My Sweet Wife

Chapter 405 Extra chapter Happy life(20)

On the weekend, Vladimir was playing with Amelie.

Kennedy saw Vladimir and smiled, “Your boy is really close to living in my house lately, why are you coming over again?”

“I came to play with Amelie’s sister.” Vladimir handed Amelie a puzzle piece.

As far as Vladimir’s appearance was concerned, he looked like he really liked playing with the little ones and was very good at taking care of them as an older brother. When he plays with Amelie, he basically gives way to Amelie.

Kennedy saw Vladimir seriously handing Amelie the puzzle pieces and directing Amelie where to put them, such a scene looked so joyful.

“You boys look like you’re enjoying playing with Amelie. Didn’t your mom just give you a brother? Why aren’t you at home with your brother?”

Vladimir frowned and looked over at Kennedy, “I don’t like brothers, as promised, let mom have a sister.”

He was still a little disappointed that he didn’t know how he was born into a brother.

“Oh, you do like sisters.”

Vladimir nodded, “Uh-huh. I like Amelie sisters like that.”

“Why do you like your Amelie sister?” Kennedy came on too, he happened to be bored, so he teased the kid.

“Sister Amelie is pretty.”

After he finished one compliment, he put up his hand, in breaking his fingers, “Sister Amelie is obedient, Sister Amelie doesn’t cry, Sister Amelie is nice, I like Sister Amelie a lot.”

Complimenting these words, Kennedy, who is an old father, is very happy.

He appreciatively complimented, “You kid, worthy of being Leonardo’s child, so young, so discerning.”

If Kennedy knew that Vladimir, it was because his brother was ugly, because his brother was disobedient and always cried, because his brother was annoying that he complimented Amelie on these words, probably Kennedy wouldn’t be so happy.

Tatiana Stone, who went to the kitchen and came out with a fruit plate, saw Kennedy’s joyful look and she asked, “Why are you so happy?”

“Because this Vladimir kid, he was complimenting our Amelie, he said he likes our Amelie,” after a pause, Kennedy added rather sighingly, “Although our Amelie is so small, and she is being targeted by Vladimir. That’s not good.”

“In case Amelie gets married early, I’m sure I’ll be sad to see her go. No, no.”

Tatiana Stone looked at him with a smile, “What are you thinking, Vladimir and Amelie are only a few years old? It’s just a simple friendship between them. When they grow up, they might even ignore each other because they remember embarrassing things from when they were little.”

“Moreover, who will they like and want to marry when they grow up, how can such things be something we can think of?”

Listening to Tatiana Stone’s words, Kennedy fell into deep thought.

Tatiana Stone passed the fruits to the two children, she then looked at Vladimir and said, “Vladimir, Auntie is going to take Amelie with her to your house later to accompany your mom. Do you want to come back with me?”

“I’ll think about it.” The look on Vladimir’s face was serious and torn.

His brother at home was noisy and cried all day long, all the time, except when he slept. But if he didn’t go back, there was no way he could play with Amelie’s sister.

He hadn’t decided yet when Tatiana Stone was suddenly pulled over by Kennedy, “Honey, you’re going to stay with Sophie Sabastian, what about me?”

“Do you think it’s appropriate for you to take Amelie over there with you and leave me at home alone? I need your company too.”

Usually when he had a day off, Kennedy was dying to spend the day glued to Tatiana Stone, his desire to do that kind of thing was so strong that his day was just full of changing tricks and locations.

That’s why Amelie describes her dad as a dog, always licking her mom.

Tatiana Stone feels that her Kennedy, outside and especially at work, is a fierce wolf all the time, but in life, is a teddy dog.

Tatiana Stone saw Kennedy gooey and kiss her neck again and she reached out to push him away, “The kids are in.”

“What does being there matter, it’s just a kiss.”

Kennedy didn’t feel anything at all and scooped Tatiana Stone up by the waist and carried her back across the room.

“Let go of me, will you pay attention? Put me down first.” Tatiana Stone lowered her voice, which was filled with disgruntled anger.

What a lack of time, and I didn’t realize it would be a bad influence on the child’s education.

Kennedy had no intention of letting go of her and brought her back into the room, “Honey, we’re not done talking about what just happened. I think you were right earlier, our Amelie might like someone else in the future.”

He changed the topic to divert her attention so she could take her anger away.

“If the person our Amelie likes in the future, the person she wants to marry is someone else, and that person lives far away from our family, or moves abroad, then I can’t afford to let go. So, I think it’s better for us to recruit a son-in-law who is a member of the family.”

“Let’s just settle with Leonardo first, our two families are engaged, two sons of The Cooper family, he won’t mind Vladimir living with us for sure. And we all live together, it’s just a matter of walking a few steps if we have to live apart. So I think it’s still Vladimir who’s best suited to be my son-in-law.”

Tatiana Stone pushed him happily, “You go aside.”

“You let them get engaged, even if everyone in The Cooper family agrees, then it’s a wonder our Amelie won’t hold it against you if the two of them don’t love each other later.”

