My Mysterious Husband

Chapter 302 Fair, Gorgeous and Slim (1)

Chapter 302 Fair, Gorgeous and Slim (1)

Yiyao Duan struggled to get up, and she felt so sticky when she touched her abdomen, her wound really split.

She must get out of here in a hurry.

With her rich experience, Yiyao Duan found a mountain trail after walking for more than twenty minutes, and there must be villagers living near the trail.

Sure enough, after walking along the rugged mountain trail for a long time, Yiyao Duan finally saw a house on the side of the road with lights still on.

Yiyao Duan went up and knocked on the door, and the voice of an angry man came from inside, "Who is it."

"Just passing by." Yiyao Duan was weak and breathless.

"For what?"

"Sir, I'm here for a trip, but I'm lost, can I stay at your home for a night?"

Maybe the man opened the door due to Yiyao’s gentle and sweet voice, yet he didn’t imagine a bleeding woman stand outside his house, he was startled and pointed at Yiyao and said, "Are you a human or a ghost?" Belongs to (N)ôvel/Drama.Org.

"Brother, don't be afraid, I'm a human being." Yiyao walked inside, but the man didn’t want to let her enter the house and didn’t dare to touch her with his hands, so he could only block her, "You ...... you'd better go away, our family ......"

Yiyao did not want to talk nonsense with him, she raised the gun in her hand directly, "Brother, do me a favor, okay?"

The man was frozen, how dare he to refuse her when a gun was pointing at him?

"Who is it." A woman's voice came from the inner room.

The man came back to his senses and ran inside saying, "Don't you come out."

"Who's out there ...... ah!" The woman screamed as Yiyao staggered into the inner room and sat on the sofa, she said powerlessly. "Madam, don't shout, I won't hurt you."

The woman, dressed in a thin pajama, hid behind her husband and said, "You, who are you? Why do you have a gun?”

"I'm a police officer, I ran into the criminals when I was catching suspects." Yiyao explained briefly, covering her stomach that kept bleeding, "Sir, lend me your mobile phone, please."

The couple looked at each other, no matter whether she was telling the truth or not, they had to borrow her their phone as that she had a gun in her hand.

So the husband tossed his phone to Yiyao and watched her dial the number.

The call was picked up only after a second.


"It's me. Yiyao Duan."

The man over the phone was surprised, "Chief, I finally heard from you, we're all so panic that we've searched the whole Sky City but we couldn't find you ......"

"Cut the crap, I'm injured, send someone to pick me up."

"Huh? Where are you, chief? We're coming to you immediately."

"I'm in the woods and don't know where, locate this phone to find me. Hurry up, if you don't act in a rush, you'll be waiting for my corpse."

"Chief, don't scare me, you have to hold on ......"

The man was still rambling over there, Yiyao just threw the phone beside her, but the call never been put down.

That guy was always so nagging.

Yiyao let out a long sigh of relief, not knowing when they would arrive, she just felt dizzy and didn't dare to sleep easily, and said to the middle-aged couple that snuggled together, "Sir, can you give me a bowl of water to drink?"

The couple listened exactly what she had just said, and saw that she was beautiful and polite, except that she had just pointed at the husband with a gun.

The man hesitated for a moment and gave Yiyao a cup of warm water. She felt her thoughts get clear after she gulped down.

"Thank you, Sir."

Putting down the cup, Yiyao leaned back on the sofa, the roar of the helicopter came from the mobile phone, interspersed with the shouts of her comrades, "Chief, I've found your location, we'll be there soon, hang in there."

Yiyao didn't bother to answer him.

The woman who was so frightened just now was also much calmer at this moment, she couldn't help but ask, "Girl, how did you end up like this?"

Yiyao didn't dare let herself fall asleep and forced to stay awake, she chatted with her, "Madam, do you know that there is a secret passage halfway up the mountain?"

"A secret passage?" The woman was surprised, "No, we've grown up here since we were kids, we've never heard of any secret passages here."

"Then have you seen any strange people going in and out?"

The woman thought about it, shook her head and said, "No, there are not many people living in this area, and we are all acquaintances who have known each other for more than ten years, usually we just go into the woods to work, we have not seen any strangers."

Yiyao was puzzled. They are quite a few people, they must come out to buy daily necessities no matter what, how can they hide so well that even the permanent residents here had not seen them?

"Sir, you’d better close the door outside, put out the light and go sleep, I'm afraid those people will look for me when they see the light."

As soon as the man heard this, he went out hurriedly and closed the door, but he still felt worried, so he took an arm-thick wooden stick to hold it against the door.

But how could the couple fall asleep in the dark while a living person sitting here?

"Don't mind me, turn off the light." Yiyao was very serious.

How could the couple dare to resist, they turned off the light obediently and lay down, and didn’t move a bit.

The only sound left in the darkness was breathing.

Dizziness and pain hit her again and again, Yiyao gritted her teeth to hold on. For some reason, she suddenly thought of Jingyan Ye, who was far away in Sky City, he must be anxious that she was carried off without any notice.

She wondered if he would blame himself for this.

It was a pity that she hadn't told him the answer, she could tell him in person when she returned to Sky City.

Perhaps because of the pain on her body, Yiyao felt that time was passing by extremely slowly.

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