My Mysterious Husband

Chapter 295 I Just Want to Hug You Because I Miss You Too Much(3)

Chapter 295 I Just Want to Hug You Because I Miss You Too Much(3)

“So Mr.Ye's goddess turns out to be a soldier! She looks so great!”

“Those ordinary women really can't compare with her outstanding temperament.”

“And she even drove a military car to come here, so her rank should not be too low.”

“Have you noticed that Mr.Ye acts like a good student in front of her, and he does not look like a president at all, which could prove how much he cares about his goddess......”

Some people admired her, while other people envied her.

“I thought she was extremely beautiful, but she actually just looks quite ordinary.”

“Yes, she is a far cry from the beautiful women in our company.”

After listening to those words, someone found it very unpleasant and refuted them at once: “She is a military officer who protects the country. Can you do that?”

Then the two women curled their lips and dared not speak again.

Seeing the three people disappear in the street, they went to eat and exchanged their views about this gossip. And the topic that was most discussed was Jingyan Ye's active hug towards his goddess.

A few minutes ago, in Secretary Wang's office.

“Xuan Zhao, why did you hang up on the receptionist? And the receptionist also clearly told you that someone was looking for President Ye.”

But Xuan said, being quite self-confident: “That person did not have an appointment. Besides, Mr.Ye was holding a meeting with the senior executives, and you were also there.”

“You forgot what you were told on the day you started to work, right? If a girl whose surname is Duan looks for Mr.Ye, then no matter what time it is, you have to inform Mr.Ye at once.” Secretary Wang reminded her coldly.

Xuan remembered it at once. Indeed, how could she forget about this thing?

“Well......I'm sorry, Mr. Wang. I was too busy just now, so I didn't hear the receptionist say that the girl’s surname is Duan......”

Secretary Wang interrupted her chicanery and said sternly: “Xuan Zhao, this Miss Duan is vital to Mr.Ye, and if she leaves again today because of you, leading that Mr.Ye does not see her, then not only you, but all of us in the secretary department may be fired.”

Then Xuan became quite unpleasant and muttered: “How could it become so serious?”

“You think it's not that serious? Do you know that Mr.Ye personally issued this notice the day after he took office? Do you know that Mr.Ye modified the private voting procedure of the people of the company and added a specific option to state that Miss Duan is the goddess in his heart? He can fire five secretaries without hesitation. Xuan, don't ever think too highly of yourself, because maybe you are completely nothing for other people.”

Secretary Wang's words were very stern, but the only thing Xuan kept thinking about was just one sentence: The goddess in his heart.

How could a superior man like him have a goddess?

He should be the Prince Charming for women.

When Secretary Wang saw her lost in thought, he knew that she started to think about something else again, then he shouted: “Xuan!”

Xuan did not want to be fired because of this trivial matter, so she had to say: “Mr. Wang, I came to work in Yehuang Group quite late, so I did not know about this notice issued by Mr.Ye. And it also because that I was careless and forgot the things I was instructed to do on the first day of work. I am wrong, but I did not mean to do it, and I dare not to do it again.”

Seeing that Xuan was quite sincere, Secretary Wang kind of believed in her words even if he was annoyed with her. And now he also felt much better after he gave vent to his anger, so he began to talk more gently: “Xuan, Mr.Ye does not know about this thing, and I will not tell him. But if you do that again, I think he will not forgive you even if you and Mr.Ye have a personal relationship.”

“Thank you, Mr. Wang. Don't worry, I won’t do that again.”

“You can leave now.”

Xuan walked out and respectfully closed the door, only then did she secretly gave a sigh of relief. Fortunately, Jingyan did not know about this thing, so she would not have to bother herself to explain it to him.

However, she was curious about what the woman who was regarded by Jingyan as his goddess was really like.

She soon found the answer of her question. Because in the staff canteen at noon, the people all around were discussing the goddess. Xuan sat down beside a few female staff members who were in a good relationship with her, holding her dinner plate. And she paid attention to their conversation after saying hello to them.

“I really didn't expect that Mr.Ye likes that type of woman.” A beautiful woman said.

Another woman said at once: “Mr.Ye may not like her, after all, those who are regarded as goddesses are admired by people.”

“Hum, then how could Mr.Ye take the initiative to hug the goddess if he does not like her? That's the aloof Mr.Ye. Which female employee in the company have you seen him smile at?”

Hearing this, Xuan's hand shook, and the potato on his chopsticks fell to the dinner plate.

Jingyan......took the initiative to hug a woman?

“Is that woman pretty?” Xuan couldn't help but ask.

“Have you not seen her?”

Xuan said, being slightly embarrassed: “I just happened to have something to do at the time, so I didn't see her.”

“Oh, Mr.Ye's goddess is a female military officer. She’s beautiful and has a very outstanding temperament. And after she took off her camouflage uniform, her figure was seen, which is definitely the best I've ever seen.”

The more her colleagues praised her, the more jealous Xuan felt in her heart.