“It won’t.” Kennedy was certain.

He reached out and pulled Tatiana Stone into his arms again before continuing, “Look at Vladimir, he’s so in love with Amelie that he won’t let anyone else play with her. Didn’t you hear that Vladimir asked the teacher to stop the kids from playing house with Amelie?”

“According to this development, this kid will want to marry our Amelie in the future.”

“Our Amelie, in the area of emotional intelligence, is like you. She’s so confused that she doesn’t know how to like people. She and Vladimir also grew up together as childhood friends, cultivated their feelings, and will definitely be willing to marry Vladimir in the future.”

Such an analysis made sense to Tatiana Stone’s ears.

But to have two people who were not even ten years old combined, betrothed. Didn’t this kind of thing only happen in feudal societies?

After thinking for a moment, she still looked at Kennedy and said, “It’s better not to betroth them yet, if they want to be together, they will naturally be together when they grow up.”

“Look at you, you’re just slow about this aspect. When it comes to things like choosing a son-in-law and finding a husband, you have to get started before it’s too late, and you have to pick potential stocks. With a condition like our Amelie’s, if you look around, there aren’t many who can match. You don’t pick Vladimir first, in case another family’s daughter looks at Vladimir.”

“At that time, if our daughters can’t compete, what then?”This belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

Tatiana Stone didn’t think about it, she slapped the big pig’s hooves that were groping her and snapped, “Some day, enroll Amelie in a martial arts class. In the future, if she likes Vladimir, she can just knock him out and drag him home too.”

“Wife, I didn’t see it, you’re not slow to this kind of thing… I haven’t enjoyed this kind of treatment of knocking out and dragging home yet.”

Looking at Kennedy’s bitchy look, one that begged to be abused, Tatiana Stone suddenly wanted to fulfill him a little. “You lie back, I’ll knock you out, and you’re not allowed to fight back.”

“For real?”


Tatiana Stone thought Kennedy was hesitant and afraid of the pain, but instead she heard him say, “What are you going to do after you knock me out? What if I’m knocked out and I’m unconscious there and can’t fulfill what you want to do?”

Tatiana Stone: “…”

She’s messed up, petrified. Didn’t know what to say.

“That seems like more gain than loss. Still, no need to knock out, I’ll lie here. I can cooperate with you and pretend to be knocked out. And then whatever you want to do, feel free to do it. Honey, you mustn’t repress yourself, come on, ravish me as much as you want.”

Tatiana Stone: “…”

What a bitch of a husband, she watched as he lay on the bed and literally closed his eyes, looking like he was waiting for her to come over.

Tatiana Stone jumped right on him, with one of those bites.

“Ow ow ow! Ouch! Honey go easy on me.”

“I thought you said you’d let me do anything. You shut your mouth and keep acting dizzy.” Tatiana Stone finished her sentence and bit him again.

The next thing that kept coming from the room was Kennedy’s bitchy grunts for his wife to lighten up.

Both Vladimir and Amelie, who were outside, heard the yelling from inside, and it was getting louder and louder.

Amelie was sighing.

Vladimir asked in disbelief, “Is Aunt Tatiana beating Uncle Kennedy here? But why is Uncle Kennedy smiling and talking again?”

“I don’t know. They’re always like that. It seems like mommy and daddy are fond of playing a game of puppy kisses, and when the owner gets tired of it, he swats the puppy away, and the puppy comes back up and sticks to the owner all the time. They play this game and never get tired of it.”

Amelie talked to Vladimir as she continued the puzzle.

Vladimir nodded as if he understood, “I can understand, some adults just like to do strange things.”

“Brother Vladimir, why don’t you and Amelie play puppy kisses too. Mommy and Daddy love it, so it should be fun, right?” Amelie’s grape-sized eyes looked at Vladimir very seriously.

Vladimir frowned and said hesitantly, “But … kissing is not allowed.”

“Don’t you know? Boys and girls can’t just kiss around.” Vladimir asked again as he looked at Amelie’s puzzled eyes.

Amelie still doesn’t understand, “Why can’t you kiss? Is it not okay to kiss Vladimir’s brother?”

Vladimir thought about it and turned a serious face to Amelie, “Adults say that boys and girls kiss to get married.”

“Then Amelie and brother Vladimir get married.” Amelie smiled and narrowed her eyes and said, after a pause, she tilted her head again and looked at Vladimir curiously, “Brother Vladimir, what is marriage ah?”

“Marriage is when two people live together, just like your mom and dad, my mom and dad.”

Amelie nodded her head plausibly, “Then Amelie understands. Brother Vladimir can live in Amelie’s house from now on. There are rooms in Amelie’s house for brother Vladimir to sleep in. Brother Vladimir can accompany Amelie to play the puppy kissing game.”

Before Vladimir can say anything, Amelie pounces on him and licks Vladimir’s face.

Vladimir: “…”

Growing up, Amelie forgot that she had done such a humiliating thing, but Vladimir always remembered very clearly that his first kiss was licked away by Amelie.

Of course, this is all an afterthought.

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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