My Sweetheart

Chapter 285 Mrs Joseph, Do you Really Want Me to Marry Other People?

Chapter 285 Mrs Joseph, Do you Really Want Me to Marry Other People?

Inside, Kathy was reading a medical text, but was becoming quite drowsy, unable to stifle her yawns. Looking at the clock, she saw it was nearly one.

Just as she was getting ready to give Joseph a call, he returned. Seeing her sitting there on the sofa reading a book, he narrowed his eyes. “Waiting for me?”

“Yeah. I’m not tired yet anyway.” But the next moment, she couldn’t help yawning.

Joseph pursed his lips and dropped a kiss to the side of her mouth, saying lowly, “You’re a very devoted wife.”

“I really wasn’t waiting for you,” Kathy insisted, unwilling to let him see her true intentions. Exclusive content from NôvelDrama.Org.

But nothing escaped Joseph. Taking her by the chin, he looked her in the eyes and said, “You’d dare lie to me?”

“No, no. Go take a shower.” She nudged him toward the bathroom.

But Joseph only became more daring. Wrapping her up in his embrace, he murmured in her ear, “Shower with me, hmm?”

Kathy’s ears turned red. “I already showered.”

“Then help me…”

“Fuck off.”

“I saw Edith today.” This was two hours after Kathy had been bundled up and carried to bed.

“Yeah,” Joseph replied, “I saw her too, she was waiting for me at the company gates. It was late, so I took her home.”

“She really can’t forget you,” said Kathy somewhat bitterly.

“I will make her completely give up on me.”

Kathy turned her head to look at him, and asked hesitantly, “Why didn’t you marry her in the first place? She grew up with your family. Surely they’d have no trouble accepting her, and the two of you were already familiar.” If Joseph needed a wife, surely Edith was the perfect person.

Joseph narrowed his eyes dangerously. “My wife really wants me to marry someone else?”

Kathy had spent enough time with him to know she’d angered him. “I’m only thinking of you,” she soothed.

“What if I say you’re easier on the eyes?” he countered.

Kathy blinked at him. Easier on the eyes? She knew she didn’t qualify as very pretty, was only moderately good-looking at best. “Uh, am I meant to be happy?”

Joseph laughed, took her face in his hands, and kissed her deeply. It was passionate, and perfect. It should have been a dream, but it was real.

The next day, Kathy got up early to go to the lab. Bertie worked there too, and had suggested he take her there. Kathy furrowed her brow, and glanced at Joseph. She knew that his dropping her off would not be convenient for him. She waved a hand. “No, that’s all right, but thank you.”

Yet Bertie looked at Joseph, and did not back down.

Joseph motioned for Kathy get in the car, but she said, “It’s not on your way. I’ll hail a cab.”

“Get in.” He took her by the wrist and pulled her inside. She had no choice but comply.

“Joseph,” she said darkly, regarding the man beside her.

He said only, “I’m glad to go out of my way,” and there was not much she could say to that.

At the lab, she ran into Bertie as soon as she entered, and he mocked, “You made Joseph go out of his way just to avoid being in a car with me.”

“I don’t wish to get too familiar with you, Mr. Marshall,” she replied evenly.

He was used to it. “We have to see each other every day. I think you need to change your attitude.”

She ignored him, already focused on her research, but had to ask a colleague, “Where is Edith?”

“How should I know?”

Edith, having just returned, heard Kathy saying, “That hormone can cause cancer, I don’t recommend using it in this medicine,” and then she rushed over.

Furrowing her brow, she sat down, looked through the report, and said, “Though it can cause cancer, I used the lowest amount possible, so it won’t affect anything.”

“But in large-scale clinical trials, even this small amount led to side effects. Some countries have already banned this hormone.” That had only happened a month before, whereas they’d been developing this medication for a year. But it wasn’t on the market yet, so they could still adjust it.

Edith smiled coldly. “Oh? Then what do you suggest we replace it with?” To guarantee the medication’s effectiveness, this hormone was necessary.

“I don’t know yet,” Kathy allowed.

“What if you never know? Will our research and development just be on hold?” Edith countered. “Kathy, remember our orders. This medication needs to be on the market within the year.”

“I’ll find a hormone to replace it,” said Kathy, considering.

“Do you think I haven’t tried? Only this hormone can match the medicine’s alkali. Without it, the medication won’t be its most effective.”

“But the third-stage trials had issues, which may have something to do with this hormone.”

“We’ll, you’re responsible. You think about how we should proceed,” Edith shrugged, turning away.

“Actually,” said Kathy, blocking her way, “I’m hoping you can help me resolve this.” In this area, her professional abilities were not match for Edith’s. Research and development were her specialty.

“I don’t think there’s anything to resolve. What do you want me to do? Don’t you believe in your own abilities, Kathy? Finish the experiment yourself. I just finished up with company matters, this medication isn’t my priority,” said Edith coldly. She would participate, but only for the sake of her own company’s investment. If it was successful, it would open up Country B’s market.

“Don’t you want me to be involved in this research?” demanded Kathy. Edith’s hostility was evident.

“Of course,” said Edith, “I don’t.”

“You signed an agreement. This research and development must be seen to fruition. If not, you’ll have violated the contract.”

“Are you threatening me?” Edith asked, barely able to remain calm. She could not stand being threatened.

“If necessary. Please see this work through. There’s a problem with the third-stage trial, so please help me resolve it in your most professional manner.”

“Professor Wesley,” said Bertie. Kathy wasn’t sure when he’d appeared. “This research is urgent. Don’t waste any time. Kathy has experience in these matters, you must cooperate with her. I believe we can successfully get this drug on the market.”

Edith looked at him sourly. “I know.” Then she turned on her heel and returned to her own lab.

Kathy too kept working on her own projects. It was just last time, she’d been working with Joseph, and he’d taken the lead. This time, they’d hit a bottleneck.

After an afternoon of no progress whatsoever, she decided to go home early. Exiting the building, she saw Joseph’s car parked outside. Just then, her phone rang. She didn’t even answer it, just slid into the car.

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