My Mysterious Husband

Chapter 301 Yiyao Was Kidnapped (2)

Chapter 301 Yiyao Was Kidnapped (2)

The woman then removed the blindfold for Yiyao. Yiyao almost threw up when she saw the toilet. It looked like the toilet hadn’t been flushed for a thousand years.

“Get in!” The woman said.

Yiyao frowned. “Is there a cleaner one?”


Yiyao sighed helplessly. She jumped forward, and then turned back. She saw the two men were still looking at her. She shouted at them: “What the hell are you still looking at? I am using the toilet! Turn around!!”

They turned around obediently. Maybe they were intimidated by Yiyao’s formidable presence.

Yiyao then looked at the woman and said: “Do you want to untie my hands? Or do you want to take off my trousers for me?”

The woman sucked on her cigarette and then stubbed it out. “So much trouble!” She complained.

Yiyao thought the woman would help her to pull down her trousers, but the woman untied her hands directly. Yiyao used the bathroom and pulled up her pants. She thought about her current situation. Only three people were waiting for her outside the bathroom, and she could absolutely knock them down. But she didn’t know how many people were just nearby, so she decided not to take any action.

She walked out of the bathroom. The woman blindfolded her eyes and took her back.

It was late at night. Yiyao had fallen asleep. Suddenly, she was woken up because she felt a pair of hairs on her chest. She opened her eyes, and found a man was touching her breasts. She felt disgusted and she shouted: “What the hell are you doing?”

The man put on a lascivious smile and said: “What do you think I am doing?” He then reached his hands into Yiyao’s collar.

Yiyao was furious. She bashed his nose with her head suddenly, and the man covered his nose in pain. Then, Yiyao knocked the man to the ground with the back of her chair and then trampled on his hand mercilessly.

The silence of the night was broken by the man’s hysterical scream.

Yiyao then heard approaching footsteps, and another man rushed into this room. He saw Yiyao was still tied to the chair, and the man who was supposed to watch her was lying on the ground, his nose bleeding.

“What happened?” The man asked.

Yiyao shot a sideways glance at him and said with contempt: “Somebody can’t get his hands off me. So I had to use a little bit violence.”

The man guessed what happened. He walked to the other man who was still rolling on the ground and kicked him. “Useless! Get lost!” He shouted.

Then the other man got back to his feet and rushed out of the room.

“Yiyao, how dare you! You know I can kill you whenever I want to!”

Yiyao’s anger hadn’t subsided yet. She put on a contemporaneous smile and said: “If you kill me, who will tell you these secrets you want to know? Besides, I want you to remember that I am not only a leader of a squad. I am Commander Duan’s daughter! If you dare to kill me, my father will hunt you down and destroy you wherever you go!”

The man didn’t say anything else. He walked out of the room silently and locked the door behind him.

Yiyao was now the only person in the room, and she felt rather relaxed. She decided to have a good rest, and tomorrow, she would try to figure out who these people are, and why are they trying to steal the national secrets.

A few hours later, Yiyao woke up from a good sleep. She couldn’t tell the time because she was in a basement and the sunshine couldn’t get in. She untied her hands with her nimble fingers. As a member of the special force, she has learned how to untie all kinds of knots when she was bound, so it was not a very difficult thing to do.

She also wanted to untie her feet, but she was afraid there are surveillance cameras in the room, so she didn’t do it.

At that time, she heard approaching footsteps, and she tied her hands together again, the way these people tied her.

The tall man walked in. He stood in front of her and said: “You should tell me about these bases now!”

Yiyao acted to be feeble. She said in a tired voice: “I can’t remember anything. Because I am too hungry.”

The moment she finished, the man delivered a hard slap across her face. Her face swelled up in an instant. The man then put his hand around her neck. He glared at Yiyao viciously and said: “Yiyao! Stop wasting my time! My patience is not unlimited. The base you told me yesterday doesn’t exit at all! You lied to me!”

Yiyao was surprised that they could find it out so fast. Since he already knew she was lying, there was no need to keep acting. Yiyao spited at the man and said: “Then why don’t you just kill me!”

The man clenched his teeth. He squeezed Yiyao’s neck even harder. Yiyao’s face turned purple, and she couldn’t breathe at all. When she was about to fight back, the man released his grip suddenly and

laughed coldly. He said: “Since you are not willing to cooperate with us, we have to use some special ways.”

“Just bring it on! I will never tell!”

“We will see!” The man then looked at the door and shouted: “Come in!”

A few men rushed in and said: “Sir, we are here.”

“Where are your whips? Beat her!”

“Yes, sir!”

Yiyao didn’t seem frightened at all. As if she was not the one who was about to be beaten.

Then, these men whipped Yiyao without mercy. Yiyao was racked with pain. She knew she wouldn’t survive this torture, so she soon pretended to faint.

“Sir, she fainted!”

The man walked over and kicked her. He saw her face was ghostly pale and her eyes were tightly shut, and he shouted: “Damn! What kind of soldier she is!”

“Sir, do we keep whipping her?” © NôvelDrama.Org - All rights reserved.

“Go fuck yourself! We whip her because we need to force her to tell! Now she is unconscious! What’s the point of keeping beating her?”

In the afternoon, the man came back and found she was awake. So they quarreled with each other bitterly. After failing to get any information, the man beat Yiyao again, and Yiyao acted to faint again.

It was finally night. When everyone went to sleep, Yiyao untied her hands and feet and checked the wounds on her body. No one would be watching her even though there were surveillance cameras. They were not that diligent.

She was badly injured, but luckily these cuts were not very deep and there injuries were not fatal. She stood up and walked to the door. It was locked. She looked out through the gap, and found the hallway was not lit. She could hear men snoring.

She must figure out how to escape from this place. She thought.

On the third day, they repeated the same procedures and Yiyao got more cuts and gashes on her body. One man cut her belly with a knife and then roughly wrapped her belly up. He was obviously trying to torture her on purpose.

Yiyao knew she would surly die in their hands if she couldn’t come up with a plan. At last, Yiyao decided to use her beauty to seduce a man, and then escape with that man’s help.

Yiyao looked at the group of men who were torturing her, and she could tell which one is the vicious one, and which one is the lustful one. She rubbed her leg against the lustful man’s leg secretly, and when the man looked at her, she winked at him meaningfully.

Yiyao’s face was bruised, but she still looked very beautiful. The lustful man smiled and swallowed nervously when Yiyao winked at him. He knew what Yiyao meant.

When Yiyao was alone in the room, the man sneaked into the room. He said: “Hello beautiful, I’m here.”

Yiyao put on a soft smile. She said: “Can you do me a favor?”

The man looked serious in an instant. He said: “What do you want? Don’t ask me to release you. That’s not possible.”

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