She would have accepted it if this Miss Duan had been as beautiful as Chuxue Ye. But she was just a female military officer, and how could Jingyan regard her as a goddess? In her impression, those female military officers were all burly and brawny, could it be that Jingyan is simply greedy for novelty?

The two people who were being talked about by all the women of the company were sitting at a class Sichuan restaurant, eating and reminiscing about the past.

“You were just a coward back then. By virtue of your powerful family background, how could you not fight back when the little fat boys surrounded and beat you? If I had been you, I would have hit them at once, being careless about who them were.” Yiyao Duan was full of guts, being quite excited when she talked about the things that happened when he was a child.

Jingyan barely ate and focused on refilling her bowl with food, while Yiyao ate whatever he picked up for her with his chopsticks.

He said with a smile: “Actually, I was trying to fight back, but in the end you appeared, so I naturally followed you since then.” Còntens bel0ngs to Nô(v)elDr/a/ma.Org

Yiyao glanced at him with a smile: “So you were pretending to be dumb at that time.”

“No, I thought it was good to follow you at that time, and I was sad for a long time after you left.” Jingyan said after a while, “I don't know how many times I read the letters you wrote to me, but how come you didn't write to me in the end?”

Chen Zhang, who had been trying to make himself invisible became excited after hearing his words. Then he thought: Oh my God, I swear on three months of braised pork in brown sauce, this man definitely likes my captain. But my captain might simply take him as a good brother.

Yiyao kept eating: “I got into the military school as soon as I graduated from high school, and I was too busy afterwards. Besides, my school was not convenient to write letters, and then something also happened, which I can not tell you. Anyway, I just didn't write to you anymore because all kinds of reasons.”

Jingyan had understood the reason why she did not write to him when he knew that she might be a soldier. And now he just wanted to fulfill a wish he had as a child by asking her about it.

“Don't always pick up food for me, you eat as well.” Yiyao also picked up a piece of meat and put it in his bowl.

“You don't need to care about me.” Then Jingyan inadvertently saw a scar on her left arm, which seemed to be a knife scar, and he couldn't help but ask, being a little worried: “Yiyao, it's been hard for

you all these years.”

“Hard for me?” Yiyao was quite confused, and she smiled indifferently after noticing his gaze, “Ah, this scar was left during the execution of the mission, and it didn't hurt much.”

But the more indifferent she was, the more heartbroken Jingyan felt. Because the scar showed that she often got hurt in her daily life.

“I have medicine at home that specializes in scar removal, no matter what kind of scar, it will make it disappear. I will bring it to you tomorrow.” The elixir that Jingyan said was Dr. Han's ointment.

But Yiyao refused him directly: “No, I’m not that effeminate.”

“But you are a girl, you can't......”

Before Jingyan finished his words, Yiyao became serious at once and she looked at him in the eyes and said in a slow but serious tone: “Jingyan, I am a soldier first and a woman second.”

Jingyan was stunned and looked at her with a complicated expression, and he was silent for a long time before he sighed and said: “Yiyao, I am worried about you.”

Chen had a cold shiver, thinking: Shit, how sweet are his words! I even want to get a small copy of his words on a notebook, which can be used when I find a girlfriend later. But Yiyao did not receive Jingyan's love signal at all, and she even laughed and patted him on the shoulder, treating him like a brother and said: “Well, this is my old scar, left when I did not quite know how to fight in the past. But no one can hurt me now.”

And Chen immediately boasted: “Our captain perennially occupies the first place of the major lists in the C Army, and no one is her opponent, from the senior officer to the insignificant soldier. She even often sighs that how could she wait for a defeat alone at such a young age!”

Yiyao turned around and glared at him at once: “Who do you hear the nonsense from?”

“I’m not talking the nonsense! Your honor roll has been posted in the bulletin board. And the first day I joined the army, our squad leader led me over and pointed to your picture and told me, “See, this is your goal. If you can beat her one day, you'll be the king of the soldiers.” Chen imitated his squad leader's speech very well, which made Yiyao laugh.

Chen's words were true, almost every new recruit had heard of Yiyao's heroic deeds. At first, everyone thought it was just a common female soldier, but when they actually walked onto the training field and entered the actual battle drills, they realized how awesome she was.

Jingyan smiled slightly, feeling happy and sad for her in his heart at the same time.

He had envisioned that the grown-up Yiyao was excellent, but he didn't expect that she would be so excellent, which was all because of her hard work.

“Don't listen to this guy's nonsense, it’s not that legendary.” Yiyao was very modest, which was quite rare.

But Chen insisted in describing his captain into the most awesome person on the world in front of Jingyan: “Captain, I didn't add any inflammatory details.”

“Alright, eat your meal.”

“Oh.” Chen immediately shut up and lowered his head to eat his food. He always obeyed Yiyao’s orders unconditionally.

Jingyan smiled silently, thinking that how alike this little soldier who was full of admire and he were when he first met Yiyao!

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