No More Waiting, She Chooses Love

Chapter 424

Chapter 424

I had finally pieced together what he had been digging into.

This should have been a trio of good news knocking at my door, yet, for some odd reason, my eyelids twitched uneasily.

"What did you find?" My voice was taut with tension.

"The info you stumbled upon isn't the whole picture. There's a final conclusion missing, and I can't fathom why you didn't see it," Jefferson said, his tone laced with confusion.

I inhaled sharply, "So, did you uncover anything?"

"No. The officer who handled the car accident case passed away."

My heart skipped a beat, and a bitter taste filled my mouth, "When did he die?"

"A month after your dad's accident was closed."

My breath hitched, and I found myself at a loss for words until Jefferson called out my name, "Felicia..."

I cut him off, "Do you think the officer's death has something to do with the final verdict of my dad's accident?"

"I've had my suspicions. But the man died of a sudden heart attack. There's a hospital death certificate and everything," Jefferson's words left me speechless.

"I had someone look for his family, but they didn't have much to say," Jefferson added.

A chill ran down my spine, "So, there's nothing left to investigate, right?"

"It seems so, unless the officer left something behind. But his family doesn't know anything, and his death was so sudden," Jefferson's explanation made it clear - my dad's car accident case was a dead end.

"What about his colleagues or friends?" I was disappointed but still trying to grasp at straws.

Jefferson replied, "Looked into that too."

Hearing this, I closed my eyes. "It seems we're at a dead end unless the dead can speak."

"There might still be a way. I can try to speak with the officer's family or someone he was close to at work. Maybe there's still a chance," Jefferson was clearly trying to comfort me.

I reopened my eyes, gazing out at the pitch-black night, reminiscent of those evenings waiting for my parents to come home, "No need. If there was anything to be found or said it wouldn't have stayed hidden til now."

If someone wanted to bury the truth about my parents' accident, they'd have covered their tracks well.

Plus, it's been ten years, people have moved on, and nobody's looking to stir up any trouble.

"Felicia, let the past be the past. Don't trap yourself in it," Jefferson finally advised me.

Hearing this, I got the message. Though he had helped me, deep down, he didn't support my quest to uncover the truth about my parents' accident from a decade ago.

So, I didn't press further, merely responding, "I understand. Thanks for your effort, Jefferson."Content provided by NôvelDrama.Org.

"I'm sorry I couldn't find anything useful," Jefferson paused before changing the subject, "Felicia, I saw the trending news. Congratulations."

I wasn't sure if he was congratulating me on the theme park gift or the successful proposal, so I just said, "Thank you."

As someone called out to him on the other end, our conversation came to an end.

Left alone with my thoughts, I sent Jefferson one last message: [What was the name of the deceased officer?]

He quickly replied: [Richard.]

Staring at the name, I got lost in thought. Ernest came over after his shower. I put my phone aside, and he scooped me up onto his lap, "Tired? I'll give you a bath."

"Exhausted, but I don't feel like it," I nestled into his neck.

"I'll bathe you."

I shook my head, "Let's just sit for a moment."

"Something on your mind?" He always knew.

He had once mentioned he would look into his father's car accident, prompting me to ask, "Ernest, any updates on the investigation into the accident?"

He tightened his hold on me, "The official verdict was a brake failure, but the officer handling the case died of a sudden heart attack. I've talked to his family and some

to find."

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His words echoed Jefferson's, confirming he hadn't lied to me.

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