stay. I’m terrified of being alone right now.

No. No. Just don’t ask him to stay. He’ll yell at you and show you your place. He’ll never listen to you in private.

My mind warns me as I open my mouth to stop him.

Outside, I saw genuine concern for me in his eyes. Perhaps today, he’ll listen to me.

He is about to step out of the room but halts as I murmur, “Please stay.”

Please. Please. Don’t shout at me.

I pray, shutting my eyes as he slowly turns towards me.

“Okay.” My eyes immediately open in shock, listening to his words.

Did he just say “okay”? I can’t believe it. He’s ready to stay with me.

He sits on the sofa. Although I want him to cuddle me on the bed, it is still enough for me. For the first time in seven months of our marriage, he grants my request. To be honest, now I’m thankful to the person who pushed me into the water. Because of that person, I got back my old Luke, maybe for one night, but it’s more than enough. I was dying to see his soft side, and finally, I got it. I want this night to never end.


I step out of the bathroom after changing into a warm set of clothes provided by Luke’s men. I notice Luke still sitting on the sofa, his brows furrowed in tension.

As I sit down on the bed, pulling the blanket over me, he strolls towards me with a mug of steaming hot tea in his hand. His expression is unreadable, a mixture of concern and something else I can’t quite understand.

“Here,” he says in a soft tone, handing me the mug. “Drink this. It’ll help warm you up.”

I accept the mug and inhale the comforting aroma of the tea before taking a sip. The warmth spreads through me, easing the chill that has settled into my bones.

“Thank you,” I murmur, meeting his gaze for a second before looking away.

He returns to the sofa and settles down while I drink my tea, my eyes fixed on him.

He is engrossed in his phone, and I ask, breaking the silence, “Did-did you find out who pushed me?”

“No. It was well planned. Somebody covered the camera before the incident,” he responds without shifting his gaze from the phone.

“I just don’t understand who would want to hurt me. Will that person attack me again?” A shiver runs down my spine as I voice my fears, the events of the evening still fresh in my mind. Luke finally looks up from his phone, his expression grim.

“Don’t worry. I’ll find that person. You sleep now,” he reassures me.

I nod, putting the mug on the side table before lying down under the warm blanket. I’m glad Luke is with me in the room because his presence is comforting.

As I close my eyes, I can feel the exhaustion of the day weighing heavily on me, but sleep doesn’t come easy. The events of tonight replay in my mind.

I feel Luke’s gaze on me. Despite everything, I’m grateful to him for staying by my side and showing me a side of him I hadn’t seen in a long time.

Flashback over

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