My Mysterious Husband

Chapter 303 The Purple Princess (2)

Chapter 303 The Purple Princess (2)

The moment he thought of this possibility, Jingyan's heart was in turmoil, he was so regret that why did he have to be so impulsive? It was good enough that she came to find him, so why did he have to speak to her so rude? Why did he even ask her where she had gone?

It’s done. She must have thought he was an unreasonable man. Obviously he was too worried about her, why couldn’t he express clearly?

Thinking what she said in the last, Jingyan's heart shrank as she said, goodbye, Jingyan.

Maybe she didn’t want to see him again.

She hated people who didn't understand her. Just look at the way she treated that blind date, she simply refused that man just because of different eating habit, not to mention the fact that he had just said he would understand her after his confession to her.

Jingyan was so desperate. What’s for his sober of twenty years? He just acted impulsively for once, but he made a huge mistake.

He closed his eyes for a long time, Jingyan picked up his mobile phone and called his father.

He couldn't just leave it at that, he had to find Yiyao Duan and get things right, even if her answer was still the same, he had to find her first and see that she was safe and sound.

"Pingan, what is it?"

"Dad, are you busy now?"

"No, I'm not busy, I'm having tea with your uncle."

Jingyan hesitated for a few seconds before saying, "Dad, can you help me find Yiyao Duan?"

Kerry remained silence for a while, then he asked, "You still want to find her?"

"Well, there are some things I need to find out."

"Didn’t you see her yesterday?"

Jingyan stood up hastily and asked him in surprise, "How do you know?"

He hadn't told any family about this matter.

Kerry didn't conceal it either, "Last night when you went for a drink, I was told that someone in the military was checking your background, no one was investigating you before but yesterday someone did, so I think this should have something to do with your meeting with her."

Jingyan was startled, naturally Yiyao Duan wouldn't investigate him in the dark, it should be her father. So, had Yiyao Duan told his father about him?

"Jingyan? Why aren't you talking?"

Jingyan regained his composure, "Dad, so can you find her?"

Kerry sighed and said, "Jingyan, not everyone in the military can we look into, and dad guess that Yiyao Duan do have a background, it's even more impossible for us to find out, so ......"

Kerry didn’t continue, but Jingyan already knew what his father meant.

That window of hope had been locked tightly, his father has always been strong and impeccable in his heart, since his father said there’s nothing he could do, so ......

"I know dad, please continue to drink tea."This is property © NôvelDrama.Org.

Kerry felt too harsh hear the lost voice of his son, he said, "Pingan, if you really want to see her, daddy will try, but I can’t promise you."

"Thank you, dad."

After hanging up the phone, Kerry sighed. Tianye Mu asked him curiously, "What happened? How come you got involved with the military?"

Kerry told him the whole story.

"I didn't expect this kid to be so infatuated." Tianye Mu exclaimed.

"You are resourceful, is there anything you can do?" Kerry poured him a cup of tea.

Tianye Mu knocked on the wooden table with his fingers, "I’m familiar with people from the business and political circle, I really don't have any contacts with the military community."

"What about my sister-in-law?"

"I'm not sure, I haven't heard her mention it either." Something suddenly occurred to Tianye Mu, "Right, the old man was transferred to the military hospital this time thanks to an old acquaintance, you know, the military hospital does not accept social patients, maybe we can ask that acquaintance."

"That would be great! Then please, come on, I'll pour you another cup of tea."

He said with a smile, "Don't ask me to do it, you're going to see the old man tomorrow, aren't you? Pingan can ask by himself. If he can’t handle it alone, how can he achieve big things.”

"You're right, let him ask for himself."

Yehuang Group.

When it was time for dinner, perhaps because of he’s drunken yesterday, Jingyan didn't have much of an appetite and had an important file to handle, so he didn't go to dinner, which of course only the people in the secretariat would know.

Xuan Zhao thought about it and decided to order a meal from the hotel.

She took a deep breath and knocked on the door.

"Come in."

Xuan Zhao stepped into the president's office, carrying a meal in her hand.

Jingyan was working on his desk, he raised his head indifferently and asked, "What?"

Xuan Zhao mustered up the courage, "Mr. Ye, I ordered a meal for you, it's not good for your health if you don't eat dinner, and you have a meeting this afternoon, I'm afraid your body won't..."

Jingyan was reading a report and didn't listen to what she was saying at all, so he didn't answer. Xuan Zhao stood awkwardly, what did he mean, why didn’t he talk? Should she stay here or go out?

A few minutes later, Jingyan finished reading the report and looked up to see her standing uneasily with take-out in her hand, so he pointed to the rest area, "Put it there."

Xuan Zhao was stunned, but then she became delighted and said immediately, "Yes, Mr. Ye, you can eat while it's hot, it's good for your stomach, just let me know when you're done and I’ll come in to clean up."

Jingyan answered in a muffled voice and didn't say anything more. Xuan Zhao put down the food and went out with light footsteps.

She thought that Jingyan was going to refuse her directly again, but she didn't expect him to accept this time, so it seemed like a good start.

In the evening, Jingyan returned home and listened to his father talk about what his uncle had said, his eyes, which had been obscure for many days, finally lit up, "Uncle is right, this is my own business, I will go personally and beg my aunt tomorrow."

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